Ad Astra, v. 1, issue 5, January 1940
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Sale! Sale! FANTASY FICTION FIELD 1349 -- 50th Street Brooklyn, New York [[underline]]BOOK[[end underline]] AND [[underline]]MAGAZINE[[end underline]] SALE! BOOKS: ([[underline]]Take your pick at $1 each[[end underline]]) 1. [[underline]]Heart of the Moon[[end underline]] - Francis D. Grierson (British S-F yarn, 1st ed.) 2. [[underline]]The Man Who Mastered Time[[end underline]] - Cummings (1st edition) 3. [[underline]]Strange Papers of Dr. Blayre[[end underline]] - Dr. Blayre (British S-F story) 4. [[underline]]The Great Stone of Sardis[[end underline]] - F.R. Stockton (excellent S-F. A real old style classic;was reviewed by Bert Lewis in Autumn 1939 Futurian. Fully illustrated.) 5. [[underline]]A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder[[end underline]] - Annonymous (One of our earliest S-F stories. Adventure and Science at their proper mixture.) 6. [[underline]]Dwellers in the Mirage[[end underline]] - Merritt ('nuf sed') 7. [[underline]]Invasion From the Air[[end underline]] - Connoly (British S-F. A story of future warfare. Tho' written in 1936, it amazingly parallels the almost exact incidents in our Second World War.) 8. [[underline]]Wide White Page[[end underline]] - Cunningham (British S-F; new book.. Don't let the title fool you. They recreate the Arctic wastes with futuristic machines. Coblentz did the same in his story, "Reclaimers of the Ice" in a 1930 Amazing Quarterly.) BRAND NEW BOOKS: ([[underline]]Take your pick at .75 each[[end underline]]) 1. [[underline]]The Wonder Stick[[end underline]] - S.A. Coblentz 2. [[underline]]When Worlds Collide[[end underline]] - Balmer and Wylie. 3 [[underline]]Green Rust[[end underline]] - Edgar Wallace 4. [[underline]]Call of the Savage[[end underline]] - O.A. Kline 5. [[underline]]Ru the Conquerer[[end underline]] Jackson Gregory 6. [[underline]]Sugar in the Air[[end underline]] - C. C. Large 7. [[underline]]The Great Amen[[end underline]] - A.J. Burks 8. [[underline]]Ransom For London[[end underline]] - Fletcher 9. [[underline]]Young Men Are Coming[[end underline]] - Shiel 10. [[underline]]I'll Blackmale the World[[end underline]] - Wood (British S-F book) 11. [[underline]]The Poison War[[end underline]] - Ladroke Black (British). ([[underline]]Take your pick at 50 cents each[[end underline]]) 1. [[underline]]The Bright Messenger[[end underline]] - Blackwood 2. [[underline]]The Bridge of the Gods[[end underline]] - Balch 3. [[underline]]Finder of Fire[[end underline]] - Wheeler. 4. [[underline]]The Strange Adventures of James Shervinton[[end underline]] 5. [[underline]]Seven Footprints to Satan[[end underline]] - Merritt 6. [[underline]]Burn Witch Burn[[end underline]] Merritt 7. [[underline]]Super-City[[end underline]] - Hershfield 8. [[underline]]The Day of the Brown Horde[[end underline]] - Tocker 9. [[underline]]Tawi-Tawi[[end underline]] - Dodge 10. [[underline]]Pole to Pole[[end underline]] - Gordon Stabler 11. [[underline]]Tunnel Thru the Air[[end underline]] - Gann 12. [[underline]]Iron Heel[[end underline]] - Jack London 13. [[underline]]While the Earth Shook[[end underline]] - Anet 14. [[underline]]When the World Shook[[end underline]] - Haggard 15. [[underline]]Atlantida[[end underline]] - Peter Benoit (in French) 16. [[underline]]Beyond the Gates[[end underline]] - Phelps (weird story) 17. [[underline]]Armoured Doves[[end underline]] - Bernard Neuman (story of future warfare) 18. [[underline]] Toro of the Little People[[end