Ad Astra, v. 1, issue 5, January 1940
Page 13
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AD ASTRA Page 13 et & when they get out they think they are on the moon. When they are attakted by some horrible monsters they fight their way out, only to find they were only shot over the ridge into a [[underine]]Crash Gordon[[end underline]] movie set up. This," concludes our comic secy, "made the members set up." 12 Oct: Paul Freehafer provided entertainment with the 3 records from THINGS TO COME suite. "These were pounced upon by the Secretary who set them going & refused to budge during the rest of the evening,while he listened entranced to the overpowering tempo of [[underline]]The March of Science[[end underline]] & to the stirring and panjandrial picture of the [[underline]]Epilogue[[end underline]]. [[underline]]War, Desolation, Attack, [[end underine]] & the [[underline]] Brats' Ballad[[end underline]] were also played. --- Unfortunately, Director [[underline]]Hodgkins[[end underline]] seemed not to appreciate the masterpieces of melody, & set glumly smoking some [[underline]]Dromedaries[[end underline]], with his hands over his ears." 19 Oct: "For the first time in an unbroken career of punctual reporting of the horrible [[underline]]minutes[[end underline]] of this organization, the [[underline]]Secretary[[end underline]] had to say: '[[underline]]There will be no minutes tonite[[end underline]].' The words fell like a cloak of doom over those in attendance. Such a stunning shock. A stinging concussion that left the members cold with horror. [[underline]]No minutes[[end underline]]. [[underline]]No meeting[[end underline]]. What was the use? Why even have a meeting? Why not all go home & think about the war situation? --- But no! [[underline]]WAIT[[end underline]]! Like the sight of a water hole to the starving dessert travler, like the first faint part of the rim of the sun betokening the day to a marooned Selenian pioneer, there shines forth the lite of hope. [[underline]]A play[[end underline]]! [[underline]]The Horrible Invasion[[end underline]]. Seventeen pages of masterful fantasy. Perhaps this might offset some of the benumbing shock. It will! For [[underline]]Bradbury will be in the play[[end underline]]!!!" To make a short story long, this play was a sort of farcial take-off on "The Legion of Time",the plot being that a group of persons who werent were trying to conquer the earth so they could b. "Members held their minds close," reports Yerke,"as they listened to the play, which was executed by [[underline]]Ackerman[[end underline]], [[underline]]Bradbury & Yerke[[end underline]]. [[underline]]Bradbury[[end underline]] did his part in executing it." Another entertainment feature of the eve was a contest with original illustrations by Krupa,Binder & Orban[?] as prizes. A sonodisk provided by Joe Kucera,frend of 4e in Omaha, was playd; containing dialog from 5 unidentifyd fantasy films. Morojo got all ryt & pikt the illustration from "World Reborn" as her reward. Bradbury was in 2d place & took "When the Half-Gods Go", leaving a panel-pic from an early New Amazing for Franklyn Brady. Here's how the ansrs of author RAHeinlein stackt up against the actual titles: "The Great Train Robbery" ("Old Dark House"), "Perils of Pauline" ("Hi Treason), "Ectasy" (The Mummy"), "Snow White & the Dwarfs" ("Murders in the Rue Morgue") & "Grapes of Wrath" ("The Invisible Man"). Kwwite a kidder! He was awarded the booby prize, an original Bradbury... Oct: When "Life-Line" Heinlein & his wife Leslyn walkt in,they carryd with them xtra editions of the [[underline]]Hollywood Gazette[[end underline]], ink still wet, wich Pogo was first to notice for one had headlines: POGO,YERKE, MOROJO ARRESTED IN CULT RAID! while the other's banner blazond: MARS-MOON ROCKET LANDS L.A., 4SJ FETED. These caused no end of excitement during the corse of the evening as one member after another woud enter the sacred portals & eventually notice the newsheets. Ansr was, they were "faked up"; a fad current in LA for a couple wks. Additional commotion was caused when bradbury dond a realistic mask made by Harryhausen. 4iac admits to being actualy frytend for the moment when Ray tapt him on the shoulder & he (4e) turnd to see this terrible toothy one-eyed friend confronting him. His reaction was instantaneous as he leapt from
