Ad Astra, v. 1, issue 5, January 1940
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PACIFICOAST PATTER Page 5. By Weaver Wright An airmailetter to hand from RIMeyer requests a rush column detailing recent doings among the Angelenos, items of "extra-curricular" activitys, so to speak, as a supplement to the coverage of local Leag life in Jack Erman's "Far West Facts" in [[underline]]Ad Astra[[end underline]]. Well.... First of all, we're just fresh from the preview of [[underline]]The Invisible Man Returns.[[end underline]] Thru "4e" Ackerman, who works with the Academy of Motion Pix, we got the info in advance, so that 8 of us were able to go to naboring city Glendale for the "preleas", 7 of us sitting together int he same row. All gave the sequel an enthusiastic welcome. Story is by Kurt Siodmak, Author of "FPI". Vincent Price (who was in the audience) is the new Invisible Man, [[underline]]seen[[end underline]] in "Tower of London" as the duke who, literally, drownd in drink. Sequel reveals fact that Rains had a brother, who, distills more of the invisibility-cum-insanity drug, "doucane", to aid an innocent friend escape unjust execution. 7 yrs since the original film have given the technical trick men time to work out some novel new effects. Ending packs a wallop for stfan & layman alike. Besides having one of the largest collections of stf extant, [[underline]]Russ Hodgkins[[end undelrine]] is not dout going to have one of the best preserved. As a precautionary method Russ, bfor he even reads a mag, removes the staples, restaples more firmly, & reinforces backbones & protects edges with cellulose tape. He even does this with fanmags, binds his exceprts in firm brown-paper covers, & covers his bks (wich he procures at the rate of about half-a-doz per wk) with pliofilm. Russ, furthermore, is one of the few fans we see[[?]] still has the time to read all the prostf apearing---even in Argosy! [[underline]]Ray Bradbury[[end underline]] will have a short Ohenryarn, "A Rap & A Chuckle", in ''underline]]the Rocket[[end underline]], LASFL Director Daugherty's projected ayjay offering. Any similarity to a seudonym of Ray Palmer's, incidentally,is purely coincidental. First Rocket, due in Feb, will b noen as the Egyptian Number. Featured will b all the latest fantascience film info, by Ackerman, a la "Imagi-Movies" in [[underline]]Paul Freehafer's[[end underline]] first [[underline]]Polaris[[end underline]] wich thereafter will be an exclusive column in MIDWEST. Freehafer's fantasy folio #2,by the by, is skeded for Feb too, probly with Lowndes & Ackerman, Bradbury, & others. [[underline]]Ether Eeries[[end underline]]! Our own Dr Acula ([[underline]]Franklyn Brady[[end underline]])dd informs us of a new mid-wkly aircast in LA entitled "2044" or "4022" (anyway, it's a long time from now), being a new way of presenting a musical program, with all 'commercials" concerning stratoships & rocketrips &c. [[underline]]Pogo[[end underline]]--Hi Priestess of [[underline]]All[[end underline]] FOO--makes it rather diffi-cult for her faithful followers to keep with her, for, the feminine counterpart of Denver's Wiggins----notorious for having a new adres evrytime one writes him--,we suspect Pogy beats "Uncle Wiggy" by many moves, having moved [[underline]]25 times in the last yr & 9 mos--![[end underline]] Morojo has just added to her collection a copy of the [[underline]]original[[end underline]] BLIND SPOT, & an Isip original: Pic #1 from "2 Sought Adventure" (Fritz Leiber Jr in Aug 39 Unk.). Also joind [[underline]]American Rocket Society[[end underline]], renewd memship in [[underline]]Internacia Scienca Asocio Esperantista[[end underline]]. [[underline]]Bruce Yerke[[end underline]] speaks over radio on Technocracy...[[underline]]Guy Amory[[end underline]] submits humor-article to Spaceways...Pogo pens her first fan-article, sends to the S-FCollector...[[underline]]Ackerman[[end underline]] acquires, Weinbaumanuscript DAWN OF FLAME....Pohl says Lyle Monroe, whose "Let There Be Life" he's bought for May SS, is LA author..Kuttner turns out Technocrayarn...[[underline]]Bill Crawford[[end underline]] made Honorary Member Los Angeles SFL.
