Student protests, May-December 1971
1971-05-08 Daily Iowan Photo: ""Discovered!""
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DI May 8, 1971 Discovered! Students gathered at the Pentacrest Thursday night recognized this man and one other as outsiders even though they were disguised. He ended up in a corner of Burger Chef, as he is shown here, with his wig stuffed into his hat and more than 100 students in the restaurant jeering at him, plus a large group of students watching from the outside. When a Daily Iowan reporter asked him for his name and if he were with a local law enforcement agency, the man replied, "No comment." To the question, "What did you hope to find out in that disguise? he replied, "We just thought we might find out what's planned."—Photo by Alex Johnson
DI May 8, 1971 Discovered! Students gathered at the Pentacrest Thursday night recognized this man and one other as outsiders even though they were disguised. He ended up in a corner of Burger Chef, as he is shown here, with his wig stuffed into his hat and more than 100 students in the restaurant jeering at him, plus a large group of students watching from the outside. When a Daily Iowan reporter asked him for his name and if he were with a local law enforcement agency, the man replied, "No comment." To the question, "What did you hope to find out in that disguise? he replied, "We just thought we might find out what's planned."—Photo by Alex Johnson
Campus Culture