National Fantasy Fan, v. 7, issue 4, August 1948
Page 4
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NEW TRENDS IN FANZINE LITERATURE By David H. Keller Twice a day the mailman comes to my Ivory Tower, bringing me news from the great outside world. It is always welcome, and frequently of great interest. This morning my little dog YumYum barked more Fiercely than usual to tell me of the arrival of THE NATIONAL FANTASY FAN, Volume 7 - Number 2. In my library I have a complete collection of all contribution to Fanzines since the early days of THE SCIENCE FICTION DIGEST, TE INTERNATIONAL OBSERVER and THE SCIENCE FANTASY CORRESPONDANT. Looking over them I find that some great men also contributed, men like Clark Ashton Smith, Lovecraft and Merritt. It pleases me to find some of my favorite stories, such as THE DEAD WOMAN, THE GOLDEN BOUGH and MEN OF AVALON first appeared in such amature publications. Also I have a bound copy of COSMOS, the seventeen chapters of which were given freely by authros, some of whom have become very noted. A few still lliving fanzines have continued the tradition. Among those are THE GORGON, VORTEX and the COMMENTATOR of Searles. I understand that THE NATIONAL FANTASY FAN is the official organ of the N.F.F.F. which certainly has, in its membership, a number of fans who appreciate the best in literature. I am wondering what their reaction is to the announcement that the TORCON issue of their Federation's fanzine is to have a "four page colored comic strip section." Perhaps I am growing old! I can only say, "Oh Tempora! Oh! Mores!"
NEW TRENDS IN FANZINE LITERATURE By David H. Keller Twice a day the mailman comes to my Ivory Tower, bringing me news from the great outside world. It is always welcome, and frequently of great interest. This morning my little dog YumYum barked more Fiercely than usual to tell me of the arrival of THE NATIONAL FANTASY FAN, Volume 7 - Number 2. In my library I have a complete collection of all contribution to Fanzines since the early days of THE SCIENCE FICTION DIGEST, TE INTERNATIONAL OBSERVER and THE SCIENCE FANTASY CORRESPONDANT. Looking over them I find that some great men also contributed, men like Clark Ashton Smith, Lovecraft and Merritt. It pleases me to find some of my favorite stories, such as THE DEAD WOMAN, THE GOLDEN BOUGH and MEN OF AVALON first appeared in such amature publications. Also I have a bound copy of COSMOS, the seventeen chapters of which were given freely by authros, some of whom have become very noted. A few still lliving fanzines have continued the tradition. Among those are THE GORGON, VORTEX and the COMMENTATOR of Searles. I understand that THE NATIONAL FANTASY FAN is the official organ of the N.F.F.F. which certainly has, in its membership, a number of fans who appreciate the best in literature. I am wondering what their reaction is to the announcement that the TORCON issue of their Federation's fanzine is to have a "four page colored comic strip section." Perhaps I am growing old! I can only say, "Oh Tempora! Oh! Mores!"
Hevelin Fanzines