Fantascience Digest, v. 3, issue 3, whole no. 15, November-December 1941
Page 15
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Page 15 are informed. And fans are invited to write in telling whether or not they liked "Crimes of the Year 2000". The tale in December FFM is only the first of a series. A recent letter from Dr. Smith gives us permission to impart the following. We'd written him asking about rumors to the effect that he might be writing a new Skylark story for Palmer. Rumors were further that Palmer had vowed that no alterations in the story would be made. Dr. Smith says: "As to the rumors as to Palmer publishing an unedited fourth Skylark story: they are not exactly baseless, but it is not going to happen, which paradoxical statement is explained as follows: - "The rumor undoubtedly originated with Korshak, who was with me in Palmer's office when Palmer made me the verbal offer, which was exactly that. I said that it would take a few months for me to decide whether a fourth Skylark story could be written. I decided finally that it could be done, and wrote him that if he would put it in writing I would go ahead with the story. He didn't answer for six weeks, then wrote, in part - - ' .... we never put anything in writing... I am afraid that we will have to forget a 'Skylark' story on any but strictly free-lance basis.' "Therefore you may spike these rumors as solidly as you please - there will be no 'Skylark' story in any Ziff-Davis mag." Our guess is that RAP wanted to make exactly such an arrangement with Dr. Smith, but was squelched by the powers above. The Futurian Society of New York celebrated its 3d birthday recently, and held an election for exec. members. Elected were Michel (Director), Lowndes (sec'y), Wollheim (Treas.), Chet Cohen (Editor), & Kornbluth (Member-at-large). The present ultra-simplified constitution was re-affirmed by an overwhelming majority of those present, and the matter of an official organ referred to the Exec. Committee. But the unofficial organ is not Pohl's Futurian Review: the FSNY turned thumbs down on that because the mag already has obligations and debts. The first issue of the FSNY official organ (after three years of existence, forsooth!) came out recently and was mailed to a small list of professionals and fan editors. The official editor regrets that, due to the weather, only a few good copies came out and promises better coverage next time. So if you did not get the first issue of FUTURIA, don't feel slighted. FUTURIA will be an exchange mag, for the most part. Fans who are already exchanging with "X" need not send another copy of each issue in exchange for the FSNY official organ -- for those who do not issue fan mags, or have no professional status, some other means of receiving copies will have to be worked out. The FSNY frankly does not want to get into obligations in regard to its fan mags, inasmuch as the majority feel that fan magazines should be published for fun and distributed free of charge. But if a lot of requests come in, the non-exchangees may have to pay postage. Oh yes, one reason why the FSNY isn't going in for heavy fan publications-stuff is that there are no official dues, and members who want to put out journals do so at their own expense. The Exec. Committee pays for its fun when it puts out FUTURIA. (As good a way of any of keeping the Exec. Committee in line -- you remember the old slogan: who puts out the official organ controls the club!) In regard to that, the members' attitude is: if anyone of us wants to be dictator, we'll
Page 15 are informed. And fans are invited to write in telling whether or not they liked "Crimes of the Year 2000". The tale in December FFM is only the first of a series. A recent letter from Dr. Smith gives us permission to impart the following. We'd written him asking about rumors to the effect that he might be writing a new Skylark story for Palmer. Rumors were further that Palmer had vowed that no alterations in the story would be made. Dr. Smith says: "As to the rumors as to Palmer publishing an unedited fourth Skylark story: they are not exactly baseless, but it is not going to happen, which paradoxical statement is explained as follows: - "The rumor undoubtedly originated with Korshak, who was with me in Palmer's office when Palmer made me the verbal offer, which was exactly that. I said that it would take a few months for me to decide whether a fourth Skylark story could be written. I decided finally that it could be done, and wrote him that if he would put it in writing I would go ahead with the story. He didn't answer for six weeks, then wrote, in part - - ' .... we never put anything in writing... I am afraid that we will have to forget a 'Skylark' story on any but strictly free-lance basis.' "Therefore you may spike these rumors as solidly as you please - there will be no 'Skylark' story in any Ziff-Davis mag." Our guess is that RAP wanted to make exactly such an arrangement with Dr. Smith, but was squelched by the powers above. The Futurian Society of New York celebrated its 3d birthday recently, and held an election for exec. members. Elected were Michel (Director), Lowndes (sec'y), Wollheim (Treas.), Chet Cohen (Editor), & Kornbluth (Member-at-large). The present ultra-simplified constitution was re-affirmed by an overwhelming majority of those present, and the matter of an official organ referred to the Exec. Committee. But the unofficial organ is not Pohl's Futurian Review: the FSNY turned thumbs down on that because the mag already has obligations and debts. The first issue of the FSNY official organ (after three years of existence, forsooth!) came out recently and was mailed to a small list of professionals and fan editors. The official editor regrets that, due to the weather, only a few good copies came out and promises better coverage next time. So if you did not get the first issue of FUTURIA, don't feel slighted. FUTURIA will be an exchange mag, for the most part. Fans who are already exchanging with "X" need not send another copy of each issue in exchange for the FSNY official organ -- for those who do not issue fan mags, or have no professional status, some other means of receiving copies will have to be worked out. The FSNY frankly does not want to get into obligations in regard to its fan mags, inasmuch as the majority feel that fan magazines should be published for fun and distributed free of charge. But if a lot of requests come in, the non-exchangees may have to pay postage. Oh yes, one reason why the FSNY isn't going in for heavy fan publications-stuff is that there are no official dues, and members who want to put out journals do so at their own expense. The Exec. Committee pays for its fun when it puts out FUTURIA. (As good a way of any of keeping the Exec. Committee in line -- you remember the old slogan: who puts out the official organ controls the club!) In regard to that, the members' attitude is: if anyone of us wants to be dictator, we'll
Hevelin Fanzines