FFF's Illustrated Nycon Review, 1942
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FFF ILLUSTRATED NYCON REVIEW PARTIAL LIST OF ITEMS AUCTIONED AT THE FIRST WORLD SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION A.) ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS Sister World, The Life Battery by [Bando?] Binder, Delayed Visiion by Bando Binder , Dawn of the Flame by Stanley G. Weinbaum, Flight of the Voyager by Robert Moore Williams, Death From the Skies by Ralph Milne Farley, Curse of Montezuma by Ed Earl Ropp, Survival Below by Ralph Milne Farley [error?] by John Russel Fearn), The Weapon Too Dreadful to use by Isaac Asimov , The City of Oblivion by Brad Buckner, The Foreign Legion of Mars by Frederic Arnold Kummor, Jr., The Devil Flower by Harl Vincent, The Whistling Death by Abner J. Golula, The World Without Death by Polton Cross, Brigade of the Damned by Ed Earl Ropp, The Mummy of RotSoh by A. Hyatt Verrill, The Murmuring Myriads by Thornton Ayre, Protoplasmic Doom by Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr., Cosmos, a sixteen part serial that once ran in "Fantasy Magazine" each part written by a different author: A. Morritt, Edward E. Smith, Ph. D, David H. Keller, N.D, Ralph Milne Farley, Arthur J. Burks, Otis Adelbert Kilne-E. Hoffman Pricem P. Schuyler Miller, Rae Winters, Edmond Hamilton, John W. Campbell, Jr., Francis Flagg, Bob Olson, J. Harvey Haggard, Ray Palmer, L.A. Eshback, Abner J. Golula, Bendo Binder. The Brink of Infinity by Stanley G. Woinbaum, Giants From Eternity by Manly Wade Wellman, Rider by Night by David H. Killer, M.D Revenant by Clark Ashton Smith (two copies -- one autographed), On Fantasy by Clark Ashton Smith, Voices of the Night by Robert R. Howard, Birkett's Twelfth Corpse by August W. [Dorloth?], Phantom LIghts by August W,[ Dorloth?], Prose Pastel - 4: The Lotus and the Moon by Clark Ashton Smith, A Dream of the Abyss by Clark Ashton Smith (autographed), Gods of the North by Robert B Howard, The Kingdom of the Worm by Clark Ashton Smith (Autographed), The Eiphanty of Death by Clark Ashton Smith (autographed), The Ghoul by Clark Ashton Smith, The Primal City by Clark Ashton Smith. Original Manuscripts were contributed by Julius Schwartz, Conrad H. Ruppert, Charles D. Hornig, Mort Weisinger, Raymond A. Palmer, John W. Campbell, Jr., and the authors. Left to right: Mark Reinsberg, Louis Kuslan, Jack Agnew, John V, Baltadonis, unidentified, Walter Sullivan, Ray Bradbury and Forrest J. Ackerman Read Fantasy Times 137-07 32 [?] F. Cushing, N.Y. -10-
FFF ILLUSTRATED NYCON REVIEW PARTIAL LIST OF ITEMS AUCTIONED AT THE FIRST WORLD SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION A.) ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS Sister World, The Life Battery by [Bando?] Binder, Delayed Visiion by Bando Binder , Dawn of the Flame by Stanley G. Weinbaum, Flight of the Voyager by Robert Moore Williams, Death From the Skies by Ralph Milne Farley, Curse of Montezuma by Ed Earl Ropp, Survival Below by Ralph Milne Farley [error?] by John Russel Fearn), The Weapon Too Dreadful to use by Isaac Asimov , The City of Oblivion by Brad Buckner, The Foreign Legion of Mars by Frederic Arnold Kummor, Jr., The Devil Flower by Harl Vincent, The Whistling Death by Abner J. Golula, The World Without Death by Polton Cross, Brigade of the Damned by Ed Earl Ropp, The Mummy of RotSoh by A. Hyatt Verrill, The Murmuring Myriads by Thornton Ayre, Protoplasmic Doom by Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr., Cosmos, a sixteen part serial that once ran in "Fantasy Magazine" each part written by a different author: A. Morritt, Edward E. Smith, Ph. D, David H. Keller, N.D, Ralph Milne Farley, Arthur J. Burks, Otis Adelbert Kilne-E. Hoffman Pricem P. Schuyler Miller, Rae Winters, Edmond Hamilton, John W. Campbell, Jr., Francis Flagg, Bob Olson, J. Harvey Haggard, Ray Palmer, L.A. Eshback, Abner J. Golula, Bendo Binder. The Brink of Infinity by Stanley G. Woinbaum, Giants From Eternity by Manly Wade Wellman, Rider by Night by David H. Killer, M.D Revenant by Clark Ashton Smith (two copies -- one autographed), On Fantasy by Clark Ashton Smith, Voices of the Night by Robert R. Howard, Birkett's Twelfth Corpse by August W. [Dorloth?], Phantom LIghts by August W,[ Dorloth?], Prose Pastel - 4: The Lotus and the Moon by Clark Ashton Smith, A Dream of the Abyss by Clark Ashton Smith (autographed), Gods of the North by Robert B Howard, The Kingdom of the Worm by Clark Ashton Smith (Autographed), The Eiphanty of Death by Clark Ashton Smith (autographed), The Ghoul by Clark Ashton Smith, The Primal City by Clark Ashton Smith. Original Manuscripts were contributed by Julius Schwartz, Conrad H. Ruppert, Charles D. Hornig, Mort Weisinger, Raymond A. Palmer, John W. Campbell, Jr., and the authors. Left to right: Mark Reinsberg, Louis Kuslan, Jack Agnew, John V, Baltadonis, unidentified, Walter Sullivan, Ray Bradbury and Forrest J. Ackerman Read Fantasy Times 137-07 32 [?] F. Cushing, N.Y. -10-
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