underline]] - Wormsley 19. [[underline]]Food of the Gods[[end underline]] - Wells 20. [[underline]]Sea Lady[[end underline]] - Wells 21. [[underline]]Lost World[[end underline]] - Doyle 22. [[underline]]The Box From Japan[[end underline]] - Keeler 23. [[underline]]Sons of the Mammouth[[end underline]] - Bogoros (prehistoric story) 24. [[underline]]Master of the Microbes[[end underline]] - Service 25. [[underline]]Mysteries of Asia[[end underline]] - Abdullah. MAGAZINES. [[underline]]1[[end underline]]. I offer for sale the first and second issues of [[underline]]Weird Tales[[end underline]], the unique magazine. Both are in [[underline]]almost perfect[[end underline]] condition. They go to the highest bidder. You can bid either singly or for both. [[underline]]2[[end underline]]. Still have about 200 [[underline]]Golden Argosies[[end underline]], 1885-1901, many containing rare S-F stories now long out of print. Here is your chance to obtain [[underline]]the magazine[[end underline]] that started the craze for science fiction, long before there were enough fans to appreciate it. Priced at .25c each. All are in excellent condition. [[underline]]3[[end underline]]. [[underline]]The Black Cat Magazine[[end underline]], 1895-1905. The first monthly weird mag, featuring stories par excellent. A wealth of ideas for both fans and authors. A limited supply only -- 25c each. 4. [[underline]]Tales of Wonder: Fantasy; Scoops[[end underline]] - any issue at 50c each. [[underline]]AND[[end underline]] a wealth of other science fiction bargains, too numerous to even catalogue. SEND IN [[underline]]YOUR[[end underline]] WANT-LISTS FOR [[underline]]SPECIAL CARE[[end underline]] and [[underline]]PRICES[[end underline]]! ((Julius Unger - [[underline]]FANTASY FICTION FIELD[[end underline]].)) (advertisement)
Sale! Sale! FANTASY FICTION FIELD 1349 -- 50th Street Brooklyn, New York [[underline]]BOOK[[end underline]] AND [[underline]]MAGAZINE[[end underline]] SALE! BOOKS: ([[underline]]Take your pick at $1 each[[end underline]]) 1. [[underline]]Heart of the Moon[[end underline]] - Francis D. Grierson (British S-F yarn, 1st ed.) 2. [[underline]]The Man Who Mastered Time[[end underline]] - Cummings (1st edition) 3. [[underline]]Strange Papers of Dr. Blayre[[end underline]] - Dr. Blayre (British S-F story) 4. [[underline]]The Great Stone of Sardis[[end underline]] - F.R. Stockton (excellent S-F. A real old style classic;was reviewed by Bert Lewis in Autumn 1939 Futurian. Fully illustrated.) 5. [[underline]]A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder[[end underline]] - Annonymous (One of our earliest S-F stories. Adventure and Science at their proper mixture.) 6. [[underline]]Dwellers in the Mirage[[end underline]] - Merritt ('nuf sed') 7. [[underline]]Invasion From the Air[[end underline]] - Connoly (British S-F. A story of future warfare. Tho' written in 1936, it amazingly parallels the almost exact incidents in our Second World War.) 8. [[underline]]Wide White Page[[end underline]] - Cunningham (British S-F; new book.. Don't let the title fool you. They recreate the Arctic wastes with futuristic machines. Coblentz did the same in his story, "Reclaimers of the Ice" in a 1930 Amazing Quarterly.) BRAND NEW BOOKS: ([[underline]]Take your pick at .75 each[[end underline]]) 1. [[underline]]The Wonder Stick[[end underline]] - S.A. Coblentz 2. [[underline]]When Worlds Collide[[end underline]] - Balmer and Wylie. 