Ad Astra, v. 1, issue 5, January 1940
Page 14
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Page 14 AD ASTRA his chair oathing "Omigod!" Ackerman, obviously effected, for he forgot his characteristic "Sacred Science!", exclamation for stfans, reverting to the ingraind orthodox epithet. (Chicago's farfamed "Trudy" took one look at a snapshot of bradbury in the false face & promptly dubd the Douglas "Ickypuss"!) 9 Nov: "Upon entering the [[underline]]Litttle Brown Room[[end underline]], it appeared to be a continuation of the work left last [[underline]]Sunday[[end underline]]--- the 5th,for the tables were piled high with copies of [[underline]]Futuria Fantasia & Polaris[[end underline]] in the process of being bound & addressed. [[underline]]Editor Freehafer[[end underline]] of [[underline]]Polaris[[end underline]] had enlisted the aid of member [[underline]]Bill Crawford[[end underline]]." Aye, the editor-publisher of Marvel Tables (Everett editions) & Usual Stories now has advanced to asst. stapler of [[underline]]Polaris[[end underline]], mimeomag! (This is not to cast w.-k. asp-etc-s on Freehafer's fanmag, which is acknowleged by one & all to b the finest pub for the weirdist since The Fantasy Fan bit the dreamdust.) "On another table [[underline]]Bradbury, Editor of Futile Fanout[[end underline]], was busy addressing copies of his really good magazine ([[underline]]as far as editor Bradbury is concerned[[end underline]]) (Bruce is on'y kiddin'. Try Brad's mag & U will say "You can't keep a good fan down!" or, the same thing, "I can't stomach him!" In case U read this: just jokin' ,Ray; I still ryt for U, don't I?) to the thousands of subscribers." A surprise Guest of Honor was brot about 9 o'cl by LTHansen in the person of [[underline]]Jerarad Hennie[[end underline]], Professor of Geology at the University of Amsterdam, & one of the 6 famous Dutch geologists. Prof. Hennie discust lost continents & continental drifts, the exhaustion of the oil supply,aspects of evolution, etc. 16 Nov: Guests present were Harold Taves, Pogo's bro Jogo, & Wm Schillings of San Francisco. "[[underline]]Forrest J Ackerman[[end underline]] announced he had sent out a number of air-mail letters to prominent scientifictionists involved or standing by in the present most bitter & blind of all scientifiction squabbles, asking them their opinions on the LASFL statement appearing in the [[underline]]Vox Imaginius[[end underline]]. A copy of the form sent out & one reply from [[underline]]Robt A Madle[[end underline]] was read. Having finished,[[underline]]Ackerman[[end underline]] made a mad dash to the P.O. in quest of finding more such returns. Returning shortly in record time, he reported there was [[underline]]no soap[[end underline]], or letters either. Feelers sent out among the members showed sentiment was against any apology of any nature, & the matter was shelved until the next meeting." The results of our next meeting r now history, 150 of our "To Whom It May Concern" forms having been mimeod & major portion distributed thruout fandom. Any interested party not yet having rcvd copy & wishing one will b promptly maild same without charge;simply addres request to LASFL, Bx 6475 Met Sta, LA. Conscious that too muc has been omitted from this resume, & more put poorly, I beg your indulgence, for my time is a tailor: it presses. VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION (#4, now on sale). A partial list of the contributors to our current issue will convince U that here is a mag not to be missed! Tucker, Warner, Lowndes, Wilson, Reinsberg, Litz, Sullivan, Speer, Hemken, Hasse, Korshak, Wolheim, Swisher, Beck,Carnell, Dewey, Miske! It's amazing the "forum of fandom"! Coedited by that diverting duo, 4SJ & Morojo! Only 10c from Bx 6475 Met Sta, LA.*
Page 14 AD ASTRA his chair oathing "Omigod!" Ackerman, obviously effected, for he forgot his characteristic "Sacred Science!", exclamation for stfans, reverting to the ingraind orthodox epithet. (Chicago's farfamed "Trudy" took one look at a snapshot of bradbury in the false face & promptly dubd the Douglas "Ickypuss"!) 9 Nov: "Upon entering the [[underline]]Litttle Brown Room[[end underline]], it appeared to be a continuation of the work left last [[underline]]Sunday[[end underline]]--- the 5th,for the tables were piled high with copies of [[underline]]Futuria Fantasia & Polaris[[end underline]] in the process of being bound & addressed. [[underline]]Editor Freehafer[[end underline]] of [[underline]]Polaris[[end underline]] had enlisted the aid of member [[underline]]Bill Crawford[[end underline]]." Aye, the editor-publisher of Marvel Tables (Everett editions) & Usual Stories now has advanced to asst. stapler of [[underline]]Polaris[[end underline]], mimeomag! (This is not to cast w.-k. asp-etc-s on Freehafer's fanmag, which is acknowleged by one & all to b the finest pub for the weirdist since The Fantasy Fan bit the dreamdust.) "On another table [[underline]]Bradbury, Editor of Futile Fanout[[end underline]], was busy addressing copies of his really good magazine ([[underline]]as far as editor Bradbury is concerned[[end underline]]) (Bruce is on'y kiddin'. Try Brad's mag & U will say "You can't keep a good fan down!" or, the same thing, "I can't stomach him!" In case U read this: just jokin' ,Ray; I still ryt for U, don't I?) to the thousands of subscribers." A surprise Guest of Honor was brot about 9 o'cl by LTHansen in the person of [[underline]]Jerarad Hennie[[end underline]], Professor of Geology at the University of Amsterdam, & one of the 6 famous Dutch geologists. Prof. Hennie discust lost continents & continental drifts, the exhaustion of the oil supply,aspects of evolution, etc. 16 Nov: Guests present were Harold Taves, Pogo's bro Jogo, & Wm Schillings of San Francisco. "[[underline]]Forrest J Ackerman[[end underline]] announced he had sent out a number of air-mail letters to prominent scientifictionists involved or standing by in the present most bitter & blind of all scientifiction squabbles, asking them their opinions on the LASFL statement appearing in the [[underline]]Vox Imaginius[[end underline]]. A copy of the form sent out & one reply from [[underline]]Robt A Madle[[end underline]] was read. Having finished,[[underline]]Ackerman[[end underline]] made a mad dash to the P.O. in quest of finding more such returns. Returning shortly in record time, he reported there was [[underline]]no soap[[end underline]], or letters either. Feelers sent out among the members showed sentiment was against any apology of any nature, & the matter was shelved until the next meeting." The results of our next meeting r now history, 150 of our "To Whom It May Concern" forms having been mimeod & major portion distributed thruout fandom. Any interested party not yet having rcvd copy & wishing one will b promptly maild same without charge;simply addres request to LASFL, Bx 6475 Met Sta, LA. Conscious that too muc has been omitted from this resume, & more put poorly, I beg your indulgence, for my time is a tailor: it presses. VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION (#4, now on sale). A partial list of the contributors to our current issue will convince U that here is a mag not to be missed! Tucker, Warner, Lowndes, Wilson, Reinsberg, Litz, Sullivan, Speer, Hemken, Hasse, Korshak, Wolheim, Swisher, Beck,Carnell, Dewey, Miske! It's amazing the "forum of fandom"! Coedited by that diverting duo, 4SJ & Morojo! Only 10c from Bx 6475 Met Sta, LA.*
Hevelin Fanzines