Diablerie, February 1944
Page 20
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20 diablerie This is a guest editorial! Take it for what you will! the inside of a rum bottle and mumbling to himself, "You're smart as hell, Watson, smart as all hell." He then counts on his toes the number of fifths he has consumed during the course of the evening and even occasionally breaks into song: "Oh what a beautiful MORning..." regardless of the time: eight pm. And Maliano, good old Maliano, sprawled languidly under the table with his face resting heavily in a puddle of Cresta Blanca, saying repeatedly, "Mary, Mary Mary - " and "Pretty name, pretty girl, pretty soon . . ." Oh well, we'll leave him to his roominashuns. Stretched limply over on the divan in one end of the room sprawls Lea, sleeping quite soundly. She won't be in another hour, as soon as this damn editorial, (I drew the conclusion a number of years ago that all editorials are a drudge), is dummied, but that is neither here nor there. Ah sex - slurp - where is thy sting! So now, with your permission, we shall retire. With, of course, the raucous singing of our little theme song, "Eat, drink, and make Mary, For tomorrow we are dry." Aaagh! We can't offhand think of a more horrible thought. Anyway, to all the fellas the traditional round of drinks; and to the gals - well, if they can't guess after reading the preceeding . . . [box] EREBUS is published occasionally by Len Marlow - - at 5809 Beechwood Avenue, Indianapolis 1, Indiana - - the price is only five cents per copy or twenty five cents for six consecutive issues - - will trade with any and all fanzines regardless of publishing periodicity - - contains twenty pages of good fan material by T. Bruce Yerke (Carlton Fassbeinder), Raymond Washington Jr, Larry Shaw, the editor, and others - - TRY IT! [box] PARADOX wings its way from Frank Wilimczyk, who lives at 3 Lewis Street, Westfield, Massachusetts. Bound betwixt yellow Cheviot, this fm has one of the neatest and up-to-date formats in the field. Twenty-two pages of top-flight material -- columns, articles, and fiction, together with some of the finest illustrations that can be found in the amateur field. The sixth issue -- now out with material by Rosco Wright, Raym Washington, Frank Baldwin, and a cover by Maliano -- is one of the best we've seen. TRY IT!
20 diablerie This is a guest editorial! Take it for what you will! the inside of a rum bottle and mumbling to himself, "You're smart as hell, Watson, smart as all hell." He then counts on his toes the number of fifths he has consumed during the course of the evening and even occasionally breaks into song: "Oh what a beautiful MORning..." regardless of the time: eight pm. And Maliano, good old Maliano, sprawled languidly under the table with his face resting heavily in a puddle of Cresta Blanca, saying repeatedly, "Mary, Mary Mary - " and "Pretty name, pretty girl, pretty soon . . ." Oh well, we'll leave him to his roominashuns. Stretched limply over on the divan in one end of the room sprawls Lea, sleeping quite soundly. She won't be in another hour, as soon as this damn editorial, (I drew the conclusion a number of years ago that all editorials are a drudge), is dummied, but that is neither here nor there. Ah sex - slurp - where is thy sting! So now, with your permission, we shall retire. With, of course, the raucous singing of our little theme song, "Eat, drink, and make Mary, For tomorrow we are dry." Aaagh! We can't offhand think of a more horrible thought. Anyway, to all the fellas the traditional round of drinks; and to the gals - well, if they can't guess after reading the preceeding . . . [box] EREBUS is published occasionally by Len Marlow - - at 5809 Beechwood Avenue, Indianapolis 1, Indiana - - the price is only five cents per copy or twenty five cents for six consecutive issues - - will trade with any and all fanzines regardless of publishing periodicity - - contains twenty pages of good fan material by T. Bruce Yerke (Carlton Fassbeinder), Raymond Washington Jr, Larry Shaw, the editor, and others - - TRY IT! [box] PARADOX wings its way from Frank Wilimczyk, who lives at 3 Lewis Street, Westfield, Massachusetts. Bound betwixt yellow Cheviot, this fm has one of the neatest and up-to-date formats in the field. Twenty-two pages of top-flight material -- columns, articles, and fiction, together with some of the finest illustrations that can be found in the amateur field. The sixth issue -- now out with material by Rosco Wright, Raym Washington, Frank Baldwin, and a cover by Maliano -- is one of the best we've seen. TRY IT!
Hevelin Fanzines