Eclipse, v. 1, issue 1, whole no. 1, February 1941
Page 5
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ECLIPSE 5 ADUMB LINX MEETS AUNTY SCIENCE BY MARY WOLLENHEIM-STONECRAFT (AS CONFIDENTIALLY TOLD TO 450) [image] "Come quickly" read the laconic, cryptic telegram that set Adumb Linx' long legs in rapid motion. Thru the black, raging nite, illumed now & anon by a ragged jag of litening, he sped, his powerful pinions pumping like pistons. Up; up & around the spiraling, one-way road to the Castle of Count Miaut he tore. As snow started to fall, making slippery & even more perilous the curving mountain path, he switcht on the nonskids. His face was the ice-blue of chilled steel by the time he arrived at the door of dread. His teeth chattered like castanets. He rapt with his bare fist. "Let me in!" he cryd, volume-control turnd top-notch so that his voice might penetrate the roaring elements. Instantly, signifying that he had been awaited, the door swung inward. Miaut was much as Adumb had rememberd him when he had been
ECLIPSE 5 ADUMB LINX MEETS AUNTY SCIENCE BY MARY WOLLENHEIM-STONECRAFT (AS CONFIDENTIALLY TOLD TO 450) [image] "Come quickly" read the laconic, cryptic telegram that set Adumb Linx' long legs in rapid motion. Thru the black, raging nite, illumed now & anon by a ragged jag of litening, he sped, his powerful pinions pumping like pistons. Up; up & around the spiraling, one-way road to the Castle of Count Miaut he tore. As snow started to fall, making slippery & even more perilous the curving mountain path, he switcht on the nonskids. His face was the ice-blue of chilled steel by the time he arrived at the door of dread. His teeth chattered like castanets. He rapt with his bare fist. "Let me in!" he cryd, volume-control turnd top-notch so that his voice might penetrate the roaring elements. Instantly, signifying that he had been awaited, the door swung inward. Miaut was much as Adumb had rememberd him when he had been
Hevelin Fanzines