Ad Astra, v. 1, issue 5, January 1940
Announcing 1939 Yearbook
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ANNOUNCING THE 1939 YEARBOOK-- What is YEARBOOK? Read the Mort Weisinger, editor of STARTLING STORIES says of it: "The YEARBOOK of science,weird & fantasy-fiction is almost encyclopedic in scope, carries a complete index to practically every line of science fiction penned during the year 1938, with names of magazines, dates, authors, stories,artists. A pretty handy item to those that skipped an issue or two of any mag in the field. This YEARBOOK is an invaluable catalog of science fiction for the past year. Tip for 1939 issue: Editors should note length of stories indexed, whether novelette or short story, etc." and Editor Weisinger, we took your tip! The 1939 YEARBOOK of Science, Weird and Fantasy Fiction for 1939 is now ready..... will be in the mails soon after this page appears! In addition to the above, YEARBOOK received glowing compliments from John W. Campbell, Jr., editor of ASTOUNDING and UNKNOWN; Farnsworth Wright, editor of WEIRD TALES, Chandler Whipple, former editor of ARGOSY, and many others in the weird,fantasy and science-fiction field! Editors, authors.... and most of all, [[underline]]fans[[end underline]] need this YEARBOOK -- it is more than an "item" or catalog of 1939 fantasy fiction! It amounts to an authority of professional fiction, containing, this year, [[underline]]all[[end underline]] the information on [[underline]]all[end underline]] the science, weird, and fantasy fiction published by the regular fantasy magazines of [[underline]]three[[end underline]] countries: United States, England and France! The 1939 YEARBOOK, like last years, is in two sections (bound together, of course); the first section containg every title appearing in the magazines of the three countries of 1939, listed alphabetically together with the name of magazine and date of appearance. The second section is a chronological survey, giving the complete contents of every magazine for every date of appearance, including the author, artist, length and type (or kind) of story! The YEARBOOK is not just a fan magazine, in either size or scope! In size it nears fifty pages! No fan magazine that! And its scope --- well, the fantastic fiction of three nations covers ground! The YEARBOOK, during the last year has earned itself the reputation of an authority; innumerable readers consulted it, fan-authors based[?] material for articles on it; approximately 200 fantasy fans use it for an index to their collection -- a vital [[underline]]part[[end underline]] of their collection! But..... need we go on? anyone who has a 1938 YEARBOOK is our greatest advertiser! Take the fan's word for it: it is a [[underline]]must[[end underline]] on your list! YEARBOOK OF SCIENCE,WEIRD & FANTASY FICTION 20¢ P.O. Box 260 Bloomington, Illinois
ANNOUNCING THE 1939 YEARBOOK-- What is YEARBOOK? Read the Mort Weisinger, editor of STARTLING STORIES says of it: "The YEARBOOK of science,weird & fantasy-fiction is almost encyclopedic in scope, carries a complete index to practically every line of science fiction penned during the year 1938, with names of magazines, dates, authors, stories,artists. A pretty handy item to those that skipped an issue or two of any mag in the field. This YEARBOOK is an invaluable catalog of science fiction for the past year. Tip for 1939 issue: Editors should note length of stories indexed, whether novelette or short story, etc." and Editor Weisinger, we took your tip! The 1939 YEARBOOK of Science, Weird and Fantasy Fiction for 1939 is now ready..... will be in the mails soon after this page appears! In addition to the above, YEARBOOK received glowing compliments from John W. Campbell, Jr., editor of ASTOUNDING and UNKNOWN; Farnsworth Wright, editor of WEIRD TALES, Chandler Whipple, former editor of ARGOSY, and many others in the weird,fantasy and science-fiction field! Editors, authors.... and most of all, [[underline]]fans[[end underline]] need this YEARBOOK -- it is more than an "item" or catalog of 1939 fantasy fiction! It amounts to an authority of professional fiction, containing, this year, [[underline]]all[[end underline]] the information on [[underline]]all[end underline]] the science, weird, and fantasy fiction published by the regular fantasy magazines of [[underline]]three[[end underline]] countries: United States, England and France! The 1939 YEARBOOK, like last years, is in two sections (bound together, of course); the first section containg every title appearing in the magazines of the three countries of 1939, listed alphabetically together with the name of magazine and date of appearance. The second section is a chronological survey, giving the complete contents of every magazine for every date of appearance, including the author, artist, length and type (or kind) of story! The YEARBOOK is not just a fan magazine, in either size or scope! In size it nears fifty pages! No fan magazine that! And its scope --- well, the fantastic fiction of three nations covers ground! The YEARBOOK, during the last year has earned itself the reputation of an authority; innumerable readers consulted it, fan-authors based[?] material for articles on it; approximately 200 fantasy fans use it for an index to their collection -- a vital [[underline]]part[[end underline]] of their collection! But..... need we go on? anyone who has a 1938 YEARBOOK is our greatest advertiser! Take the fan's word for it: it is a [[underline]]must[[end underline]] on your list! YEARBOOK OF SCIENCE,WEIRD & FANTASY FICTION 20¢ P.O. Box 260 Bloomington, Illinois
Hevelin Fanzines