Futurian War Digest, whole no. 15, June 1941
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THE DOUBLE DUCK / The perpetrator of last month's mystery picturette has been discovered to be imagi-native RaHoffman, formerly of Schmarjeville, Iowa. We immediately commissiond RAH to do us a doodle per meeting, best of which we'll present each time.The backover this ish offers his combination of a turkey & a rabbit (very tasty too). But it is impossible to reproduce Bob's strange subtle shading on stencil. AN HONEST FAN / Nycon Wk, '39. Weird Tales' Office. Moskowitzwants to show the late Farnsworth Wright the rite-up revd by the Convention in Time. Borrows Akerman's copy. 24 Apr 41: SaM sends xprt back markt "Better late than never"! ASSORTED SERVICES / Fandom seems to be following with considerable intrest the fate of 3 local fans who have poold their talents & resources in an attempt to be their own bosses. In the Service's brief xistence such science-fictionists alredy have been served as Lloyd Connerley (a steady stencil-mimeo customer), Walt Daugherty (1/2 doz jobs done for Shangri-LA's Hi Lama), Pogo, Paul Freehafer, Morojo, Eleanor O'Brien & Georges H Gallet of France! to whom we are supplying stills for a movie magazine! Fortier, Goldstone, Daugherty, Joquel & Jenkins all anticipate the early use of mimicrayon ['mimicrayon' is underlines with tildes]. Julie Unger as oferd free ads for AS in FFF. Ted & Adele, fandom's "Christian Scientifictionists", say "You're being swell!" & I third that! The adres again is 6111 Harold Way, Hlywd ['6111 Harold Way Hlywd' is underlined], if there's anything we can do for U--stfal or otherwise. Last wk we were looking into a lodging for Kornbluth & Cohen; by Jun 15 we're to've found a place for Chauvenet, soeur et ami, to stay. FUSS ON A BUS / Late one nite last month I was returning from Morojo's where I'd been dummying May Vom. Cover already'd been run. I pulled out a sample &, as editors will, sat admiring it for praps the 100th time. Across the aisle from me a women got up & sat down nexto me. I thot "Aha! An art student. In a moment she will speak to me & ask if I drew he picture." She spoke, but instead said, "Have you been sick?" Startled, I lookt at her, replyd "Y, no." "Are you sure you haven't been sick?" she persisted. "No; I have been working awfully hard & overtime the past few mos. but I haven't been sick." "Well you look ill!" Simultaneous with my realization the Lady (?) in Question was a li'l inebriated she kinda crookt a finger at me & winkt & confided, "I've been drinking a little...or I wouldn't have nerve enough to come over here and talk to you and tell you this. Didn't you used to get on the bus at Beverly and Vermont about nine o'clock every morning?" "Yes" I acknowledged. "Well, I was watching you. You know--you're a wreck." I: "Uh." She: "I know. I can see. I'm a Registered Nurse, and I can tell. You're a mess. Why do you work so hard?" "Well I've got a difrent job now where I won't have to." "But you're still studying--" indicating the briefcase, typryter & parafernalia incident to the production of the Voice. Then it was time for her to get off. "Don't do it," she plead; "it isn't worth it. Promise me--" she called back as she was getting out the door. "Alrite" I said (aint I the darnd liar). & there she left me, to ride another 40 blox alone, & everybody on the bus nue I was a reck & a mess... SHANGRILARYNGITIS / "Way Out West the disc whirls...the needle descends...the mike rises...your commentator, Walter J. Daugherty, greets you...and the Shangri-LARecord is born!" So did a spur-of-the-moment script start that evolved considerably by the time it had been voiced about 22 times! Approxly 18 copys the first newscast-via-soundisc from Sha-LA recently were distribd to fandom, another 4 being trials or flukes. As every ['every' is underlined] record was difrent in certain small respects, 4sJ now despairs of ever having a complete ['ever' and 'complete' are underlined] collection of fan "mags". Interesting variations noted included 4e's fluff of calling Kornbluth "Kornflake" & WDJ's "The DANG Thing". A skip in one record...resulted in "Your born!" A hi E was hit the first time on the piano rathern a hi C so this note was kept ever after. Trial showd actual typing resembled machinegun so only the spacebar was batted. Like the Sat Eve Post which is on sale Tuesdays, & Friday ['Friday' is underlined] which apears Wednesday; the Shangri-LARecord--"recorded the 3d Sunday of every month"--was made the Tues & Weds eves following. Dau & Ack, attempting to outwinchell oneanother, woundup hoarse, trust their tonsils can take it shoud series prove popular. So as not to give this "publication" too much publicity & risk a lot of orders, we only'll whisper ['whisper' is underlined] price: 15c. 6476 Met Sta. COVER TO COINCIDE WITH "COSTUME" / Portrait of a world-famous superman will be seen on Convention issue of Vom & Fja plans to come to the Maskerade in a corresponding mask. Morojo also may be imaginatively maskt. Incidently, re distribution of our July ish: We wish our subscribers attentding the Devention woud buy ['buy' is underlined] a copy there & let their subs automaticly be extended one ish. Nothing compulsory, but we'd appreciate it. Thanx. & so--we'll just say we noe the capital As are abominable this ish & the "editorial" trifikly crowded. Chide us at Denver. C U 4-5-6 JULY! ~4e & Mrj~
