Ad Astra, v. 1, issue 5, January 1940
Midwest Fan News
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A Bi-weekly Mr. Rim Publication. 3156 Cambridge Avenue. Chicago, Illinois 5 cents, the copy. 6 copies for 25[[cent symbol]]. MID-WEST FAN NEWS EDITOR: Richard I. Meyer ASSOCIATE: Mark Reisenber Volume 1; Number 1. A.R. STEBER A [[underline]]PALMER[[end underline]] PSEUDONYM! Raymond A. Palmer, editor of AMAZING and FANTASTIC, revealed that he is A.R. Steber, the author of "The Blinding Ray" which was printed in an early Ziff-Davis AMAZING STORIES, and the currently , featured two part "Black World". "Mr. Palmer, who is reputed to be the owner of several other well-known pen-names, whose stories have been widely acclaimed, finally broke down and "talked" during a short visit by your reporter, when his featured "Black World" was named as the best story the new AMAZING had presented and ranking as a minor classic, even though only the first installment had seen print. Said Ray: "Now I've completely lost faith in your judgement. Fans have been tearing at everything Palmer has been connected with, and now you come along to tell me the story (Black World) was good! Palmer intended "Black World" as a different version on theme of Weinbaum's "Red Peri", which he has admired as one of his friend's greatest works. "Only this one will end happily," Ray assured. previously, he had written "Catalyst Planet", which appeared in ASTOUNDING, as a sequel to "Red Peri", but it was accepted and altered so as to change its linking with the Weinbaum story. The fan-author-editor, whose ressurection of the old Sloane Amazing has gained him the science[?]fiction spotlight, announced that this story would definitely be the last he will write while filling his present position at Ziff-Davis. Mr. Palmer, incidentally, is in the process of raising a mustache which he ascribes to "personal reasons". INTRODUCING "MID-WEST Fan News"! Third Fan Magazine To Appear Recently In Chicago First of Its Kind In The Mid-West What! Another fan magazine! Obviously, yes. MID-WEST was conceived simply because, in these chaotic days in science fiction fan-rivalry, it is almost impossible to get last-minute news which is entirely uncolored by the magazine's sympathies. Recognizing that no fan magazine can totally [[?]] be unbiased,however honorable the individual editor's intentions are, and realizing that the few magazines devoted exclusively to news in science fiction very definitely favor the organizations and causes which their owners advocate, it is a reasonable assumption that almost every bit of news passing through their hands is inadvertantly twisted and tinted to also favor their interests. The question arises---if, it is true that human nature itself prevents a fan mag from "treading the middle road"-what bias is the nearest to indifferent neutrality? What editorial position wo- [[box text]] PRESENTING: A Complete coverage of All Important Fan Centers. Last Minute News Reports from New York and Vicinity; The Midwest; and the West coast. [[end box text]]
A Bi-weekly Mr. Rim Publication. 3156 Cambridge Avenue. Chicago, Illinois 5 cents, the copy. 6 copies for 25[[cent symbol]]. MID-WEST FAN NEWS EDITOR: Richard I. Meyer ASSOCIATE: Mark Reisenber Volume 1; Number 1. A.R. STEBER A [[underline]]PALMER[[end underline]] PSEUDONYM! Raymond A. Palmer, editor of AMAZING and FANTASTIC, revealed that he is A.R. Steber, the author of "The Blinding Ray" which was printed in an early Ziff-Davis AMAZING STORIES, and the currently , featured two part "Black World". "Mr. Palmer, who is reputed to be the owner of several other well-known pen-names, whose stories have been widely acclaimed, finally broke down and "talked" during a short visit by your reporter, when his featured "Black World" was named as the best story the new AMAZING had presented and ranking as a minor classic, even though only the first installment had seen print. Said Ray: "Now I've completely lost faith in your judgement. Fans have been tearing at everything Palmer has been connected with, and now you come along to tell me the story (Black World) was good! Palmer intended "Black World" as a different version on theme of Weinbaum's "Red Peri", which he has admired as one of his friend's greatest works. "Only this one will end happily," Ray assured. previously, he had written "Catalyst Planet", which appeared in ASTOUNDING, as a sequel to "Red Peri", but it was accepted and altered so as to change its linking with the Weinbaum story. The fan-author-editor, whose ressurection of the old Sloane Amazing has gained him the science[?]fiction spotlight, announced that this story would definitely be the last he will write while filling his present position at Ziff-Davis. Mr. Palmer, incidentally, is in the process of raising a mustache which he ascribes to "personal reasons". INTRODUCING "MID-WEST Fan News"! Third Fan Magazine To Appear Recently In Chicago First of Its Kind In The Mid-West What! Another fan magazine! Obviously, yes. MID-WEST was conceived simply because, in these chaotic days in science fiction fan-rivalry, it is almost impossible to get last-minute news which is entirely uncolored by the magazine's sympathies. Recognizing that no fan magazine can totally [[?]] be unbiased,however honorable the individual editor's intentions are, and realizing that the few magazines devoted exclusively to news in science fiction very definitely favor the organizations and causes which their owners advocate, it is a reasonable assumption that almost every bit of news passing through their hands is inadvertantly twisted and tinted to also favor their interests. The question arises---if, it is true that human nature itself prevents a fan mag from "treading the middle road"-what bias is the nearest to indifferent neutrality? What editorial position wo- [[box text]] PRESENTING: A Complete coverage of All Important Fan Centers. Last Minute News Reports from New York and Vicinity; The Midwest; and the West coast. [[end box text]]
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