Diablerie, February 1944
Page 14
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14 diablerie Our two dimensional ancestors ensionals. If there had been any three dimensional individuals living in those caves - which there were not -mthese Flatlanders would have seemed to them like painted figures on the cavern walls - figures which were alive and moved quite vigorously about. A horrible thing happened. Inimical volcanic gases found their way into the caves, adversely affecting the mono-molecular atmosphere in which the Flatlanders lived, moved, and had their little beings. The film became oxodized, or something The two dimensionals began to perish. They gasped for breath for a little while, then became rigid figures on the cave walls as soon as fossilization began to set in. Through the ages, they were perfectly preserved by fossilization, to be mistaken later by three dimensional scientists as mere painted figures. But while the race of the Flatlanders was slowly perishing, something utterly strange was occuring in their midst. One of their number, a comely youth, had been bequeathed by his parents with an unheard combination of genes and chromosomes. This rare combination had imbued the boy with a slight hereditary tendency toward three dimensions! Indeed, for some time he had been acquiring a slight thinkness, a sort of bulging out from the confines of his two dimensional film-world, to the amazement of his fellows, who couldn't see out into that direction at all, and couldn't imagine what was occuring. Now, while those about him became frozen, fossilized statues, (they looked like statues to each others' two dimensional eyes), this young chap was unaffected. Perhaps some three dimensional air was reaching his lungs. Anyhow he soon bulged out so much into the dimension of thickness, that Flatland could no longer confine him, anymore than our three dimensional world could hold onto a four dimensional man (the race will evolve into four dimensions some day). When Flatland could no longer confine him, he slid right off the cave wall on to the cave floor freed from the restrictions of Flatland, and now living in the three dimensional world! He slithered around for awhile, wondering what had happened. His name, incidentally, was Adam. And right here is probably where the idea arose of Eve having come from Adam's (Adham's) ribs. He certainly looked like he wasn't all there. But as he got about more, he gradually began to fill out more in the third dimension, in response to the mysterious genetic urge within him. One day while he was looking at the fossilized images of his people in Flatland - they now looked like painted pictures on the cavern walls to his three dimensional eyesight - he noticed that one of them - a female - was quivering slightly. Fossilization had not quite claimed her yet. She was pleasantly buxom in her two dimensional way, and her ample bosom was heaving faintly. Spurred by her beauty and her plight, Adham took up a sharp rock and gently scraped her off the wall. She was only paper thin, and she had to be moved sideways at first, but after awhile she began to acquire a third dimension, proving that she, too, was a mutant, with a tendency toward three dimensions. Her name was Minnie. If I could make "Eve" of that, I could prove anything.
14 diablerie Our two dimensional ancestors ensionals. If there had been any three dimensional individuals living in those caves - which there were not -mthese Flatlanders would have seemed to them like painted figures on the cavern walls - figures which were alive and moved quite vigorously about. A horrible thing happened. Inimical volcanic gases found their way into the caves, adversely affecting the mono-molecular atmosphere in which the Flatlanders lived, moved, and had their little beings. The film became oxodized, or something The two dimensionals began to perish. They gasped for breath for a little while, then became rigid figures on the cave walls as soon as fossilization began to set in. Through the ages, they were perfectly preserved by fossilization, to be mistaken later by three dimensional scientists as mere painted figures. But while the race of the Flatlanders was slowly perishing, something utterly strange was occuring in their midst. One of their number, a comely youth, had been bequeathed by his parents with an unheard combination of genes and chromosomes. This rare combination had imbued the boy with a slight hereditary tendency toward three dimensions! Indeed, for some time he had been acquiring a slight thinkness, a sort of bulging out from the confines of his two dimensional film-world, to the amazement of his fellows, who couldn't see out into that direction at all, and couldn't imagine what was occuring. Now, while those about him became frozen, fossilized statues, (they looked like statues to each others' two dimensional eyes), this young chap was unaffected. Perhaps some three dimensional air was reaching his lungs. Anyhow he soon bulged out so much into the dimension of thickness, that Flatland could no longer confine him, anymore than our three dimensional world could hold onto a four dimensional man (the race will evolve into four dimensions some day). When Flatland could no longer confine him, he slid right off the cave wall on to the cave floor freed from the restrictions of Flatland, and now living in the three dimensional world! He slithered around for awhile, wondering what had happened. His name, incidentally, was Adam. And right here is probably where the idea arose of Eve having come from Adam's (Adham's) ribs. He certainly looked like he wasn't all there. But as he got about more, he gradually began to fill out more in the third dimension, in response to the mysterious genetic urge within him. One day while he was looking at the fossilized images of his people in Flatland - they now looked like painted pictures on the cavern walls to his three dimensional eyesight - he noticed that one of them - a female - was quivering slightly. Fossilization had not quite claimed her yet. She was pleasantly buxom in her two dimensional way, and her ample bosom was heaving faintly. Spurred by her beauty and her plight, Adham took up a sharp rock and gently scraped her off the wall. She was only paper thin, and she had to be moved sideways at first, but after awhile she began to acquire a third dimension, proving that she, too, was a mutant, with a tendency toward three dimensions. Her name was Minnie. If I could make "Eve" of that, I could prove anything.
Hevelin Fanzines