Ad Astra, v. 1, issue 5, January 1940
Page 7
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MID-WEST Fan News Page 7. SCOOP SHEET --------- NEWS FROM NEW YORK As relayed from ERLE KORSHAK --- Eastern Representative. FARNSWORTH WRIGHT LEAVES WEIRD TALES It is our sad duty to report that, the grand old man of WEIRD TALES, Farnsworth Wright, has discontinued his position as Editor of that magazine. Bad health on the part of Wright and the poor financial condition of WEIRD's present publisher is the reason for the "break". At the time of his leaving,Mr. Wright left a completed MAY issue of WEIRD as well as a group of stories that he had previously accepted and bought; enough to tide them over for several months. After leaving Farnsworth Wright your reporter turned to WEIRD's publishing office to meet the new Editor.The person is Miss Dorthy McIlwraith. Miss. McIlwraith has been the Editor of SHORT STORY MAGAZINE for some time. It is too bad, however, that she has had no previous experience in editing a magazine of weird fiction. Before Mr. WRight left me, he told me of his future plans for WEIRD, which had he remained with the magazine would have gone into effect. One of those plans was reprinting A. Merritt's "Dwellers" in the MIrage". This story would have been reprinted with a new surprise ending, written especially for WEIRD by Merritt. Miss McIlwraith told me, however, that WEIRD will not be carrying any reprints in the future, nor will it carry any serials, due to its bi-monthly publication. The line-up of the coming MAY issue is: Cover by Hannes Bok... Stories: "The City from the Sea", by Edmond Hamilton, "Koshru's Garden", by E. Hoffman Price, "Wind in the Moonlight"by Gretchen Reudiger (a new pen-name),"The Ghost Writer", a humorous weird piece, by Robert Bloch,and "The Stone of Ra-Moses",by John Murray Reynolds. After the MAY issue,Miss McIlwraith will be pretty much on her own to make WEIRD TALES the top magazine in its field, as it has so long been regarded. Good luck to you with WEIRD,Miss McIlwraith and may your editorial reign be long and successful! ABOUT FAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES! Through an interview with Miss Gnaedinger,Editor of FFM, I learned the following stories will be reprinted in the APRIL issue:"The Devil of the Western Sea",by Philip M. Fisher;"The Blind Spot"#2; An excellent story has been accepted at FFM,by Stanton A. Coblentz entitled,"Fire Gas". I understand it is one of his finest satires. As to the coming MARCH, issue, I saw the beautiful cover painting by Finlay which it will feature..and on the cover in APRIL will be one of Paul's best covers to date. Material to be reprinted in future issues of FFM: A stroy from a 1904 issue of Argosy, "Finis", by Frank L. Pollock;"Darkness & Dawn" by G.A. England; "Through the Dragon Glass", by A. Merritt. Also stories by Kline, Farley, Cummings whose titles as yet have not been selected. In the May issue of SUPER-SCIENCE, the cover will be by Mayorga,a new S-F artist;"Juice",by L. Sprague deCamp; "Guardian Angel", by Raymond Z.Gallun; "Let Therre Be Light", by Gyle Munroe;"Artons Metal",by Ray Cummings;"Living Isotopes" ,by P.S.Miller;& "Interplanetary Scavengers" by C.Kornbluth. In the April ASTONISHING STORIES "Salvage of Space" ,by F.A.Kummer; "Space Beasts", by Clifford Simak "Master Control", by Harl Vincent "Murder from Mars" by Dick Wilson stories by Asimov, and Kornbluth, will make up the material for the issue, besides a beautiful cover, by Eron. MORE NEWS FROM the EAST next time!
MID-WEST Fan News Page 7. SCOOP SHEET --------- NEWS FROM NEW YORK As relayed from ERLE KORSHAK --- Eastern Representative. FARNSWORTH WRIGHT LEAVES WEIRD TALES It is our sad duty to report that, the grand old man of WEIRD TALES, Farnsworth Wright, has discontinued his position as Editor of that magazine. Bad health on the part of Wright and the poor financial condition of WEIRD's present publisher is the reason for the "break". At the time of his leaving,Mr. Wright left a completed MAY issue of WEIRD as well as a group of stories that he had previously accepted and bought; enough to tide them over for several months. After leaving Farnsworth Wright your reporter turned to WEIRD's publishing office to meet the new Editor.The person is Miss Dorthy McIlwraith. Miss. McIlwraith has been the Editor of SHORT STORY MAGAZINE for some time. It is too bad, however, that she has had no previous experience in editing a magazine of weird fiction. Before Mr. WRight left me, he told me of his future plans for WEIRD, which had he remained with the magazine would have gone into effect. One of those plans was reprinting A. Merritt's "Dwellers" in the MIrage". This story would have been reprinted with a new surprise ending, written especially for WEIRD by Merritt. Miss McIlwraith told me, however, that WEIRD will not be carrying any reprints in the future, nor will it carry any serials, due to its bi-monthly publication. The line-up of the coming MAY issue is: Cover by Hannes Bok... Stories: "The City from the Sea", by Edmond Hamilton, "Koshru's Garden", by E. Hoffman Price, "Wind in the Moonlight"by Gretchen Reudiger (a new pen-name),"The Ghost Writer", a humorous weird piece, by Robert Bloch,and "The Stone of Ra-Moses",by John Murray Reynolds. After the MAY issue,Miss McIlwraith will be pretty much on her own to make WEIRD TALES the top magazine in its field, as it has so long been regarded. Good luck to you with WEIRD,Miss McIlwraith and may your editorial reign be long and successful! ABOUT FAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES! Through an interview with Miss Gnaedinger,Editor of FFM, I learned the following stories will be reprinted in the APRIL issue:"The Devil of the Western Sea",by Philip M. Fisher;"The Blind Spot"#2; An excellent story has been accepted at FFM,by Stanton A. Coblentz entitled,"Fire Gas". I understand it is one of his finest satires. As to the coming MARCH, issue, I saw the beautiful cover painting by Finlay which it will feature..and on the cover in APRIL will be one of Paul's best covers to date. Material to be reprinted in future issues of FFM: A stroy from a 1904 issue of Argosy, "Finis", by Frank L. Pollock;"Darkness & Dawn" by G.A. England; "Through the Dragon Glass", by A. Merritt. Also stories by Kline, Farley, Cummings whose titles as yet have not been selected. In the May issue of SUPER-SCIENCE, the cover will be by Mayorga,a new S-F artist;"Juice",by L. Sprague deCamp; "Guardian Angel", by Raymond Z.Gallun; "Let Therre Be Light", by Gyle Munroe;"Artons Metal",by Ray Cummings;"Living Isotopes" ,by P.S.Miller;& "Interplanetary Scavengers" by C.Kornbluth. In the April ASTONISHING STORIES "Salvage of Space" ,by F.A.Kummer; "Space Beasts", by Clifford Simak "Master Control", by Harl Vincent "Murder from Mars" by Dick Wilson stories by Asimov, and Kornbluth, will make up the material for the issue, besides a beautiful cover, by Eron. MORE NEWS FROM the EAST next time!
Hevelin Fanzines