Fantascience Digest, v. 2, issue 3, March-April 1939
Page 13
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FANTASCIENCE DIGEST Page 13 recently that he has obtained a position with the Civil Service Commission in Washington, D.C. He will leave Philadelphia for Washington Sunday, April 30th, and will be the recipient of a nice send-off by the members of the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society. * * * * * * * * * * * * Dr. David H. Keller will make his reappearance in WEIRD TALES soon with a fantasy-science novelette entitled "Lords of the Ice Age". According to Editor Wright, "It is fully up to the high standard of Keller's best stories. . . . E. Hoffmann Price will have a short story, "Apprentice Magician" in the September WT. This story will cop the cover, and will show the Goddess Sekhmet in the leaping flames. The name of the hero is Panther! . . . . .P. Schuyler Miller has crashed WEIRD TALES with a very powerful and unusual story. it is a fantastic yarn entitled "Spawn" . . . . .Merlin is one of the principal characters in the forthcoming serial by H. Warner Munn. This novel will immediately follow "Almuric". * * * * * * * * * * * * A note from Ralph Milne Farley reads as follows: "Item about Robert Bloch, who is at the moment selling more [[underline]]STF[[end underline]] and weirds currently than any two other authors. He is now in new Orleans, tramping through the swamps, and interviewing Cagjans: getting a lot of info about zombies and vampires and intelligent man-eating-mobile plants, etc. While there, he finished an 85,000 word novel, including revisions and retypings, [[underline]]in,less than nine days![[end underline]] And without working overtime! Both Bloch and Henry Kuttner appear to be crashing the new STRANGE STORIES with amazing consistency. Tarlton Fiske is one of Bloch's pseudonyms, while Kuttner employs the names of Will Garth and Keith Hammond. Kuttner has had [[underline]]eight[[end underline]] stories in the first three issues of STRANGE while Bloch has also had about as many. . . ."The Body and the brain" in the current STRANGE is the work of Bloch and Kuttmer. This story was written last summer when Bob Bloch paid a visit to Kuttner. * * * * * * * * * * * * The August issue of THRILLING WONDER STORIES will contain a short story by Kelvin Kent, which will sound like a pseudonym to many readers. And they'll be right, for the story, "Roman Holiday," is the work of Kuttner and Arthur K. Barnes. . . . .Kuttner (how does that guy take up so much space int his column?) has received an acceptance slip for "The Suicide Squad,2 all about the space-stunt-flyers of the future. . . . .When Charles Cloukey departed on the great Adventure in 1932 he/left a story partially finished. Kenneth Cloukey, his brother, is considering finsihing it. . . . .David V. Reed, who wrote that hoax, "Where is roger Davis?" is in reality Dave Vern. Vern will appear in a future issue o THRILLING WONDER with a short story. . . . .Mark Reinsberg is at work on another story, n ot in collaboration with W. Lawrence Hamling this time. . . Another collaboration of Kuttner and Barnes is "The Energy Eaters," in which Anthony Quade and Gerry Carlyle raise hell on the moon. . . . .Some fans sill don't believe that Anthony Gilmore was Harry Bates and Desmond Hall. Oh well, no one can definitely prove it, but it is a decided fact to those in the know. See ya next issue with more news and gossip!
FANTASCIENCE DIGEST Page 13 recently that he has obtained a position with the Civil Service Commission in Washington, D.C. He will leave Philadelphia for Washington Sunday, April 30th, and will be the recipient of a nice send-off by the members of the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society. * * * * * * * * * * * * Dr. David H. Keller will make his reappearance in WEIRD TALES soon with a fantasy-science novelette entitled "Lords of the Ice Age". According to Editor Wright, "It is fully up to the high standard of Keller's best stories. . . . E. Hoffmann Price will have a short story, "Apprentice Magician" in the September WT. This story will cop the cover, and will show the Goddess Sekhmet in the leaping flames. The name of the hero is Panther! . . . . .P. Schuyler Miller has crashed WEIRD TALES with a very powerful and unusual story. it is a fantastic yarn entitled "Spawn" . . . . .Merlin is one of the principal characters in the forthcoming serial by H. Warner Munn. This novel will immediately follow "Almuric". * * * * * * * * * * * * A note from Ralph Milne Farley reads as follows: "Item about Robert Bloch, who is at the moment selling more [[underline]]STF[[end underline]] and weirds currently than any two other authors. He is now in new Orleans, tramping through the swamps, and interviewing Cagjans: getting a lot of info about zombies and vampires and intelligent man-eating-mobile plants, etc. While there, he finished an 85,000 word novel, including revisions and retypings, [[underline]]in,less than nine days![[end underline]] And without working overtime! Both Bloch and Henry Kuttner appear to be crashing the new STRANGE STORIES with amazing consistency. Tarlton Fiske is one of Bloch's pseudonyms, while Kuttner employs the names of Will Garth and Keith Hammond. Kuttner has had [[underline]]eight[[end underline]] stories in the first three issues of STRANGE while Bloch has also had about as many. . . ."The Body and the brain" in the current STRANGE is the work of Bloch and Kuttmer. This story was written last summer when Bob Bloch paid a visit to Kuttner. * * * * * * * * * * * * The August issue of THRILLING WONDER STORIES will contain a short story by Kelvin Kent, which will sound like a pseudonym to many readers. And they'll be right, for the story, "Roman Holiday," is the work of Kuttner and Arthur K. Barnes. . . . .Kuttner (how does that guy take up so much space int his column?) has received an acceptance slip for "The Suicide Squad,2 all about the space-stunt-flyers of the future. . . . .When Charles Cloukey departed on the great Adventure in 1932 he/left a story partially finished. Kenneth Cloukey, his brother, is considering finsihing it. . . . .David V. Reed, who wrote that hoax, "Where is roger Davis?" is in reality Dave Vern. Vern will appear in a future issue o THRILLING WONDER with a short story. . . . .Mark Reinsberg is at work on another story, n ot in collaboration with W. Lawrence Hamling this time. . . Another collaboration of Kuttner and Barnes is "The Energy Eaters," in which Anthony Quade and Gerry Carlyle raise hell on the moon. . . . .Some fans sill don't believe that Anthony Gilmore was Harry Bates and Desmond Hall. Oh well, no one can definitely prove it, but it is a decided fact to those in the know. See ya next issue with more news and gossip!
Hevelin Fanzines