Acolyte, v. 3, issue 2, whole no. 11, Summer 1945
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1947 February 23. Departure of Mr. & Mrs. Prescott, of the Prescott chain of department stores, for Venus, first leg of a journey whose destination is interstellar. One interplanetary ship in service; the Neptunia, built to carry 200 passengers per trip and averaging but thirty. Idea of interplanetary travel hasn't caught on so well, it would appear... FASTER THAN LIGHT, Harl Vincent, AzQ f-2-32 March 31. Spaceship Flame takes off from Earth for the moon. MARTIAN GUNS, Stanley D. Bell, Fu 4-41 April 5. The night the waveries came. Recent reduction in the size of the armies of occupation. Boom years from reconversion. Radio reception badly impaired by untraceable dit-dit-dit signals, origin unknown. THE WAVERIES, Frederic Brown, A 1-45 April 6. Last night's bad (and continuing bad) reception is traced to outer space. IBID April 7. End of electric power; all electrical items cease to function. (Later found due to entities from outer space who had blanketed the earth and ate all electrical impulses as fast as generated.) IBID April 15. Shell strikes Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. No harm done. Another lands in the bay off Hongkong, crushing and firing hundreds of ships at anchor there. Third shell lands on the Siberian steppes. Shells appear to come from the moon. MARTIAN GUNS, Stanley D. Bell, Fu 4-41 April 18. Shell from the moon lands in Valparaiso, Chile. Hundreds die in the explosion, and a fire kills hundreds more. IBID May. 35,000,000 employables are out of work. THE WAVERIES, Frederic Brown, A 1-45 May. "Detroit lay a mass of ruins. New York had been grazed; Bordeaux counted a thousand dead, and Manila was set aflame..." MARTIAN GUNS, Stanley D. Bell, Fu 4-41 May. Inventor Stephen Waterson develops atomic energy, and going beyond that, releases the energy of matter. Invasion of Earth by the Martians. Hundreds of thousands die in panics in the cities. San Francisco destroyed. Earth victorious this month. WHEN THE ATOMS FAILED, John W. Campbell, Jr. Az 1-30 June 7. Headlines from New York Times for this date: PRESIDENT CALLS ON NATION FOR NEW INDUSTRIAL EFFORT; Two Hundred Billion Dollar National Income Only Beginning, He Says. GERMANY RECOVERING SWIFTLY UNDER UNITED NATIONS PLAN; Shaposhenko Punishment for Leaders Having Rejuvenating Effect on People, Occupation Authorities State. 350,000 FAMILY PLANES SOLD FIRST FIVE MONTHS OF 1947. IS THERE LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS? Expect 200 Inch Telescope to Provide New Evidence--To Be Completed Next Year. THE GREAT ENGINE, A. E. van Vogt, A 7-43 June 10. First seeds strike earth from the tail of a comet designated 1947, IV. Meteors of about the size of baseballs. Their uniform size and orange color causes widespread belief if they are seeds. SPAWN OF THE COMET, H. Thompson Rich, A 11-31 Early Summer. Scientist Dwight disappears under mysterious circumstances from his laboratory; about a thousand dollar's worth of platinum recovered from lab ashes. THE PHYTIC EMPIRE, Derald S. Walker, Az 6-35 June. Successful attack on the Martian gun emplacement on Moon by the forces of Earth. MARTIAN GUNS, Stanley D. Bell, Fu 4-41 July 17. A gigantic planet, gully the size of the Sun, appears close to the solar system. THE EXPEDITION FROM KYTLM, M.F.James, A 12-36 -- 26 -- (To be continued)
1947 February 23. Departure of Mr. & Mrs. Prescott, of the Prescott chain of department stores, for Venus, first leg of a journey whose destination is interstellar. One interplanetary ship in service; the Neptunia, built to carry 200 passengers per trip and averaging but thirty. Idea of interplanetary travel hasn't caught on so well, it would appear... FASTER THAN LIGHT, Harl Vincent, AzQ f-2-32 March 31. Spaceship Flame takes off from Earth for the moon. MARTIAN GUNS, Stanley D. Bell, Fu 4-41 April 5. The night the waveries came. Recent reduction in the size of the armies of occupation. Boom years from reconversion. Radio reception badly impaired by untraceable dit-dit-dit signals, origin unknown. THE WAVERIES, Frederic Brown, A 1-45 April 6. Last night's bad (and continuing bad) reception is traced to outer space. IBID April 7. End of electric power; all electrical items cease to function. (Later found due to entities from outer space who had blanketed the earth and ate all electrical impulses as fast as generated.) IBID April 15. Shell strikes Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. No harm done. Another lands in the bay off Hongkong, crushing and firing hundreds of ships at anchor there. Third shell lands on the Siberian steppes. Shells appear to come from the moon. MARTIAN GUNS, Stanley D. Bell, Fu 4-41 April 18. Shell from the moon lands in Valparaiso, Chile. Hundreds die in the explosion, and a fire kills hundreds more. IBID May. 35,000,000 employables are out of work. THE WAVERIES, Frederic Brown, A 1-45 May. "Detroit lay a mass of ruins. New York had been grazed; Bordeaux counted a thousand dead, and Manila was set aflame..." MARTIAN GUNS, Stanley D. Bell, Fu 4-41 May. Inventor Stephen Waterson develops atomic energy, and going beyond that, releases the energy of matter. Invasion of Earth by the Martians. Hundreds of thousands die in panics in the cities. San Francisco destroyed. Earth victorious this month. WHEN THE ATOMS FAILED, John W. Campbell, Jr. Az 1-30 June 7. Headlines from New York Times for this date: PRESIDENT CALLS ON NATION FOR NEW INDUSTRIAL EFFORT; Two Hundred Billion Dollar National Income Only Beginning, He Says. GERMANY RECOVERING SWIFTLY UNDER UNITED NATIONS PLAN; Shaposhenko Punishment for Leaders Having Rejuvenating Effect on People, Occupation Authorities State. 350,000 FAMILY PLANES SOLD FIRST FIVE MONTHS OF 1947. IS THERE LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS? Expect 200 Inch Telescope to Provide New Evidence--To Be Completed Next Year. THE GREAT ENGINE, A. E. van Vogt, A 7-43 June 10. First seeds strike earth from the tail of a comet designated 1947, IV. Meteors of about the size of baseballs. Their uniform size and orange color causes widespread belief if they are seeds. SPAWN OF THE COMET, H. Thompson Rich, A 11-31 Early Summer. Scientist Dwight disappears under mysterious circumstances from his laboratory; about a thousand dollar's worth of platinum recovered from lab ashes. THE PHYTIC EMPIRE, Derald S. Walker, Az 6-35 June. Successful attack on the Martian gun emplacement on Moon by the forces of Earth. MARTIAN GUNS, Stanley D. Bell, Fu 4-41 July 17. A gigantic planet, gully the size of the Sun, appears close to the solar system. THE EXPEDITION FROM KYTLM, M.F.James, A 12-36 -- 26 -- (To be continued)
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