Ad Astra, v. 1, issue 5, January 1940
Page 11
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AD ASTRA Page 11 [[underline]]FARWEST FACTS by "Farwest" Jack Erman[[end underline]] "..& the last--shall b first!" --from an old Ceben proverb by Confuse-us. I always think its kinda class to start off a column with a quotation, donchu? In this case,I mean the last LASFL meeting of last month shall b the first reported upon. Twas on the 5th Thursday of November---how well we remember---& all thru the land there was turkey on hand! & the imagi natives of LA did indeed have something to b thankful for that holiday, for our mems were invited to the home of Secy Yerka for a real oldfashiond Thanksgiving Turkey dinner Delux (with all th' thrimmin's),hospit[[?]] prepared & served by Bruce's Mother & Grandmother. Have Hodgkins, Pogo,Bradbury, Paul Freehaver, 4e, Morojo, Yerke,Daugherty & other stfans together in one gathering & U'r bound to have a greatime! MERRITT PRESENT!! (Hm, I guess [[underline]]that[[end underline]] knockt your eyes out, I guess, I guess. & since U'r blind, now, I can safely reveal, without pricking our prestige, that our merritt was ML Jr, stfan who's a student a Caltech, Pasadena.) We lookt over our library again (recently removed from Bradbury's to Yerke's), & at our host's own collection. (Just noticed I've written 3 'ours' in succession--my, how time flys!) Feature of the evening was an auction of recent issues contributed by new-mem Schrader. First 5c on each mag to go to Bill, all monies above a nickel to our Club Treasury. Just to show U how crazy Californians can get, 23c was bid on the last month's Astounding & the purchaser then proceeded to give it away! Paul Freehafer[?], having a famous Fantastic Mysterys he had read & wich was not due on the stands for another wk yet, got into the spirit of the thing & auctioned it off (the mag, my frend, not the spirit of the thing) for 17c! Bradburying buying. I see by refering to my report in AA #4 that I had got asfaras Sep. 11. Backward, O backward Time in thy flyt! I had every intention, thattime, of chronicling the hapnings of our Leag meetings & other events wk by wk so that nothing would b omitted & it would not b too much work,the final article requiring only the assembling of the assorted paragrafs. But now I find 12 wks to b recalld, & I am apalld, for 3 a lifetime in LA activitys. To refresh my memory I acknowledge indebtedness to the Minutes of our Secy, Bruce Yerke; he has lent me the Record Bk. In fact, the following could b considered a colaboration, as I have permission to quote where convenient. At our meeting of 14 Sep we had 5 guests from Glendale. These included Roy A Squires 2d & Perry L. Lewis. "When the Secretary walked in he found the room in the subdued lite of the wall lamps, whose effect was quite pleasing on all but the eyes. At the time of his entrance, a discussion about [[underline]]Esperanto[[end underline]] was in swing, with one of the Glendale boys asking [[underline]]Fojak[[end underline]] why one should learn Esperanto, because the ones that didn't know it couldn't understand you even then. He was pointing out that by learning Esperanto, you could only talk to [[underline]]12,000,000[[end underline]] people,while if you learned [[underline]]French[[end underline]] you can converse with 75,000,000 people. It turned out, however, that he had never tried to learn French. Another one of the faults found with Esperanto was that if a [[underline]]Frenchman[[end underline]], a [[underline]]Dutchman[[end underline]] & an [[underline]]Englishman[[end underline]] got together, they couldn't recite the poetry of their own countries in Esperanto. There-
AD ASTRA Page 11 [[underline]]FARWEST FACTS by "Farwest" Jack Erman[[end underline]] "..& the last--shall b first!" --from an old Ceben proverb by Confuse-us. I always think its kinda class to start off a column with a quotation, donchu? In this case,I mean the last LASFL meeting of last month shall b the first reported upon. Twas on the 5th Thursday of November---how well we remember---& all thru the land there was turkey on hand! & the imagi natives of LA did indeed have something to b thankful for that holiday, for our mems were invited to the home of Secy Yerka for a real oldfashiond Thanksgiving Turkey dinner Delux (with all th' thrimmin's),hospit[[?]] prepared & served by Bruce's Mother & Grandmother. Have Hodgkins, Pogo,Bradbury, Paul Freehaver, 4e, Morojo, Yerke,Daugherty & other stfans together in one gathering & U'r bound to have a greatime! MERRITT PRESENT!! (Hm, I guess [[underline]]that[[end underline]] knockt your eyes out, I guess, I guess. & since U'r blind, now, I can safely reveal, without pricking our prestige, that our merritt was ML Jr, stfan who's a student a Caltech, Pasadena.) We lookt over our library again (recently removed from Bradbury's to Yerke's), & at our host's own collection. (Just noticed I've written 3 'ours' in succession--my, how time flys!) Feature of the evening was an auction of recent issues contributed by new-mem Schrader. First 5c on each mag to go to Bill, all monies above a nickel to our Club Treasury. Just to show U how crazy Californians can get, 23c was bid on the last month's Astounding & the purchaser then proceeded to give it away! Paul Freehafer[?], having a famous Fantastic Mysterys he had read & wich was not due on the stands for another wk yet, got into the spirit of the thing & auctioned it off (the mag, my frend, not the spirit of the thing) for 17c! Bradburying buying. I see by refering to my report in AA #4 that I had got asfaras Sep. 11. Backward, O backward Time in thy flyt! I had every intention, thattime, of chronicling the hapnings of our Leag meetings & other events wk by wk so that nothing would b omitted & it would not b too much work,the final article requiring only the assembling of the assorted paragrafs. But now I find 12 wks to b recalld, & I am apalld, for 3 a lifetime in LA activitys. To refresh my memory I acknowledge indebtedness to the Minutes of our Secy, Bruce Yerke; he has lent me the Record Bk. In fact, the following could b considered a colaboration, as I have permission to quote where convenient. At our meeting of 14 Sep we had 5 guests from Glendale. These included Roy A Squires 2d & Perry L. Lewis. "When the Secretary walked in he found the room in the subdued lite of the wall lamps, whose effect was quite pleasing on all but the eyes. At the time of his entrance, a discussion about [[underline]]Esperanto[[end underline]] was in swing, with one of the Glendale boys asking [[underline]]Fojak[[end underline]] why one should learn Esperanto, because the ones that didn't know it couldn't understand you even then. He was pointing out that by learning Esperanto, you could only talk to [[underline]]12,000,000[[end underline]] people,while if you learned [[underline]]French[[end underline]] you can converse with 75,000,000 people. It turned out, however, that he had never tried to learn French. Another one of the faults found with Esperanto was that if a [[underline]]Frenchman[[end underline]], a [[underline]]Dutchman[[end underline]] & an [[underline]]Englishman[[end underline]] got together, they couldn't recite the poetry of their own countries in Esperanto. There-
Hevelin Fanzines