Pan Demos, v. 1, issue 2, March 1949
Page 41
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whose keenness was generally tempered by folding glasses; a large, firm mouth, and a square chin; altogether, the face of a young woman who would stand no trifling. He put it back respectfully in his pocket; but the impulse to go across and drop, in an accidental fashion, into a vacant seat near one of those two girls was still unconquered. He was feeling so dull; he had got such a very little was into History of Civilization, a work which he was reading rather for Sophia's satisfaction than his own, and there was such a lot more of it! Might he not allow himself a brief holiday, and beguile the long weary morning with a little cheerful conversation? It was most unlikely, strict etiquette being by general consent suspended on board ship, that either young lady would resent a hazarded remark -- at all events, he could try. But then his oath -- his rash and voluntary oath to Sophia -- what of that? He had not, it was true, debarred himself from ordinary civility, but could he be sure of keeping always within those bounds if the acquaintanceship was one established? He had reasons for doubting this very seriously. And, besides, had not Sophia more than hinted in her last letter that, as a reward for his fidelity, she might join the ship at Gibralter with her mother, and so put an end to his term of probation? He could not be too careful. After holding out so long, it would be madness to relax his precautions now. No, he would resist these Sirens like a modern Ulysses; though, in the latter's case, the Sirens were not actually on board, and, even then, the hero had to be lashed to the mast. But Tourmalin felt confident, notwithstanding, that he would prove at least as obdurate as the wily Greek. He was not a strong-minded man, but he had one quality which is almost as valuable a safeguard against temptation as strength of mind -- namely, timidity. His love for his betrothed was chastened by a considerable dash of awe, and he was resolved not to compromise 41
whose keenness was generally tempered by folding glasses; a large, firm mouth, and a square chin; altogether, the face of a young woman who would stand no trifling. He put it back respectfully in his pocket; but the impulse to go across and drop, in an accidental fashion, into a vacant seat near one of those two girls was still unconquered. He was feeling so dull; he had got such a very little was into History of Civilization, a work which he was reading rather for Sophia's satisfaction than his own, and there was such a lot more of it! Might he not allow himself a brief holiday, and beguile the long weary morning with a little cheerful conversation? It was most unlikely, strict etiquette being by general consent suspended on board ship, that either young lady would resent a hazarded remark -- at all events, he could try. But then his oath -- his rash and voluntary oath to Sophia -- what of that? He had not, it was true, debarred himself from ordinary civility, but could he be sure of keeping always within those bounds if the acquaintanceship was one established? He had reasons for doubting this very seriously. And, besides, had not Sophia more than hinted in her last letter that, as a reward for his fidelity, she might join the ship at Gibralter with her mother, and so put an end to his term of probation? He could not be too careful. After holding out so long, it would be madness to relax his precautions now. No, he would resist these Sirens like a modern Ulysses; though, in the latter's case, the Sirens were not actually on board, and, even then, the hero had to be lashed to the mast. But Tourmalin felt confident, notwithstanding, that he would prove at least as obdurate as the wily Greek. He was not a strong-minded man, but he had one quality which is almost as valuable a safeguard against temptation as strength of mind -- namely, timidity. His love for his betrothed was chastened by a considerable dash of awe, and he was resolved not to compromise 41
Hevelin Fanzines