AD ASTRA Page 13 et & when they get out they think they are on the moon. When they are attakted by some horrible monsters they fight their way out, only to find they were only shot over the ridge into a [[underine]]Crash Gordon[[end underline]] movie set up. This," concludes our comic secy, "made the members set up." 12 Oct: Paul Freehafer provided entertainment with the 3 records from THINGS TO COME suite. "These were pounced upon by the Secretary who set them going & refused to budge during the rest of the evening,while he listened entranced to the overpowering tempo of [[underline]]The March of Science[[end underline]] & to the stirring and panjandrial picture of the [[underline]]Epilogue[[end underline]]. [[underline]]War, Desolation, Attack, [[end underine]] & the [[underline]] Brats' Ballad[[end underline]] were also played. --- Unfortunately, Director [[underline]]Hodgkins[[end underline]] seemed not to appreciate the masterpieces of melody, & set glumly smoking some [[underline]]Dromedaries[[end underline]], with his hands over his ears." 19 Oct: "For the first time in an unbroken career of punctual reporting of the horrible [[underline]]minutes[[end underline]] of this organization, the [[underline]]Secretary[[end underline]] had to say: '[[underline]]There will be no minutes tonite[[end underline]].' The words fell like a cloak of doom over those in attendance. Such a stunning shock. A stinging concussion that left the members cold with horror. [[underline]]No minutes[[end underline]]. [[underline]]No meeting[[end underline]]. What was the use? Why even have a meeting? Why not all go home & think about the war situation? --- But no! [[underline]]WAIT[[end underline]]! Like the sight of a water hole to the starving dessert travler, like the first faint part of the rim of the sun betokening the day to a marooned Selenian pioneer, there shines forth the lite of hope. [[underline]]A play[[end underline]]! [[underline]]The Horrible Invasion[[end underline]]. Seventeen pages of masterful fantasy. Perhaps this might offset some of the benumbing shock. It will! For [[underline]]Bradbury will be in the play[[end underline]]!!!" To make a short story long, this play was a sort of farcial take-off on "The Legion of Time",the plot being that a group of persons who werent were trying to conquer the earth so they could b. "Members held their minds close," reports Yerke,"as they listened to the play, which was executed by [[underline]]Ackerman[[end underline]], [[underline]]Bradbury & Yerke[[end underline]]. [[underline]]Bradbury[[end underline]] did his part in executing it." Another entertainment feature of the eve was a contest with original illustrations by Krupa,Binder & Orban[?] as prizes. A sonodisk provided by Joe Kucera,frend of 4e in Omaha, was playd; containing dialog from 5 unidentifyd fantasy films. Morojo got all ryt & pikt the illustration from "World Reborn" as her reward. Bradbury was in 2d place & took "When the Half-Gods Go", leaving a panel-pic from an early New Amazing for Franklyn Brady. Here's how the ansrs of author RAHeinlein stackt up against the actual titles: "The Great Train Robbery" ("Old Dark House"), "Perils of Pauline" ("Hi Treason), "Ectasy" (The Mummy"), "Snow White & the Dwarfs" ("Murders in the Rue Morgue") & "Grapes of Wrath" ("The Invisible Man"). Kwwite a kidder! He was awarded the booby prize, an original Bradbury... Oct: When "Life-Line" Heinlein & his wife Leslyn walkt in,they carryd with them xtra editions of the [[underline]]Hollywood Gazette[[end underline]], ink still wet, wich Pogo was first to notice for one had headlines: POGO,YERKE, MOROJO ARRESTED IN CULT RAID! while the other's banner blazond: MARS-MOON ROCKET LANDS L.A., 4SJ FETED. These caused no end of excitement during the corse of the evening as one member after another woud enter the sacred portals & eventually notice the newsheets. Ansr was, they were "faked up"; a fad current in LA for a couple wks. Additional commotion was caused when bradbury dond a realistic mask made by Harryhausen. 4iac admits to being actualy frytend for the moment when Ray tapt him on the shoulder & he (4e) turnd to see this terrible toothy one-eyed friend confronting him. His reaction was instantaneous as he leapt from
Hevelin Fanzines