Fantascience Digest, v. 3, issue 3, whole no. 15, November-December 1941
Page 7
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Page 7 of mild plagiarism or at least copying of plots. Persephone took a trip to the center of the earth long before Jules Verne explored the possibilities of such a journey. More recently: SARTOR RESARTUS mentions magic hats and vanishing cloaks. LOCKSLEY HALL predicts war in the air, and radio. THE ARABIAN NIGHTS are nothing but scientifiction tales -- stories of marvelous inventions and ingenuous creations: flying carpets, instantly flowering rose-bushes, magic cloaks, etc. (If this article meets with approval, I should like to someday write one citing instances of scientifiction in THE ARABIAN NIGHTS, closely paralleling works by present-day authors.) In conclusion, I admit whole-heartedly that my examples have been rather far-fetched and my discourse meandering, but I wish to point out that stories told by the ancients and odes sung by the poets, were fully as much scientifiction in those olden days, as some of the contemporary fairy stories represent scientifiction to us. And with literally thousands of such examples to choose from, a modern writer need never run out of scientifiction plots. Scientifiction is no respecter of languages -- it has long been written in all legends, all fables, and in all tongues -- including the Scandanavian. Q. E. D. ! A Tale of Then Richard Wilson I had no idea where I was. It was utterly alien place, with buildings shooting thousands of stories into the air, and low, rounded vehicles whizzing breakneckedly through the streets. I approached one of the hustling inhabitants. "I beg your pardon --" I began. "Never give to beggars," he said, frowning fiercely. "Find it encourages idleness," and rushed on. I walked up to a young lady who was looking into a store window, watching a youth industriously shoveling books into a furnace. The name on the store-front was "McClintock -- Microfilm". "Pardon me," I said, raising my hat. "Could you possibly ----"
Page 7 of mild plagiarism or at least copying of plots. Persephone took a trip to the center of the earth long before Jules Verne explored the possibilities of such a journey. More recently: SARTOR RESARTUS mentions magic hats and vanishing cloaks. LOCKSLEY HALL predicts war in the air, and radio. THE ARABIAN NIGHTS are nothing but scientifiction tales -- stories of marvelous inventions and ingenuous creations: flying carpets, instantly flowering rose-bushes, magic cloaks, etc. (If this article meets with approval, I should like to someday write one citing instances of scientifiction in THE ARABIAN NIGHTS, closely paralleling works by present-day authors.) In conclusion, I admit whole-heartedly that my examples have been rather far-fetched and my discourse meandering, but I wish to point out that stories told by the ancients and odes sung by the poets, were fully as much scientifiction in those olden days, as some of the contemporary fairy stories represent scientifiction to us. And with literally thousands of such examples to choose from, a modern writer need never run out of scientifiction plots. Scientifiction is no respecter of languages -- it has long been written in all legends, all fables, and in all tongues -- including the Scandanavian. Q. E. D. ! A Tale of Then Richard Wilson I had no idea where I was. It was utterly alien place, with buildings shooting thousands of stories into the air, and low, rounded vehicles whizzing breakneckedly through the streets. I approached one of the hustling inhabitants. "I beg your pardon --" I began. "Never give to beggars," he said, frowning fiercely. "Find it encourages idleness," and rushed on. I walked up to a young lady who was looking into a store window, watching a youth industriously shoveling books into a furnace. The name on the store-front was "McClintock -- Microfilm". "Pardon me," I said, raising my hat. "Could you possibly ----"
Hevelin Fanzines