Damn Thing, v. 1, issue 5, May 1941
Page 14
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PAGE FOURTEEN THE DAMN THING _________________________________________ [INVERTED TEXT] THE SUCKER BITES Over a period of perhaps three months we have collected a number of missels of dubious sincerity and questionable quality, all of which emanate from the vast host of fans who were sucked in with subscriptions. Rather than disappoint the hopefulls, and to conserve the limited energy of the staff, we herewith publish the more rauccous and brilliant ones. JOHN WASSO, JR., of Pen Argyl, Penn.... Why do fans waste time citicising (other fans) when they have such juicy morsels as Isaac Asimov to tear apart? When I read "Old Classics"—Phooey"...I could hardly believe my nose. (Ed. Note: Is it that big?) And did you read "Half [Brat?] in Sun Trails? How I like to see fellows like Asimov put in their places. hereby wish to go on reccord as the originator of the following terms: A magazine that is putrid will henceforth be called a "magazimov!" And henceforth, if someone smells.....we will say that he is too "asimovic." You long-winded exchanges with the Pro-Scientists...tiresome. Short, snappy stuff better. Nuts to "Nuts".....Ye Ed waxes too eloquently asimovic in "To Hell With You." "The damn thing" has the makings of a fine satrical publication if Ye Ed refrains from ridiculous childish profanity.....Not on moral grounds, but it's too silly and petty....This is sound advice. A. ROSS KUNTZ, Local Leaguer, says in a postcard: Dear Bruce; This hideous joke cam to me the other day. It may please you enough to put it in the ACCURSED OBJECT. "Would you call a reader of detective stories who likes gore and corpses a stiffan? Or is that what one would call an inebriated reader of science-fiction?" (And then he has the gall to sign his name to it.) PVT.LL.R.LEONARDS, at Fort Ord, California, writes: ......You asked for my reactions to the Damn Thing. After impatiently waiting for three or four age-long days, I was rewarded for my vigil in a most unusual manner. The "covour" was O.K., because it was different. The page of contents amuse me, and once went so far as to cause a slight titter. Your artist will do, temporarily. I have not been following scientifictional litterature for some two or three years. Therefore, I do not recall any Carlton J. Fassbeinder, D.Ps. Perhaps he is capable of turning out some excellent material. Regardless of his capabilities, in my estimation "Fish and Gyps" is all and more than the name implied. The story was downright "Fishy" while either you or the readers got the "Gyp".... The remainder of the contents were all that I could hope for in a magasine of this type. Back to Mr. Fassbeinder; I want you to know that his story has proven itself to be an invaluable tonnic to my ego. It is comforting to know that as long as a piece of incorrigible drivel such as "F&C" can find its way into a magasine, I cannot be headed for many disappointments.
PAGE FOURTEEN THE DAMN THING _________________________________________ [INVERTED TEXT] THE SUCKER BITES Over a period of perhaps three months we have collected a number of missels of dubious sincerity and questionable quality, all of which emanate from the vast host of fans who were sucked in with subscriptions. Rather than disappoint the hopefulls, and to conserve the limited energy of the staff, we herewith publish the more rauccous and brilliant ones. JOHN WASSO, JR., of Pen Argyl, Penn.... Why do fans waste time citicising (other fans) when they have such juicy morsels as Isaac Asimov to tear apart? When I read "Old Classics"—Phooey"...I could hardly believe my nose. (Ed. Note: Is it that big?) And did you read "Half [Brat?] in Sun Trails? How I like to see fellows like Asimov put in their places. hereby wish to go on reccord as the originator of the following terms: A magazine that is putrid will henceforth be called a "magazimov!" And henceforth, if someone smells.....we will say that he is too "asimovic." You long-winded exchanges with the Pro-Scientists...tiresome. Short, snappy stuff better. Nuts to "Nuts".....Ye Ed waxes too eloquently asimovic in "To Hell With You." "The damn thing" has the makings of a fine satrical publication if Ye Ed refrains from ridiculous childish profanity.....Not on moral grounds, but it's too silly and petty....This is sound advice. A. ROSS KUNTZ, Local Leaguer, says in a postcard: Dear Bruce; This hideous joke cam to me the other day. It may please you enough to put it in the ACCURSED OBJECT. "Would you call a reader of detective stories who likes gore and corpses a stiffan? Or is that what one would call an inebriated reader of science-fiction?" (And then he has the gall to sign his name to it.) PVT.LL.R.LEONARDS, at Fort Ord, California, writes: ......You asked for my reactions to the Damn Thing. After impatiently waiting for three or four age-long days, I was rewarded for my vigil in a most unusual manner. The "covour" was O.K., because it was different. The page of contents amuse me, and once went so far as to cause a slight titter. Your artist will do, temporarily. I have not been following scientifictional litterature for some two or three years. Therefore, I do not recall any Carlton J. Fassbeinder, D.Ps. Perhaps he is capable of turning out some excellent material. Regardless of his capabilities, in my estimation "Fish and Gyps" is all and more than the name implied. The story was downright "Fishy" while either you or the readers got the "Gyp".... The remainder of the contents were all that I could hope for in a magasine of this type. Back to Mr. Fassbeinder; I want you to know that his story has proven itself to be an invaluable tonnic to my ego. It is comforting to know that as long as a piece of incorrigible drivel such as "F&C" can find its way into a magasine, I cannot be headed for many disappointments.
Hevelin Fanzines