Centauri, issue 4, Summer 1945
Page 11
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THE INSIDIOUS MR. FU MAN TUCKER BY WALT LIEBSCHER Up in Bloomington, mister Bob Tucker, boob extraordinary,has brought out two or three issues of a fanzine of dubious merit, Le Zombie. This so-called fanzine he has dedicated to his ancestors; he calls it "The Ghouls' Ghazette". Now it happens that mr Tucker has but one real ambition. That is not to have the best fanzine ever, which he hasn't, or the largest library ever, which he hasn't, or to acquire the largest collection of cast-off females in existence, which I'm not sure he hasn't. No, all mr Tucker wishes to do is become dictator and plunge all fandom into war. The very quaint mr Tucker let us in on his secret recently, when we were visiting him, and showed us the very elaborate and nefarious scheme for taking over fandom as a whole. When this is accomplished he intends to crawl in and be high potentiate. Now it seems that mr Tucker is insanely jealous of any fan who is gaining a high place in fandom by purely righteous means, a method which he fails utterly to understand. Being acutely aware of the increasing prominence of honest fen, mr Tucker has taken to lambasting these wonderful people, and to denying all true derrogatory remarks about himself, which, by the way, are steadily increasing in the new and better fanzines. Wrapped in his curdling ego, and being unable to comprehend anyone not liking what he calls his masterpieces of literary art, mr Tucker writes poison pen notes to each publisher who prints any comment which he is derrogatory to these 'pieces of art'. (Ho ho ho and a bottle of rum) Not only that, mr Tucker has become so demented he actually believes that he has an article in every issue of every fanzine published. To prove that last statement. Mr Tucker, in an article elsewhere in this magazine, states he had material in the last [[illustration text]] Mr. Tucker
THE INSIDIOUS MR. FU MAN TUCKER BY WALT LIEBSCHER Up in Bloomington, mister Bob Tucker, boob extraordinary,has brought out two or three issues of a fanzine of dubious merit, Le Zombie. This so-called fanzine he has dedicated to his ancestors; he calls it "The Ghouls' Ghazette". Now it happens that mr Tucker has but one real ambition. That is not to have the best fanzine ever, which he hasn't, or the largest library ever, which he hasn't, or to acquire the largest collection of cast-off females in existence, which I'm not sure he hasn't. No, all mr Tucker wishes to do is become dictator and plunge all fandom into war. The very quaint mr Tucker let us in on his secret recently, when we were visiting him, and showed us the very elaborate and nefarious scheme for taking over fandom as a whole. When this is accomplished he intends to crawl in and be high potentiate. Now it seems that mr Tucker is insanely jealous of any fan who is gaining a high place in fandom by purely righteous means, a method which he fails utterly to understand. Being acutely aware of the increasing prominence of honest fen, mr Tucker has taken to lambasting these wonderful people, and to denying all true derrogatory remarks about himself, which, by the way, are steadily increasing in the new and better fanzines. Wrapped in his curdling ego, and being unable to comprehend anyone not liking what he calls his masterpieces of literary art, mr Tucker writes poison pen notes to each publisher who prints any comment which he is derrogatory to these 'pieces of art'. (Ho ho ho and a bottle of rum) Not only that, mr Tucker has become so demented he actually believes that he has an article in every issue of every fanzine published. To prove that last statement. Mr Tucker, in an article elsewhere in this magazine, states he had material in the last [[illustration text]] Mr. Tucker
Hevelin Fanzines