Scenes of Fantasy, v. 1, issue 3, 1939
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Confound that Bat! Here I am, working on the theory of the fourth and fifth dimensions as related to time, and that infernal bat nosing his way into my sci-ence. I hate bats anyway. Mixing the Weird with the Scientific isnt so good in the first place. Is it? Thats what the Associate Editor thinks. What think-est thou? Shall we continue to feature weird illustrations in the pages of Ye Mag, **** Scenes of FANTASY ? If Im getting a little too nutty for the reader, you'll have to excuse it. I am just another Science-Fictionist - {Editor) [illustration: bat]
Confound that Bat! Here I am, working on the theory of the fourth and fifth dimensions as related to time, and that infernal bat nosing his way into my sci-ence. I hate bats anyway. Mixing the Weird with the Scientific isnt so good in the first place. Is it? Thats what the Associate Editor thinks. What think-est thou? Shall we continue to feature weird illustrations in the pages of Ye Mag, **** Scenes of FANTASY ? If Im getting a little too nutty for the reader, you'll have to excuse it. I am just another Science-Fictionist - {Editor) [illustration: bat]
Hevelin Fanzines