Fantascience Digest, v. 3, issue 3, whole no. 15, November-December 1941
Page 17
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Page 17 Frolic Apace Edward Elmer Campbell ---- Part III - The Time Machine of Ishtar in Kom ---- This section of the odyssey of Seaton and Crane, of Dorothy and of Margaret, their fiancees -- this section is entitled THE TIME MACHINE OF ISHTAR IN KOM merely because at the end of Part II we stated firmly that Part III would be called THE TIME MACHINE OF ISHTAR IN KOM. Because we have a firm character or characters (and apparently a dual personality), we adhered to our avowed determination to call this THE stuff, etc., and called it THE and all the rest, as you will note. It is hardly probable that Seaton and Crane will be able to visit ancient Babylon in this chapter, because they're bound for another part of the solar system in a spaceship rather than in a time machine, but they may be able to kom back to KOM for a brief visit whenever FANTASCIENCE DIGEST next appears elsewhere except on the newsstands. If it ever does. The Madle fanzine had absolutely disappeared beyond the limbo of extinct mimeod bulletins and had been forgotten even by the editor months ago, yet suddenly here it is again. About a year late, to be sure, but indubitably here. Should the time continuum between issues continue to lengthen, it is probable that when we next pick up a number, we will be sporting long gray beards. And meanwhile, what of our heroes and heroines, stranded in the depths of space? Well, what about them? Who cares? It is time rather to worry about the unsung author of this thundering epic. He isn't EESmith, and he isn't John Campbell, Jr. He accepted the editor's suggestion that he very cleverly call himself Edward Elmer Campbell, Jr., a combination of the two, and fully anticipated that all fans everywhere would go into a frenzy of frenzied speculation as to just WHO he really was. So far there has not been a single coherent speculation. Nobody yet has asked "Who is he?" Many people have asked "What is it?" Apparently those who gave the matter any consideration whatever just decided that (1) Edward Elmer Campbell, Jr. was our name, or (2) knew better and just didn't give a happy hurrah. There's something worse than a women scorned. It's an author ignored. There's nothing worse. If you doubt it, just read this part of THE FROLIC APACE and you'll find out there's nothing worse. Nothing could be worse. We've tried everything, including a Boilermaker Spec-
Page 17 Frolic Apace Edward Elmer Campbell ---- Part III - The Time Machine of Ishtar in Kom ---- This section of the odyssey of Seaton and Crane, of Dorothy and of Margaret, their fiancees -- this section is entitled THE TIME MACHINE OF ISHTAR IN KOM merely because at the end of Part II we stated firmly that Part III would be called THE TIME MACHINE OF ISHTAR IN KOM. Because we have a firm character or characters (and apparently a dual personality), we adhered to our avowed determination to call this THE stuff, etc., and called it THE and all the rest, as you will note. It is hardly probable that Seaton and Crane will be able to visit ancient Babylon in this chapter, because they're bound for another part of the solar system in a spaceship rather than in a time machine, but they may be able to kom back to KOM for a brief visit whenever FANTASCIENCE DIGEST next appears elsewhere except on the newsstands. If it ever does. The Madle fanzine had absolutely disappeared beyond the limbo of extinct mimeod bulletins and had been forgotten even by the editor months ago, yet suddenly here it is again. About a year late, to be sure, but indubitably here. Should the time continuum between issues continue to lengthen, it is probable that when we next pick up a number, we will be sporting long gray beards. And meanwhile, what of our heroes and heroines, stranded in the depths of space? Well, what about them? Who cares? It is time rather to worry about the unsung author of this thundering epic. He isn't EESmith, and he isn't John Campbell, Jr. He accepted the editor's suggestion that he very cleverly call himself Edward Elmer Campbell, Jr., a combination of the two, and fully anticipated that all fans everywhere would go into a frenzy of frenzied speculation as to just WHO he really was. So far there has not been a single coherent speculation. Nobody yet has asked "Who is he?" Many people have asked "What is it?" Apparently those who gave the matter any consideration whatever just decided that (1) Edward Elmer Campbell, Jr. was our name, or (2) knew better and just didn't give a happy hurrah. There's something worse than a women scorned. It's an author ignored. There's nothing worse. If you doubt it, just read this part of THE FROLIC APACE and you'll find out there's nothing worse. Nothing could be worse. We've tried everything, including a Boilermaker Spec-
Hevelin Fanzines