National Fantasy Fan, v. 7, issue 4, August 1948
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to have been a "deluxe" issue turned out to be even less of this type than the previous one. Of course I realize the reason for this. I didn't send in anything either. I wish you luck on the other zine you are planning to put out. I hope that you get lots of material. But I doubt if you will. Fans will only produce so much material and no more. The editors and regular contributors to fanzines can usually be depended upon to turn out something for these occasions, but the average fan will not be jolted out of his shell even by your please for help. And even the regular writers and artists run out of ideas sometime. After the above statements, I will be forced to send you a subscription. I cannot put it on stencil since I have not had any experience working in this medium. I will try and send something in to you though. The art section this time was very good, all of the pics being by some of fandom's best wielders of the pen and brush. Phil Gray brings a paragraph about theyearbook. This is a project I'm heartily in favor of. Wonder if work cannot be started on at least gathering the material for this? I, too, would be glad to do anything I could to help on this. I am enclosing a couple of bucks in this letter. I'd like copies of the STF ALBUM and your EDITOR:S EFFORTS when they appear. Thanks very much. Yours for a better NFFF. Sincerely, Leslie Hudson Ed. Note -- Thanks for the 2 bucks -- come on folks, send in for the Editor's Effort and the Stf. Album now! One dollar for each, proceeds to NFFF for the Year Book, Who's Who, etc. Get HIM follows - he's willing to help, and we need fans like that. **__** Bay Equipment Co. 3820 Midway Drive San Diego 10, Calif. Dear Ray -- Well, well -- it's that old TNFF again. I suppose it has reached me a bit late as I have moved - and oh, yes - can you print my new address (above) in the next ish of TNFF? To sound off, let's give a gripe at the art, I won't try to fool ya, the comic 'zine stunk. But cheer up, its very cornyness has a sort of charm. By the way - who is Eva Jane Clevenger, a new fan, or a pen name? Nelsons GLOBIES are cute. Print the art and comic zine in one piece. Where the hell is the HART book? In 1963? i would say that's a really clever cover you had as well as interior pics. Improvement Dept! -- Let's have at least one poem -- one full
to have been a "deluxe" issue turned out to be even less of this type than the previous one. Of course I realize the reason for this. I didn't send in anything either. I wish you luck on the other zine you are planning to put out. I hope that you get lots of material. But I doubt if you will. Fans will only produce so much material and no more. The editors and regular contributors to fanzines can usually be depended upon to turn out something for these occasions, but the average fan will not be jolted out of his shell even by your please for help. And even the regular writers and artists run out of ideas sometime. After the above statements, I will be forced to send you a subscription. I cannot put it on stencil since I have not had any experience working in this medium. I will try and send something in to you though. The art section this time was very good, all of the pics being by some of fandom's best wielders of the pen and brush. Phil Gray brings a paragraph about theyearbook. This is a project I'm heartily in favor of. Wonder if work cannot be started on at least gathering the material for this? I, too, would be glad to do anything I could to help on this. I am enclosing a couple of bucks in this letter. I'd like copies of the STF ALBUM and your EDITOR:S EFFORTS when they appear. Thanks very much. Yours for a better NFFF. Sincerely, Leslie Hudson Ed. Note -- Thanks for the 2 bucks -- come on folks, send in for the Editor's Effort and the Stf. Album now! One dollar for each, proceeds to NFFF for the Year Book, Who's Who, etc. Get HIM follows - he's willing to help, and we need fans like that. **__** Bay Equipment Co. 3820 Midway Drive San Diego 10, Calif. Dear Ray -- Well, well -- it's that old TNFF again. I suppose it has reached me a bit late as I have moved - and oh, yes - can you print my new address (above) in the next ish of TNFF? To sound off, let's give a gripe at the art, I won't try to fool ya, the comic 'zine stunk. But cheer up, its very cornyness has a sort of charm. By the way - who is Eva Jane Clevenger, a new fan, or a pen name? Nelsons GLOBIES are cute. Print the art and comic zine in one piece. Where the hell is the HART book? In 1963? i would say that's a really clever cover you had as well as interior pics. Improvement Dept! -- Let's have at least one poem -- one full
Hevelin Fanzines