Ad Astra, v. 1, issue 5, January 1940
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MID-WEST Fan News Page 5. ll very readily into the Fantasy category. Three short stories of this series appeared in 1938, namely: Persues Had a Helmet, The Enchanted Mug, and Death Had A Pencil. These are stories which everyone will truly enjoy. America is invaded again! This time in the imagination of Frederick C. Painton. An old idea, but presented very convincingly in "The Invasion of America", which starts in the July 16th issue, first of six parts. If you want to learn how the U.S. could be overcome and a Dictatorship established, in the not far future, then by all means read this timely story. For A. Merritt fans, "The Shop of Ishtar" starting in the October 29th issue, is a reprint from earlier issues. Great,if you like Merritt. "Island in the Sky", December 17th issue, is one of Arthur Leo Zagat's finest stories. A great novelette of Interplanetary travel and adventure. Last, but far from least, is "Mr. Primrose Goes to the Devil". 'Nuff said, to tell anymore would spoil it, but for real enjoyment place this at the top of your "must" list. It appears in the December 17th issue. There were other stories which appeared, "Black wings by Night", an unusual ghost story, December 10th issue. Also, " Karpen the Jew", an unusual story of the Wandering Jew for September 3rd issue. There were eighteen stories printed in Argosy for 1938 which were Science Fiction, Fantasy, or off-trail stories. In conclusion:--To those fans-- who desire further imformation on the S-F or Fantasy in Argosy, please write to: 49 Washington Street., Rumford, Maine: (My address) ---------************------- Mr. Meader will continue this series of Fantasy and Science Fiction in Argosy magazine, in an early issue of MID-WEST, when he will review Argosy for 1939. REVIEWING THE FAN MAGS:- THE SCIENTIAL. 1st issue dated--- DEC-JAN. 10[[cent symbol]] per; 3 for 25[[cent symbol]]. Like most first issue this fan mag shows lack of experiencing mimeo[[?]]ing and format; but overlooking this, the material is above average including (Malcolm) Jameson ; Weisinger; Warner; and WLHamling. If Editors: Thomas Hoquet, & Bob Studley take the necessary pains, THE SCIENTIAL will stick; but all new fan mags are unpredictable... 3671 Broadway ,N.Y.C. (Buy it for , your collection). STARDUST. Vol1.;No.1 March 1940 bimonthly. 20[[cent symbol]] per copy; 3 for 50[[cent symbol]] Editor WLHamling has combined superb material with the dream of all fan mag editors; a [[underline]]printed[[end underline]] slick paper format & excellent art-work One of the most ambitious of all fan efforts, STARDUST fills the-- gap thatvhas so long existed in , S-F, with a semi-pro copyrighted magazine (See ad in AA for line up and complete details)...2609 Argyle Street, Chicago, Ill.(A "MUST") FANTAST #7; Nov. 1939 (Includes-- FANTASY WAR BULLETIN #4) 3 1/2 d. per copy; 1/9 for 6. C.S. Youd, Editor of this, one of the few remaining English fan mags. Intriguing line-up of mostly foreign fans with neat, compact format, and excellent mimeograph work by--- Turner. FWB adds war-time flavor, as an irregular supplement...244 Desborough Rd, Eastleigh, Hants, England. (It may not fit your disposition, but if you like it, it is hard to beat.) (((As many fan magazines as are received and space will permit, will be reviewed by MID-WEST Fan News. If your fan mag isn't reviewed, it is because no copies have been received (in which case you know what to do), or, is either scheduled for future appearance.))) MID-WEST #2 OUT on FEBruary 20th.
MID-WEST Fan News Page 5. ll very readily into the Fantasy category. Three short stories of this series appeared in 1938, namely: Persues Had a Helmet, The Enchanted Mug, and Death Had A Pencil. These are stories which everyone will truly enjoy. America is invaded again! This time in the imagination of Frederick C. Painton. An old idea, but presented very convincingly in "The Invasion of America", which starts in the July 16th issue, first of six parts. If you want to learn how the U.S. could be overcome and a Dictatorship established, in the not far future, then by all means read this timely story. For A. Merritt fans, "The Shop of Ishtar" starting in the October 29th issue, is a reprint from earlier issues. Great,if you like Merritt. "Island in the Sky", December 17th issue, is one of Arthur Leo Zagat's finest stories. A great novelette of Interplanetary travel and adventure. Last, but far from least, is "Mr. Primrose Goes to the Devil". 'Nuff said, to tell anymore would spoil it, but for real enjoyment place this at the top of your "must" list. It appears in the December 17th issue. There were other stories which appeared, "Black wings by Night", an unusual ghost story, December 10th issue. Also, " Karpen the Jew", an unusual story of the Wandering Jew for September 3rd issue. There were eighteen stories printed in Argosy for 1938 which were Science Fiction, Fantasy, or off-trail stories. In conclusion:--To those fans-- who desire further imformation on the S-F or Fantasy in Argosy, please write to: 49 Washington Street., Rumford, Maine: (My address) ---------************------- Mr. Meader will continue this series of Fantasy and Science Fiction in Argosy magazine, in an early issue of MID-WEST, when he will review Argosy for 1939. REVIEWING THE FAN MAGS:- THE SCIENTIAL. 1st issue dated--- DEC-JAN. 10[[cent symbol]] per; 3 for 25[[cent symbol]]. Like most first issue this fan mag shows lack of experiencing mimeo[[?]]ing and format; but overlooking this, the material is above average including (Malcolm) Jameson ; Weisinger; Warner; and WLHamling. If Editors: Thomas Hoquet, & Bob Studley take the necessary pains, THE SCIENTIAL will stick; but all new fan mags are unpredictable... 3671 Broadway ,N.Y.C. (Buy it for , your collection). STARDUST. Vol1.;No.1 March 1940 bimonthly. 20[[cent symbol]] per copy; 3 for 50[[cent symbol]] Editor WLHamling has combined superb material with the dream of all fan mag editors; a [[underline]]printed[[end underline]] slick paper format & excellent art-work One of the most ambitious of all fan efforts, STARDUST fills the-- gap thatvhas so long existed in , S-F, with a semi-pro copyrighted magazine (See ad in AA for line up and complete details)...2609 Argyle Street, Chicago, Ill.(A "MUST") FANTAST #7; Nov. 1939 (Includes-- FANTASY WAR BULLETIN #4) 3 1/2 d. per copy; 1/9 for 6. C.S. Youd, Editor of this, one of the few remaining English fan mags. Intriguing line-up of mostly foreign fans with neat, compact format, and excellent mimeograph work by--- Turner. FWB adds war-time flavor, as an irregular supplement...244 Desborough Rd, Eastleigh, Hants, England. (It may not fit your disposition, but if you like it, it is hard to beat.) (((As many fan magazines as are received and space will permit, will be reviewed by MID-WEST Fan News. If your fan mag isn't reviewed, it is because no copies have been received (in which case you know what to do), or, is either scheduled for future appearance.))) MID-WEST #2 OUT on FEBruary 20th.
Hevelin Fanzines