Science Fantasy Movie Review, v. 1, issue 1, March 1938
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SCIENCE FANTASY MOVIE REVIEW ## To further the cause of the fantastic motion picture........ ## Vol. I March 1938 No.I Each issue of this magazine will contain criticism, facts, and a shortened version of the story of some fantastic movie. If a picture merits this attention, no distinction will be shown between science-fiction, weird-fiction, and pure-fantasy. SNOW WHITE NUMBER Illustrations adapted from the Walt Disney drawings from "Snow White" by the editor of this magazine, Walter E. Marconette For the reader to obtain this magazine when issued, we feel he must subscribe. However, because of the uncertain length of time between issues, we do not like to accept subs for long periods of time. Therefore, if you want other issues of Science Fantasy Movie Review, send 10¢ for the next two numbers to W.E. Marconette 2120 Pershing Blvd. Dayton, O.
SCIENCE FANTASY MOVIE REVIEW ## To further the cause of the fantastic motion picture........ ## Vol. I March 1938 No.I Each issue of this magazine will contain criticism, facts, and a shortened version of the story of some fantastic movie. If a picture merits this attention, no distinction will be shown between science-fiction, weird-fiction, and pure-fantasy. SNOW WHITE NUMBER Illustrations adapted from the Walt Disney drawings from "Snow White" by the editor of this magazine, Walter E. Marconette For the reader to obtain this magazine when issued, we feel he must subscribe. However, because of the uncertain length of time between issues, we do not like to accept subs for long periods of time. Therefore, if you want other issues of Science Fantasy Movie Review, send 10¢ for the next two numbers to W.E. Marconette 2120 Pershing Blvd. Dayton, O.
Hevelin Fanzines