Fantascience Digest, v. 2, issue 3, March-April 1939
Page 17
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FANTASCIENCE DIGEST Page 17 AMAZING news BY MARK REINSBERG Things were very quiet on the AMAZING front as Ziff-Davis and Palmer assumed a policy of watchful waiting in regards to FANTASTIC ADVENTURES. Scattered reports indicate that the newest member of science fiction's growing field has been a success, however, the next few days will decide whether FA will be continued. The first issue was tentatively dated bi-monthly in compliance with postal regulations, but if it is undertaken, FANTASTIC will become a regular monthly publication. Naturally, the second issue will be under a slightly different policy, as the inaugural was more or less a "feeler" on the public. It was necessary to determine just what the majority of the readers wanted in a magazine. Thus, Palmer found out that pseud-scientific detective stories were not desirable to the balance of the public, soon after the magazine was issued. He will continue with this policy until he has discovered the exact type which sells the mag best, and which has the approval of the majority of the readers. Then, too, the interior illustrations will be toned down a trifle, and the cartoon will probably not be continued. Paul will definitely become a fixture in FANTASTIC with his interesting "solar system" series, while the art work seemingly, will be juggled between Krupa, Fuqua, and whatever newcomers pop up. All in all, the outlook is bright and the future appears due to surprise even the pessimists. (next column) Certain sources have been spreading rumors which, in the light of the truth, are not only unfounded but utterly ridiculous. Among them, is the statement that AMAZING is on its last leg and will fold up shortly. A glance at circulation statistics alone disproves this. With every issue AS has jumped thousands until now it is firmly established as any magazine could be. nor does it occupy a subordinate position in the science fiction field by any means. in fact, if the exact circulation figures were disclosed many editors would sprout gray hairs. Other propagandic declarations claim that AMAZING is contaminating s-f and lowering its standards, etc., etc. Why this should emanate from a fan's lips cannot be attributed to anything but a personal grudge. certainly Palmer has shown a friendly face toward science fiction --- and fandom for that matter. By his willingness to cooperate he aided in the great upswing in the field of pseud-science. But-- every man to his own taste. This paragraph biased? Hell, yes! If those dissenters could see what really goes on behind the scenes, they'd change their opinions, too. Few authors, in science fiction at least, can claim seven stories printed in the same magazine --- in consecutive order, in four issues. Ed Earl Repp can. As many know, his pseudonym, Bradner Buckner, appeared twice in issues containing another story by Repp. On the other hand, Raymond A. Palmer stakes his claim for glory (Continued on page 28)
FANTASCIENCE DIGEST Page 17 AMAZING news BY MARK REINSBERG Things were very quiet on the AMAZING front as Ziff-Davis and Palmer assumed a policy of watchful waiting in regards to FANTASTIC ADVENTURES. Scattered reports indicate that the newest member of science fiction's growing field has been a success, however, the next few days will decide whether FA will be continued. The first issue was tentatively dated bi-monthly in compliance with postal regulations, but if it is undertaken, FANTASTIC will become a regular monthly publication. Naturally, the second issue will be under a slightly different policy, as the inaugural was more or less a "feeler" on the public. It was necessary to determine just what the majority of the readers wanted in a magazine. Thus, Palmer found out that pseud-scientific detective stories were not desirable to the balance of the public, soon after the magazine was issued. He will continue with this policy until he has discovered the exact type which sells the mag best, and which has the approval of the majority of the readers. Then, too, the interior illustrations will be toned down a trifle, and the cartoon will probably not be continued. Paul will definitely become a fixture in FANTASTIC with his interesting "solar system" series, while the art work seemingly, will be juggled between Krupa, Fuqua, and whatever newcomers pop up. All in all, the outlook is bright and the future appears due to surprise even the pessimists. (next column) Certain sources have been spreading rumors which, in the light of the truth, are not only unfounded but utterly ridiculous. Among them, is the statement that AMAZING is on its last leg and will fold up shortly. A glance at circulation statistics alone disproves this. With every issue AS has jumped thousands until now it is firmly established as any magazine could be. nor does it occupy a subordinate position in the science fiction field by any means. in fact, if the exact circulation figures were disclosed many editors would sprout gray hairs. Other propagandic declarations claim that AMAZING is contaminating s-f and lowering its standards, etc., etc. Why this should emanate from a fan's lips cannot be attributed to anything but a personal grudge. certainly Palmer has shown a friendly face toward science fiction --- and fandom for that matter. By his willingness to cooperate he aided in the great upswing in the field of pseud-science. But-- every man to his own taste. This paragraph biased? Hell, yes! If those dissenters could see what really goes on behind the scenes, they'd change their opinions, too. Few authors, in science fiction at least, can claim seven stories printed in the same magazine --- in consecutive order, in four issues. Ed Earl Repp can. As many know, his pseudonym, Bradner Buckner, appeared twice in issues containing another story by Repp. On the other hand, Raymond A. Palmer stakes his claim for glory (Continued on page 28)
Hevelin Fanzines