PACIFICOAST PATTER Page 5. By Weaver Wright An airmailetter to hand from RIMeyer requests a rush column detailing recent doings among the Angelenos, items of "extra-curricular" activitys, so to speak, as a supplement to the coverage of local Leag life in Jack Erman's "Far West Facts" in [[underline]]Ad Astra[[end underline]]. Well.... First of all, we're just fresh from the preview of [[underline]]The Invisible Man Returns.[[end underline]] Thru "4e" Ackerman, who works with the Academy of Motion Pix, we got the info in advance, so that 8 of us were able to go to naboring city Glendale for the "preleas", 7 of us sitting together int he same row. All gave the sequel an enthusiastic welcome. Story is by Kurt Siodmak, Author of "FPI". Vincent Price (who was in the audience) is the new Invisible Man, [[underline]]seen[[end underline]] in "Tower of London" as the duke who, literally, drownd in drink. Sequel reveals fact that Rains had a brother, who, distills more of the invisibility-cum-insanity drug, "doucane", to aid an innocent friend escape unjust execution. 7 yrs since the original film have given the technical trick men time to work out some novel new effects. Ending packs a wallop for stfan & layman alike. Besides having one of the largest collections of stf extant, [[underline]]Russ Hodgkins[[end undelrine]] is not dout going to have one of the best preserved. As a precautionary method Russ, bfor he even reads a mag, removes the staples, restaples more firmly, & reinforces backbones & protects edges with cellulose tape. He even does this with fanmags, binds his exceprts in firm brown-paper covers, & covers his bks (wich he procures at the rate of about half-a-doz per wk) with pliofilm. Russ, furthermore, is one of the few fans we see[[?]] still has the time to read all the prostf apearing---even in Argosy! [[underline]]Ray Bradbury[[end underline]] will have a short Ohenryarn, "A Rap & A Chuckle", in ''underline]]the Rocket[[end underline]], LASFL Director Daugherty's projected ayjay offering. Any similarity to a seudonym of Ray Palmer's, incidentally,is purely coincidental. First Rocket, due in Feb, will b noen as the Egyptian Number. Featured will b all the latest fantascience film info, by Ackerman, a la "Imagi-Movies" in [[underline]]Paul Freehafer's[[end underline]] first [[underline]]Polaris[[end underline]] wich thereafter will be an exclusive column in MIDWEST. Freehafer's fantasy folio #2,by the by, is skeded for Feb too, probly with Lowndes & Ackerman, Bradbury, & others. [[underline]]Ether Eeries[[end underline]]! Our own Dr Acula ([[underline]]Franklyn Brady[[end underline]])dd informs us of a new mid-wkly aircast in LA entitled "2044" or "4022" (anyway, it's a long time from now), being a new way of presenting a musical program, with all 'commercials" concerning stratoships & rocketrips &c. [[underline]]Pogo[[end underline]]--Hi Priestess of [[underline]]All[[end underline]] FOO--makes it rather diffi-cult for her faithful followers to keep with her, for, the feminine counterpart of Denver's Wiggins----notorious for having a new adres evrytime one writes him--,we suspect Pogy beats "Uncle Wiggy" by many moves, having moved [[underline]]25 times in the last yr & 9 mos--![[end underline]] Morojo has just added to her collection a copy of the [[underline]]original[[end underline]] BLIND SPOT, & an Isip original: Pic #1 from "2 Sought Adventure" (Fritz Leiber Jr in Aug 39 Unk.). Also joind [[underline]]American Rocket Society[[end underline]], renewd memship in [[underline]]Internacia Scienca Asocio Esperantista[[end underline]]. [[underline]]Bruce Yerke[[end underline]] speaks over radio on Technocracy...[[underline]]Guy Amory[[end underline]] submits humor-article to Spaceways...Pogo pens her first fan-article, sends to the S-FCollector...[[underline]]Ackerman[[end underline]] acquires, Weinbaumanuscript DAWN OF FLAME....Pohl says Lyle Monroe, whose "Let There Be Life" he's bought for May SS, is LA author..Kuttner turns out Technocrayarn...[[underline]]Bill Crawford[[end underline]] made Honorary Member Los Angeles SFL.
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