Acolyte, v. 3, issue 1, whole no. 9, Winter 1945
Page 19
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left them the night before. The rough draft of my new novel, The Devil Is an Egotist. Then I glanced back at the dark stranger. "How did you know about my..." The words trailed off. The other was holding out his hand, smiling. In that hand was a key. DEFIANCE The church bells toll on sabbath morn And I must don my finest gown, And with my family sally forth To go to church in Hilltop-town. Yes, I must step through yawning doors Into that holy atmosphere, While all within me crawls and cringes, Half in loathing, half in fear. And I must sit with folded hands Sedate and prim within my chair, And listen to the preacher's drone And bow my head in humble prayer. And I must sing their foolish hymns And raise my voice n harmony. But I insert a word or two And change it to a blasphemy. At all these good an holy things M inward spirit doth rebel, And fervently, though silently, I call upon the King of Hell. I pity these poor simple folk Who spend their lives on bended knee. Uninteresting people they, How boring paradise must be! You ask, do I not dread the day When I must for my sins atone? Ah no, Hell is a welcome place. I know the Devil loves his own! My family is a pious lot, And by their laws I must abide. But they forget. In Salem-town Some of their forebears lived and died. My great-great-grandma, long ago, Was burned for deeds that she had done. 'Tis said that I resemble her. I do.......and in more ways than one! ---Tigrina EDITORIALLY SPEAKING. (Cont. from page 2) result of a merger between two of the leading "little" magazines: Lilith Lorraine's The Raven and Lucille S. Jackson's Now. Different, committed to seeking out new writers and off-trail literary expression, will be of comparative size and format to the New Yorker, will run 32 pages per issue, and will appear bimonthly at $2.00 per year or 35[[cent symbol]] per single copy. Of especial interest to fantasy lovers is the news that (turn to page 24) -- 19 --
left them the night before. The rough draft of my new novel, The Devil Is an Egotist. Then I glanced back at the dark stranger. "How did you know about my..." The words trailed off. The other was holding out his hand, smiling. In that hand was a key. DEFIANCE The church bells toll on sabbath morn And I must don my finest gown, And with my family sally forth To go to church in Hilltop-town. Yes, I must step through yawning doors Into that holy atmosphere, While all within me crawls and cringes, Half in loathing, half in fear. And I must sit with folded hands Sedate and prim within my chair, And listen to the preacher's drone And bow my head in humble prayer. And I must sing their foolish hymns And raise my voice n harmony. But I insert a word or two And change it to a blasphemy. At all these good an holy things M inward spirit doth rebel, And fervently, though silently, I call upon the King of Hell. I pity these poor simple folk Who spend their lives on bended knee. Uninteresting people they, How boring paradise must be! You ask, do I not dread the day When I must for my sins atone? Ah no, Hell is a welcome place. I know the Devil loves his own! My family is a pious lot, And by their laws I must abide. But they forget. In Salem-town Some of their forebears lived and died. My great-great-grandma, long ago, Was burned for deeds that she had done. 'Tis said that I resemble her. I do.......and in more ways than one! ---Tigrina EDITORIALLY SPEAKING. (Cont. from page 2) result of a merger between two of the leading "little" magazines: Lilith Lorraine's The Raven and Lucille S. Jackson's Now. Different, committed to seeking out new writers and off-trail literary expression, will be of comparative size and format to the New Yorker, will run 32 pages per issue, and will appear bimonthly at $2.00 per year or 35[[cent symbol]] per single copy. Of especial interest to fantasy lovers is the news that (turn to page 24) -- 19 --
Hevelin Fanzines