Ad Astra, v. 1, issue 5, January 1940
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AdAstra JANUARY, :1940 Volume 1; Number 5 10 cents per copy CONTENTS PAGE [[underline]]EDITOR-IN-CHIEF[[end underline]] Mark Reinsberg [[underline]]EDITOR[[end underline]] Richard I. Meyer [[underline]]ART[[end underline]] Julian S. Krupa[?] [[underline]]ASSOCIATE[[end underline]] Erle Korshak [[illegible text]] Leslie A. Croutch COVER ILLUSTRATION.....Julian S. Krupa.....cover EDITORIALLY.....The Editor.....2 GUEST EDITORIAL.....John W. Campbell, Jr.....3 THAT MOMENT OF HORROR.....Henry Kuttner.....5 BIOGRAPHICALLY SPEAKING.....Gerald W. Meader.....7 BOOK REVIEW.....Erle Korshak.....9 FANTASIES THAT BECAME FACT.....J. Harvey Haggard.....10 FARWEST FACTS....."Farwest" Jack Erman.....11 WHAT FAN MAGAZINES?.....Robert W. Lowndes.....16 HEART AND HACK.....Harry Warner, Jr.....17 OPEN LETTER TO H.G. WELLS.....Joseph Gilbert.....19 AD LIB.....The Readers.....21 RESUME OF ASTOUNDING.....Richard i. Meyer.....22 ADVERTISEMENTS..........23 & 24 SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT TO THIS ISSUE: INTRODUCING "MID-WEST Fan News" #1 AD ASTRA, 3156 Cambridge Ave., Chicago, Illinois, is an amateur publication for the Science Fiction Fan. Published bimonthly. Subscription rates: 10c per issue; 25c for three issues; life subscription$5. For advertising rates, see page 25. The opinions expressed int his magazine are solely those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of the staff, nor of AD ASTRA....AA invites literary contributions, articles of general interest to science fiction fandom...unique, startling, expositive...essay-type material of opinonative nature, of lasting interest. Controversial articles are not barred, but they must not contain any personal slander, and must not overstep the bounds of literary decency. Your comments, suggestions, and criticisms are solicited. The next [[?j]] of AD ASTRA will appear approximately February 20th. The Editor
AdAstra JANUARY, :1940 Volume 1; Number 5 10 cents per copy CONTENTS PAGE [[underline]]EDITOR-IN-CHIEF[[end underline]] Mark Reinsberg [[underline]]EDITOR[[end underline]] Richard I. Meyer [[underline]]ART[[end underline]] Julian S. Krupa[?] [[underline]]ASSOCIATE[[end underline]] Erle Korshak [[illegible text]] Leslie A. Croutch COVER ILLUSTRATION.....Julian S. Krupa.....cover EDITORIALLY.....The Editor.....2 GUEST EDITORIAL.....John W. Campbell, Jr.....3 THAT MOMENT OF HORROR.....Henry Kuttner.....5 BIOGRAPHICALLY SPEAKING.....Gerald W. Meader.....7 BOOK REVIEW.....Erle Korshak.....9 FANTASIES THAT BECAME FACT.....J. Harvey Haggard.....10 FARWEST FACTS....."Farwest" Jack Erman.....11 WHAT FAN MAGAZINES?.....Robert W. Lowndes.....16 HEART AND HACK.....Harry Warner, Jr.....17 OPEN LETTER TO H.G. WELLS.....Joseph Gilbert.....19 AD LIB.....The Readers.....21 RESUME OF ASTOUNDING.....Richard i. Meyer.....22 ADVERTISEMENTS..........23 & 24 SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT TO THIS ISSUE: INTRODUCING "MID-WEST Fan News" #1 AD ASTRA, 3156 Cambridge Ave., Chicago, Illinois, is an amateur publication for the Science Fiction Fan. Published bimonthly. Subscription rates: 10c per issue; 25c for three issues; life subscription$5. For advertising rates, see page 25. The opinions expressed int his magazine are solely those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of the staff, nor of AD ASTRA....AA invites literary contributions, articles of general interest to science fiction fandom...unique, startling, expositive...essay-type material of opinonative nature, of lasting interest. Controversial articles are not barred, but they must not contain any personal slander, and must not overstep the bounds of literary decency. Your comments, suggestions, and criticisms are solicited. The next [[?j]] of AD ASTRA will appear approximately February 20th. The Editor
Hevelin Fanzines