Ad Astra, v. 1, issue 5, January 1940
Page 21
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AD ASTRA Page 21 "AD LIB" (What our READERS say) [[underline]]Coming up with a letter from JOHN W. CAMPBELL, Jr. editor of ASTOUNDING and UNKNOWN: "Strangely, I enjoyed immensely E.E. Smit's article on editing. Maybe I'm human, or something. But, at the same time I had the unpleasant feeling of: "that's all right now, but just wait--" hanging over me. Because, while Smith had seen only the first part, I knew what we'd had to do with some of the others. You see, type not being elastic,sometimes, to make pages fill, or to get it all in, we have to cut or stretch a bit----which makes some lines of editing. Some stories have to be cut up as much as 30 lines of type, even 50 lines, simply because there isn't an extra page for the yarn. We try to do the editing as painlessly as possibly, naturally. Also, sometimes the editor sees a different story in the author's yarn and, by changing a few lines, shifts the whole emphasis of the yarn. That can, of course, improve or ruin a yarn, depending on the viewpoint. But sometimes that's necessary, as when the author's original set-up would have fearfully offended some group. Lots of lovely ideas in Heinleins's coming "If This Goes On----" have been ruthlessly heartrendingly, torn out. Lord knows, he's got plenty left, but it did hurt to have to take out the rest. But----if we didn't, they'd have been apt to take out the magazine that printed it." [[underline]]Rarely heard from MOROJO,west-coast live-spark of feminine fandom writes[[end underline]]: "Since I'm one of those AWFUL FUTURIANS it myt behoove U not to publish anything,even a letter, by me til after the coming Convention. (([[underline]]Woman, what strange thots enter into thy head! Mr.[[end undelrine]])) However--- I'd like to say a few things about AD ASTRA privately because I think U're certainly keeping your promise to give us better & better material. This issue, Nov. '39, is most interesting. To be able to publish articles by [[underline]]EESmith & JWCampbell Jr[[end undelrine]] is certainly an accomplishment. Ee's[[?]] "Arrival" is even more entertaining than his "Re-berth", which I liked very much. (I watcht him write the latter, holdinghis typortable on his lap, on the train on our way back to LA from the Nycon.) Ofcorse, I'm partial to Forry for 2 definite reasons: His peculiar "styl" of writing intrigues me, & I like to read about the things I do see & the way he tells about them. "It is so much more interesting reading articles by Bob Madle, J "rv" Haggard & other of your contributors, since having met them in person at the "W"SFC. I have every intention of renewing those acquaintances at the Chicon, aswelas looking forward to meeting for the firstime Bob Tucker, Harry Warner, Wally Marconette & others in your "naborhood"---&....the [[underline]]Gray Lensman[[end underline]]' GREAT PENSMAN! Krupa's illustration swell. (There is another young man I enjoyd meeting.) Farwest Facts always firstclass, don't U think? Wolheim's article on Sex in Science Fiction good; that is to say ,I was very much pleased with its purpose. Ad Lib, essential." [[underline]]From another non-s-f-fan reader of AA, MELBOURNE L. LEAVITT (for the benefit of you dubtious LAers thereabouts, he lives at 615 S. Manhattan Place)[[end underline]]: "I am enclosing 25 cents, and would appreciate your entering my subscription to AA for the next three issues. I believe the magazine grows more interesting with each issue, and you have my heartiest congratulations on its deserved success."
AD ASTRA Page 21 "AD LIB" (What our READERS say) [[underline]]Coming up with a letter from JOHN W. CAMPBELL, Jr. editor of ASTOUNDING and UNKNOWN: "Strangely, I enjoyed immensely E.E. Smit's article on editing. Maybe I'm human, or something. But, at the same time I had the unpleasant feeling of: "that's all right now, but just wait--" hanging over me. Because, while Smith had seen only the first part, I knew what we'd had to do with some of the others. You see, type not being elastic,sometimes, to make pages fill, or to get it all in, we have to cut or stretch a bit----which makes some lines of editing. Some stories have to be cut up as much as 30 lines of type, even 50 lines, simply because there isn't an extra page for the yarn. We try to do the editing as painlessly as possibly, naturally. Also, sometimes the editor sees a different story in the author's yarn and, by changing a few lines, shifts the whole emphasis of the yarn. That can, of course, improve or ruin a yarn, depending on the viewpoint. But sometimes that's necessary, as when the author's original set-up would have fearfully offended some group. Lots of lovely ideas in Heinleins's coming "If This Goes On----" have been ruthlessly heartrendingly, torn out. Lord knows, he's got plenty left, but it did hurt to have to take out the rest. But----if we didn't, they'd have been apt to take out the magazine that printed it." [[underline]]Rarely heard from MOROJO,west-coast live-spark of feminine fandom writes[[end underline]]: "Since I'm one of those AWFUL FUTURIANS it myt behoove U not to publish anything,even a letter, by me til after the coming Convention. (([[underline]]Woman, what strange thots enter into thy head! Mr.[[end undelrine]])) However--- I'd like to say a few things about AD ASTRA privately because I think U're certainly keeping your promise to give us better & better material. This issue, Nov. '39, is most interesting. To be able to publish articles by [[underline]]EESmith & JWCampbell Jr[[end undelrine]] is certainly an accomplishment. Ee's[[?]] "Arrival" is even more entertaining than his "Re-berth", which I liked very much. (I watcht him write the latter, holdinghis typortable on his lap, on the train on our way back to LA from the Nycon.) Ofcorse, I'm partial to Forry for 2 definite reasons: His peculiar "styl" of writing intrigues me, & I like to read about the things I do see & the way he tells about them. "It is so much more interesting reading articles by Bob Madle, J "rv" Haggard & other of your contributors, since having met them in person at the "W"SFC. I have every intention of renewing those acquaintances at the Chicon, aswelas looking forward to meeting for the firstime Bob Tucker, Harry Warner, Wally Marconette & others in your "naborhood"---&....the [[underline]]Gray Lensman[[end underline]]' GREAT PENSMAN! Krupa's illustration swell. (There is another young man I enjoyd meeting.) Farwest Facts always firstclass, don't U think? Wolheim's article on Sex in Science Fiction good; that is to say ,I was very much pleased with its purpose. Ad Lib, essential." [[underline]]From another non-s-f-fan reader of AA, MELBOURNE L. LEAVITT (for the benefit of you dubtious LAers thereabouts, he lives at 615 S. Manhattan Place)[[end underline]]: "I am enclosing 25 cents, and would appreciate your entering my subscription to AA for the next three issues. I believe the magazine grows more interesting with each issue, and you have my heartiest congratulations on its deserved success."
Hevelin Fanzines