National Fantasy Fan, v. 7, issue 4, August 1948
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INFORMATION NEEDED! By Darrell C. Richardson, 6 Silver Ave., South Fort Mitchell, Covington, Ky, In order to complete the NFFF Indexes of Fantasy Publications Please list contents of the following issues stating title of story, author and length of the story. UNCANNY TALES (Canadian) 1941 - Sept. No.9 1942 - No. 17 SCIENCE FICTION (Canadian) 1941 - Dec. Vol.1 No.3 SCOOPS (British) From numbers 6 including 20 ALL-STORY 1912-Jan 1915-July 3 1916-June GHOST STORIES Any issue Please send the above information: at once - and many thanks! - D.C.R. Stf. Album A COBOZINE PRICE $1 PROCEEDS FOR THE GOOD OF DEAR OLD N.F.F.F. WE NEED ZINES! WE NEED ZINES! All CLUBS AND aSSOCIATIONS WHO WILL CUT EIGHT STENCILS, WE WILL MIMEO AND FURNISH THE PAPER 'FREE OF CHARGE" !! WE DARE YOU TO ACCEPT THIS OFFER Order you STF. ALBUM NOW and get your name on the HONOR ROLL in STF. ALBUM Send $1 to Soc. Carlson - NOW! OVER 200 PAGES! PRESENTING SOMETHING NEW 6 zines -- over 120 pages! [Drawing of a genie labeled "EDITORS EFFORTS" and "PRICE $1"] Order your copy NOW and get your name on the HONOR ROLL published in Efforts Efforts [possibly meant "Editors Efforts"] Send $1 to Sac. Carlson NOW!! Proceeds to the N.F.F.F. Please!
INFORMATION NEEDED! By Darrell C. Richardson, 6 Silver Ave., South Fort Mitchell, Covington, Ky, In order to complete the NFFF Indexes of Fantasy Publications Please list contents of the following issues stating title of story, author and length of the story. UNCANNY TALES (Canadian) 1941 - Sept. No.9 1942 - No. 17 SCIENCE FICTION (Canadian) 1941 - Dec. Vol.1 No.3 SCOOPS (British) From numbers 6 including 20 ALL-STORY 1912-Jan 1915-July 3 1916-June GHOST STORIES Any issue Please send the above information: at once - and many thanks! - D.C.R. Stf. Album A COBOZINE PRICE $1 PROCEEDS FOR THE GOOD OF DEAR OLD N.F.F.F. WE NEED ZINES! WE NEED ZINES! All CLUBS AND aSSOCIATIONS WHO WILL CUT EIGHT STENCILS, WE WILL MIMEO AND FURNISH THE PAPER 'FREE OF CHARGE" !! WE DARE YOU TO ACCEPT THIS OFFER Order you STF. ALBUM NOW and get your name on the HONOR ROLL in STF. ALBUM Send $1 to Soc. Carlson - NOW! OVER 200 PAGES! PRESENTING SOMETHING NEW 6 zines -- over 120 pages! [Drawing of a genie labeled "EDITORS EFFORTS" and "PRICE $1"] Order your copy NOW and get your name on the HONOR ROLL published in Efforts Efforts [possibly meant "Editors Efforts"] Send $1 to Sac. Carlson NOW!! Proceeds to the N.F.F.F. Please!
Hevelin Fanzines