National Fantasy Fan, v. 7, issue 4, August 1948
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THE NATIONAL FANTASY FAN Official Organ of the National Fantasy Fan Foundation. Ray C. Higgs, Editor 813 Eastern Avenue; Connorsville, Indiana Vol. 7 - No. 4 August - 1948 OFFICERS 1948 Dale Tarr, President Henry Goorgi, Vice-President K.M. Carlson, Sect-Treasurer Directors Stanlry Mullen Rick Sneary Andy Lyons Harry B. Moore Ray C. Higgs Manuscript Bureau Art Rapp Wolcom Committee Henry Goorgi, Director Zoda Mishler, Hostess C O N T E N T S Art Work by Rotsler, front page cover Officers, Contents, Editorials Trip To The Torcon for Two (Only) by H.B. Moore New Trends In Fanzine Literature by D.H. Keller N3FORUM , the Voice of the Members! Manuscript Bureau Report by r-tRapp To The Members of the NFFF by Dale Tarr, President The Emblem by K.M. Carlson Sec.-Treasurer Report by K.M. Carlson Advertisements E D I T O R I A L S IT'S STILL NFFF Yes, our dear organization still remains known as THE NATIONAL FANTASY FAN FEDERATION and so that's that! After much beating of gums--there was insufficient number of votes to change the name. However, the new constitution was accepted. THE ELECTION It's right upon us - and to all those who desire to run for office should declare themselves AT ONCE! Using the new constitution, you must notify President Dall Tarr; Sec-Treas. K.M. Carlson - and Rayy Higgs, to whom you must send your platform. Any member of the NFFF in good standing may run for office. The deadline for sending in your platform to Higgs for publishing in the official organ is OCTOBER 31. Your post mark MUST show on or before this date! THE HART BOOK Seems as if the Book Committee have run into (Continued on the back (green) inside cover.)
THE NATIONAL FANTASY FAN Official Organ of the National Fantasy Fan Foundation. Ray C. Higgs, Editor 813 Eastern Avenue; Connorsville, Indiana Vol. 7 - No. 4 August - 1948 OFFICERS 1948 Dale Tarr, President Henry Goorgi, Vice-President K.M. Carlson, Sect-Treasurer Directors Stanlry Mullen Rick Sneary Andy Lyons Harry B. Moore Ray C. Higgs Manuscript Bureau Art Rapp Wolcom Committee Henry Goorgi, Director Zoda Mishler, Hostess C O N T E N T S Art Work by Rotsler, front page cover Officers, Contents, Editorials Trip To The Torcon for Two (Only) by H.B. Moore New Trends In Fanzine Literature by D.H. Keller N3FORUM , the Voice of the Members! Manuscript Bureau Report by r-tRapp To The Members of the NFFF by Dale Tarr, President The Emblem by K.M. Carlson Sec.-Treasurer Report by K.M. Carlson Advertisements E D I T O R I A L S IT'S STILL NFFF Yes, our dear organization still remains known as THE NATIONAL FANTASY FAN FEDERATION and so that's that! After much beating of gums--there was insufficient number of votes to change the name. However, the new constitution was accepted. THE ELECTION It's right upon us - and to all those who desire to run for office should declare themselves AT ONCE! Using the new constitution, you must notify President Dall Tarr; Sec-Treas. K.M. Carlson - and Rayy Higgs, to whom you must send your platform. Any member of the NFFF in good standing may run for office. The deadline for sending in your platform to Higgs for publishing in the official organ is OCTOBER 31. Your post mark MUST show on or before this date! THE HART BOOK Seems as if the Book Committee have run into (Continued on the back (green) inside cover.)
Hevelin Fanzines