Acolyte, v. 3, issue 2, whole no. 11, Summer 1945
Page 11
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[[?]]ians and a group of villains. The latter did not escape the destruction of the body. Titie Tutu is after the style of The Cave Twins as it might be rewritten for the more nightmarish comic books. The triad, Fortunato per Forza, Il Re dei Mondi, and La Banda di Carlo Bousset in-include an interplanetary sphere and a super-criminal. Il Manoscritto Trovata in Una Battiglia tells of a ship that went into a maelstrom and of an underground world where trees have octopus arms and stalked, globular eyes. Others of Yambo's with liberal fantastic touches include Il Libri della Bombe, Gli Eroi del "Gladiatore", Il Corsaro Giallo and Il Talismano delle 10,000 Disgrazie--to name a few. Luigi Motta, a writer of boys' adventure stories, seems second to Yambo in output. Many of his books deal with "the son of Buffalo Bill". (There is a heavy strain of Wild West and Pelle-Rossi (Red Skins) in the juvenile field.) Motta's stfantasy include three tales laid in the future: I Gigante dell' Infinito, La Battaglia dei Ciclopi, and L'Ombra dei Mari. Il Tunnel Sottomarino and L'Isola Ferro deal with a vehicular tunnel laid among the sea-bottom. Il Raggio Naufragatore deals with a ray able to wreck ships. I have eleven books by this author, all of them probably of low quality. Cap. C. Ciancimino is a similar writer, and has co-authored books with Motta. His Come Si Ferma la Terra is set in AD 3000 when a war with Mars stops the earth's rotation. Ma P. L. de Maria's Nei Vortice del 2000 is much less juvenile than most Italian science-fiction. As the title implies, it is a tale of the future. She also wrote I Fanciulli del 2000, but I was unable to locate a copy. Older, and perhaps on a part with Jules Verne, is Ulisse Grifone. His Dalla Terra Alle Stelle and Nelle Stelle make use of antigravity material. Polar exploration used to be a science-fictional theme. "La Nave" has I Precursori del Polo along this line. The distant past is represented by Jagul e Pali by Davia Banfi Malaguzzi. Lost worlds: Remo Fuselli's L'Isola Senza Nome. Undersea civiliations: Il Pesce Abitata by Manfredo Baccini and Jean de la Hire's Il Mostro d'Acciao. And Casanova, in time stolen from making his mark in a very different field, wrote a utopia! Written in French, it tells of the adventures of two English people among a pigmy race isolated from humanity; a race which had considerable advancement in many ways, and the specific ability to change their sex at will. Casanova died believing he had in reality invented the flying machine used in this story. i saw only the one set, five paper-bound volumes. Since the dealer asked 1200 lire and I had only 500 lire, he still has them. The only major scientifctional theme I failed to find was that of time travel. Other authors of interest include Mario Viscardini, Gastone Simone, Emilio Salgari (La Meraviglie del Duemila for one), Augusto Prestigiacomo (who had a short novel, Menace of the Metal-Man, translated int he first issue of Fantasy), Aldofo Guiliotti (whose I Raggi della Morte seems to be the only recent story in the lot), and A. E. Butti. There are also a number of anonymous works. The dearth of imaginative writing under Mussolini results in the use of few recent concepts. They have continued to reprint fantasy from the pre-flight era, illustrations and all. The aerodynamics portrayed or implied must be seen to be believed, while submarines far inferior to Nemo's "Nautilus" were still being used in stories written in the 1930's. Italy one time had a definite start in fantasy and scientifiction, but the weevils got into it and there is no new growth--- merely stultification and decay. -- 11 --
[[?]]ians and a group of villains. The latter did not escape the destruction of the body. Titie Tutu is after the style of The Cave Twins as it might be rewritten for the more nightmarish comic books. The triad, Fortunato per Forza, Il Re dei Mondi, and La Banda di Carlo Bousset in-include an interplanetary sphere and a super-criminal. Il Manoscritto Trovata in Una Battiglia tells of a ship that went into a maelstrom and of an underground world where trees have octopus arms and stalked, globular eyes. Others of Yambo's with liberal fantastic touches include Il Libri della Bombe, Gli Eroi del "Gladiatore", Il Corsaro Giallo and Il Talismano delle 10,000 Disgrazie--to name a few. Luigi Motta, a writer of boys' adventure stories, seems second to Yambo in output. Many of his books deal with "the son of Buffalo Bill". (There is a heavy strain of Wild West and Pelle-Rossi (Red Skins) in the juvenile field.) Motta's stfantasy include three tales laid in the future: I Gigante dell' Infinito, La Battaglia dei Ciclopi, and L'Ombra dei Mari. Il Tunnel Sottomarino and L'Isola Ferro deal with a vehicular tunnel laid among the sea-bottom. Il Raggio Naufragatore deals with a ray able to wreck ships. I have eleven books by this author, all of them probably of low quality. Cap. C. Ciancimino is a similar writer, and has co-authored books with Motta. His Come Si Ferma la Terra is set in AD 3000 when a war with Mars stops the earth's rotation. Ma P. L. de Maria's Nei Vortice del 2000 is much less juvenile than most Italian science-fiction. As the title implies, it is a tale of the future. She also wrote I Fanciulli del 2000, but I was unable to locate a copy. Older, and perhaps on a part with Jules Verne, is Ulisse Grifone. His Dalla Terra Alle Stelle and Nelle Stelle make use of antigravity material. Polar exploration used to be a science-fictional theme. "La Nave" has I Precursori del Polo along this line. The distant past is represented by Jagul e Pali by Davia Banfi Malaguzzi. Lost worlds: Remo Fuselli's L'Isola Senza Nome. Undersea civiliations: Il Pesce Abitata by Manfredo Baccini and Jean de la Hire's Il Mostro d'Acciao. And Casanova, in time stolen from making his mark in a very different field, wrote a utopia! Written in French, it tells of the adventures of two English people among a pigmy race isolated from humanity; a race which had considerable advancement in many ways, and the specific ability to change their sex at will. Casanova died believing he had in reality invented the flying machine used in this story. i saw only the one set, five paper-bound volumes. Since the dealer asked 1200 lire and I had only 500 lire, he still has them. The only major scientifctional theme I failed to find was that of time travel. Other authors of interest include Mario Viscardini, Gastone Simone, Emilio Salgari (La Meraviglie del Duemila for one), Augusto Prestigiacomo (who had a short novel, Menace of the Metal-Man, translated int he first issue of Fantasy), Aldofo Guiliotti (whose I Raggi della Morte seems to be the only recent story in the lot), and A. E. Butti. There are also a number of anonymous works. The dearth of imaginative writing under Mussolini results in the use of few recent concepts. They have continued to reprint fantasy from the pre-flight era, illustrations and all. The aerodynamics portrayed or implied must be seen to be believed, while submarines far inferior to Nemo's "Nautilus" were still being used in stories written in the 1930's. Italy one time had a definite start in fantasy and scientifiction, but the weevils got into it and there is no new growth--- merely stultification and decay. -- 11 --
Hevelin Fanzines