The Thing, whole no. 2, Summer 1946
Page 11
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reviews... ...burton (In Yerke's DAMN THING, 1941, F. Katel wroge: "In the last FAPA mailing,a huge percentage..of the aggregate mailing consisted of review of the mags appearing in the previous mailing. My God, if this goes on, it won't be long before the entire FAPA mailing will consist of review upon review of the reviews of the reviews of the last mailing." This is an apt comment to make re VAPA today.We are juggling the problem thusly... HVW) GROTESQUE No. 3 Listen, Chris, why don't you drop that fanzine review section by Maddox? That isn't criticism;it's mere listing. Criticism should deal in ideas. You should tell what you like or dislike, and why--especially why. :: Tucker's yarn stirred ((sorry-H)) the imagination. It reminded me of a yarn I once meant to write, based on the idea that, since a light-speed of 186,000 miles may be merely a function of our own sun--with other suns having varying rates of ratiation--and since light demonstrably bends, perhaps our ideas of spatial distances have been all wrong. Perhaps Alpha Centauri has a radiation speed of but 10,000 m.p.s. and is only 100 light days away! ((So what?)) Imagine having Aldebaran breathing down the back of our galactial neck! ((Or Wesson and Crane breathing down the back of mine.)) A TALE OF THE EVANS Aren't fantasy editors supposed to edit? Martin Carlson begins with: "The earliest I can recall of showing an interest...." ((Tut tut)) FAN No. 6 Bruce Yerke's careful article on Ackermanese is the highlight. May I suggest a companion-piece, equally important, on the international menace presented by Wally Lieberscher's Spoonerisms? :: Ev Evans' suggested fan poll spurs me to emulation. Why not have these divisions? (1) Favorite fanzine edited by the guy whose name begins with L. (2) Favorite fanzine edited by a left-handed virgin. ((He's particular yet!)) (3) Favorite fanzine edited by a Pole who speaks Lithuanian with a Spanish accent. (( (4) Favorite fanzine coedited by a girl named Helen.)) TIME-BINDER Evans asserts that man has advanced, "particularly when you consider the greatly-increased proportion of present-day men who believe in, and practice the concepts of the few great philosophers of the past..." Nuts! For a thousand years before 1800 Christianity was an active force in the Western world, Buddhism and Confucianism in the Eastern. Man today follows philosophical and/or moral teachings less than any period within recorded history. ((So it seems from the newspapers.))
reviews... ...burton (In Yerke's DAMN THING, 1941, F. Katel wroge: "In the last FAPA mailing,a huge percentage..of the aggregate mailing consisted of review of the mags appearing in the previous mailing. My God, if this goes on, it won't be long before the entire FAPA mailing will consist of review upon review of the reviews of the reviews of the last mailing." This is an apt comment to make re VAPA today.We are juggling the problem thusly... HVW) GROTESQUE No. 3 Listen, Chris, why don't you drop that fanzine review section by Maddox? That isn't criticism;it's mere listing. Criticism should deal in ideas. You should tell what you like or dislike, and why--especially why. :: Tucker's yarn stirred ((sorry-H)) the imagination. It reminded me of a yarn I once meant to write, based on the idea that, since a light-speed of 186,000 miles may be merely a function of our own sun--with other suns having varying rates of ratiation--and since light demonstrably bends, perhaps our ideas of spatial distances have been all wrong. Perhaps Alpha Centauri has a radiation speed of but 10,000 m.p.s. and is only 100 light days away! ((So what?)) Imagine having Aldebaran breathing down the back of our galactial neck! ((Or Wesson and Crane breathing down the back of mine.)) A TALE OF THE EVANS Aren't fantasy editors supposed to edit? Martin Carlson begins with: "The earliest I can recall of showing an interest...." ((Tut tut)) FAN No. 6 Bruce Yerke's careful article on Ackermanese is the highlight. May I suggest a companion-piece, equally important, on the international menace presented by Wally Lieberscher's Spoonerisms? :: Ev Evans' suggested fan poll spurs me to emulation. Why not have these divisions? (1) Favorite fanzine edited by the guy whose name begins with L. (2) Favorite fanzine edited by a left-handed virgin. ((He's particular yet!)) (3) Favorite fanzine edited by a Pole who speaks Lithuanian with a Spanish accent. (( (4) Favorite fanzine coedited by a girl named Helen.)) TIME-BINDER Evans asserts that man has advanced, "particularly when you consider the greatly-increased proportion of present-day men who believe in, and practice the concepts of the few great philosophers of the past..." Nuts! For a thousand years before 1800 Christianity was an active force in the Western world, Buddhism and Confucianism in the Eastern. Man today follows philosophical and/or moral teachings less than any period within recorded history. ((So it seems from the newspapers.))
Hevelin Fanzines