3 [[underline]]Green Rust[[end underline]] - Edgar Wallace 4. [[underline]]Call of the Savage[[end underline]] - O.A. Kline 5. [[underline]]Ru the Conquerer[[end underline]] Jackson Gregory 6. [[underline]]Sugar in the Air[[end underline]] - C. C. Large 7. [[underline]]The Great Amen[[end underline]] - A.J. Burks 8. [[underline]]Ransom For London[[end underline]] - Fletcher 9. [[underline]]Young Men Are Coming[[end underline]] - Shiel 10. [[underline]]I'll Blackmale the World[[end underline]] - Wood (British S-F book) 11. [[underline]]The Poison War[[end underline]] - Ladroke Black (British). ([[underline]]Take your pick at 50 cents each[[end underline]]) 1. [[underline]]The Bright Messenger[[end underline]] - Blackwood 2. [[underline]]The Bridge of the Gods[[end underline]] - Balch 3. [[underline]]Finder of Fire[[end underline]] - Wheeler. 4. [[underline]]The Strange Adventures of James Shervinton[[end underline]] 5. [[underline]]Seven Footprints to Satan[[end underline]] - Merritt 6. [[underline]]Burn Witch Burn[[end underline]] Merritt 7. [[underline]]Super-City[[end underline]] - Hershfield 8. [[underline]]The Day of the Brown Horde[[end underline]] - Tocker 9. [[underline]]Tawi-Tawi[[end underline]] - Dodge 10. [[underline]]Pole to Pole[[end underline]] - Gordon Stabler 11. [[underline]]Tunnel Thru the Air[[end underline]] - Gann 12. [[underline]]Iron Heel[[end underline]] - Jack London 13. [[underline]]While the Earth Shook[[end underline]] - Anet 14. [[underline]]When the World Shook[[end underline]] - Haggard 15. [[underline]]Atlantida[[end underline]] - Peter Benoit (in French) 16. [[underline]]Beyond the Gates[[end underline]] - Phelps (weird story) 17. [[underline]]Armoured Doves[[end underline]] - Bernard Neuman (story of future warfare) 18. [[underline]] Toro of the Little People[[end underline]] - Wormsley 19. [[underline]]Food of the Gods[[end underline]] - Wells 20. [[underline]]Sea Lady[[end underline]] - Wells 21. [[underline]]Lost World[[end underline]] - Doyle 22. [[underline]]The Box From Japan[[end underline]] - Keeler 23. [[underline]]Sons of the Mammouth[[end underline]] - Bogoros (prehistoric story) 24. [[underline]]Master of the Microbes[[end underline]] - Service 25. [[underline]]Mysteries of Asia[[end underline]] - Abdullah. MAGAZINES. [[underline]]1[[end underline]]. I offer for sale the first and second issues of [[underline]]Weird Tales[[end underline]], the unique magazine. Both are in [[underline]]almost perfect[[end underline]] condition. They go to the highest bidder. You can bid either singly or for both. [[underline]]2[[end underline]]. Still have about 200 [[underline]]Golden Argosies[[end underline]], 1885-1901, many containing rare S-F stories now long out of print. Here is your chance to obtain [[underline]]the magazine[[end underline]] that started the craze for science fiction, long before there were enough fans to appreciate it. Priced at .25c each. All are in excellent condition. [[underline]]3[[end underline]]. [[underline]]The Black Cat Magazine[[end underline]], 1895-1905. The first monthly weird mag, featuring stories par excellent. A wealth of ideas for both fans and authors. A limited supply only -- 25c each. 4. [[underline]]Tales of Wonder: Fantasy; Scoops[[end underline]] - any issue at 50c each. [[underline]]AND[[end underline]] a wealth of other science fiction bargains, too numerous to even catalogue. SEND IN [[underline]]YOUR[[end underline]] WANT-LISTS FOR [[underline]]SPECIAL CARE[[end underline]] and [[underline]]PRICES[[end underline]]! ((Julius Unger - [[underline]]FANTASY FICTION FIELD[[end underline]].)) (advertisement)
Hevelin Fanzines