Ad Astra, v. 1, issue 5, January 1940
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ADVERTISEMENTS: FULL PAGE $; THREE CONSECUTIVE MONTHS $2... HALF PAGE 50c;QUARTER PAGE 25c Ads will be exchanged on an equal basis with other fan mags. [[underline]]EDITORIAL SPECIAL![[end underline]] "THE MOON POOL" by A. Merritt! Perfect condition, first edition copy....$3.75 post-paid. "WEINBAUM MEMORIAL VOLUME", a collection of Stanley G. Weinbaum stories acclaimed as among the best of all examples of science-fiction classics. Personally autographed by Raymond A. Palmer, responsible for the publication of the Memorial Volume. In perfect condition. Positively, [[underline]]NO[[end underline]] more copies of this book available through the publishers, as the edition was limited to 500.. There have been quotations as high as $5, but it's yours for $3.50!................ WEIRD TALES, one complete run from Jan., 1930, to Dec., 1930.. (12 issues) in good condition.An entire year of those hard-to-get issues for $3.25! All the above % AD ASTRA, (#2).. AD ASTRA is greatly indebted to the SHERWOOD SCHOOL, 5025 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, for the generous loan of the mimeograph equipment in the publication of each issue. Thanks again! If there is an "x" in this space, it means your subscription to AD ASTRA has expired, and unless it is renewed (3 issues for 25c)....but let's not think of that! ((Thanks to Harry Warner of SPACEWAYS fame, for inadvertantly suggesting the oh-so-practical idea for dropping the "gentle hint")) [[handwriting]] MR/RUM SPACEWAYS, the quality magazine in fandom, presents its gala 10th issue! 26 even-margined, perfectly-mimeographed pages, with a double, thick colored cover. Moskowitz, Haggard, Avery, Reinsberg, Roberds, Youd, Boyer, and many other names, top-flight in science fiction material. 10c per, and 3 for 25c. At 303 Bryan Place, Hagerstown, Md... FANTASCIENCE DIGEST, the aristocrat of fan magazines, is the "must"mag on your fan magazine list. Over 30 pages each issue of surprising, interesting, informative reading by fandom and prodom's best. Going into its third year as one of the laders inthe fan field. 15c a copy, 2 for 25c., brings you this fine mimeographed publication. R.A.Maddle, 333 E. Belgrade St., Philadelphia, Pa............................ WHAT DO YOU NEED TO COMPLETE YOUR S-F COLLECTION? Well, I've got it! Anything and everything at the price you want to pay. Science-fic-tion, Weird, Fantasy, Unusual; it costs but a penny postcard to find out. Write: ERLE KORSHAK, Dealer in Science & Weird Fiction, 150 East 91st Street, New York,NY. OTHER MAGAZINES ON YOUR RECOMMENDED READING LIST: The FANTAST; % C.S. YOUD, 244 Desborough Road, Eastleigh Hants., ENGLAND. (3 1/2d. per copy, 1/9 for six ---in U.S.A. 40 cents for six). "THE FANTASEER" % William H. Groveman, 18 Maryland Ave., Hampstead, New York. (5c per) WANTED: 1st issues of AD ASTRA. I will give a 3 issue subscription for any and all good condish copies of #1 AA. Mark Reinsberg %AD ASTRA BE AT: The Chicago 1940 World Science Fiction Convention! JOIN THE: Illini Fantasy Fictioneers! SUBSCRIBE TO: MID-WEST Fan-News!
ADVERTISEMENTS: FULL PAGE $; THREE CONSECUTIVE MONTHS $2... HALF PAGE 50c;QUARTER PAGE 25c Ads will be exchanged on an equal basis with other fan mags. [[underline]]EDITORIAL SPECIAL![[end underline]] "THE MOON POOL" by A. Merritt! Perfect condition, first edition copy....$3.75 post-paid. "WEINBAUM MEMORIAL VOLUME", a collection of Stanley G. Weinbaum stories acclaimed as among the best of all examples of science-fiction classics. Personally autographed by Raymond A. Palmer, responsible for the publication of the Memorial Volume. In perfect condition. Positively, [[underline]]NO[[end underline]] more copies of this book available through the publishers, as the edition was limited to 500.. There have been quotations as high as $5, but it's yours for $3.50!................ WEIRD TALES, one complete run from Jan., 1930, to Dec., 1930.. (12 issues) in good condition.An entire year of those hard-to-get issues for $3.25! All the above % AD ASTRA, (#2).. AD ASTRA is greatly indebted to the SHERWOOD SCHOOL, 5025 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, for the generous loan of the mimeograph equipment in the publication of each issue. Thanks again! If there is an "x" in this space, it means your subscription to AD ASTRA has expired, and unless it is renewed (3 issues for 25c)....but let's not think of that! ((Thanks to Harry Warner of SPACEWAYS fame, for inadvertantly suggesting the oh-so-practical idea for dropping the "gentle hint")) [[handwriting]] MR/RUM SPACEWAYS, the quality magazine in fandom, presents its gala 10th issue! 26 even-margined, perfectly-mimeographed pages, with a double, thick colored cover. Moskowitz, Haggard, Avery, Reinsberg, Roberds, Youd, Boyer, and many other names, top-flight in science fiction material. 10c per, and 3 for 25c. At 303 Bryan Place, Hagerstown, Md... FANTASCIENCE DIGEST, the aristocrat of fan magazines, is the "must"mag on your fan magazine list. Over 30 pages each issue of surprising, interesting, informative reading by fandom and prodom's best. Going into its third year as one of the laders inthe fan field. 15c a copy, 2 for 25c., brings you this fine mimeographed publication. R.A.Maddle, 333 E. Belgrade St., Philadelphia, Pa............................ WHAT DO YOU NEED TO COMPLETE YOUR S-F COLLECTION? Well, I've got it! Anything and everything at the price you want to pay. Science-fic-tion, Weird, Fantasy, Unusual; it costs but a penny postcard to find out. Write: ERLE KORSHAK, Dealer in Science & Weird Fiction, 150 East 91st Street, New York,NY. OTHER MAGAZINES ON YOUR RECOMMENDED READING LIST: The FANTAST; % C.S. YOUD, 244 Desborough Road, Eastleigh Hants., ENGLAND. (3 1/2d. per copy, 1/9 for six ---in U.S.A. 40 cents for six). "THE FANTASEER" % William H. Groveman, 18 Maryland Ave., Hampstead, New York. (5c per) WANTED: 1st issues of AD ASTRA. I will give a 3 issue subscription for any and all good condish copies of #1 AA. Mark Reinsberg %AD ASTRA BE AT: The Chicago 1940 World Science Fiction Convention! JOIN THE: Illini Fantasy Fictioneers! SUBSCRIBE TO: MID-WEST Fan-News!
Hevelin Fanzines