THE DOUBLE DUCK / The perpetrator of last month's mystery picturette has been discovered to be imagi-native RaHoffman, formerly of Schmarjeville, Iowa. We immediately commissiond RAH to do us a doodle per meeting, best of which we'll present each time.The backover this ish offers his combination of a turkey & a rabbit (very tasty too). But it is impossible to reproduce Bob's strange subtle shading on stencil. AN HONEST FAN / Nycon Wk, '39. Weird Tales' Office. Moskowitzwants to show the late Farnsworth Wright the rite-up revd by the Convention in Time. Borrows Akerman's copy. 24 Apr 41: SaM sends xprt back markt "Better late than never"! ASSORTED SERVICES / Fandom seems to be following with considerable intrest the fate of 3 local fans who have poold their talents & resources in an attempt to be their own bosses. In the Service's brief xistence such science-fictionists alredy have been served as Lloyd Connerley (a steady stencil-mimeo customer), Walt Daugherty (1/2 doz jobs done for Shangri-LA's Hi Lama), Pogo, Paul Freehafer, Morojo, Eleanor O'Brien & Georges H Gallet of France! to whom we are supplying stills for a movie magazine! Fortier, Goldstone, Daugherty, Joquel & Jenkins all anticipate the early use of mimicrayon ['mimicrayon' is underlines with tildes]. Julie Unger as oferd free ads for AS in FFF. Ted & Adele, fandom's "Christian Scientifictionists", say "You're being swell!" & I third that! The adres again is 6111 Harold Way, Hlywd ['6111 Harold Way Hlywd' is underlined], if there's anything we can do for U--stfal or otherwise. Last wk we were looking into a lodging for Kornbluth & Cohen; by Jun 15 we're to've found a place for Chauvenet, soeur et ami, to stay. FUSS ON A BUS / Late one nite last month I was returning from Morojo's where I'd been dummying May Vom. Cover already'd been run. I pulled out a sample &, as editors will, sat admiring it for praps the 100th time. Across the aisle from me a women got up & sat down nexto me. I thot "Aha! An art student. In a moment she will speak to me & ask if I drew he picture." She spoke, but instead said, "Have you been sick?" Startled, I lookt at her, replyd "Y, no." "Are you sure you haven't been sick?" she persisted. "No; I have been working awfully hard & overtime the past few mos. but I haven't been sick." "Well you look ill!" Simultaneous with my realization the Lady (?) in Question was a li'l inebriated she kinda crookt a finger at me & winkt & confided, "I've been drinking a little...or I wouldn't have nerve enough to come over here and talk to you and tell you this. Didn't you used to get on the bus at Beverly and Vermont about nine o'clock every morning?" "Yes" I acknowledged. "Well, I was watching you. You know--you're a wreck." I: "Uh." She: "I know. I can see. I'm a Registered Nurse, and I can tell. You're a mess. Why do you work so hard?" "Well I've got a difrent job now where I won't have to." "But you're still studying--" indicating the briefcase, typryter & parafernalia incident to the production of the Voice. Then it was time for her to get off. "Don't do it," she plead; "it isn't worth it. Promise me--" she called back as she was getting out the door. "Alrite" I said (aint I the darnd liar). & there she left me, to ride another 40 blox alone, & everybody on the bus nue I was a reck & a mess... SHANGRILARYNGITIS / "Way Out West the disc whirls...the needle descends...the mike rises...your commentator, Walter J. Daugherty, greets you...and the Shangri-LARecord is born!" So did a spur-of-the-moment script start that evolved considerably by the time it had been voiced about 22 times! Approxly 18 copys the first newscast-via-soundisc from Sha-LA recently were distribd to fandom, another 4 being trials or flukes. As every ['every' is underlined] record was difrent in certain small respects, 4sJ now despairs of ever having a complete ['ever' and 'complete' are underlined] collection of fan "mags". Interesting variations noted included 4e's fluff of calling Kornbluth "Kornflake" & WDJ's "The DANG Thing". A skip in one record...resulted in "Your born!" A hi E was hit the first time on the piano rathern a hi C so this note was kept ever after. Trial showd actual typing resembled machinegun so only the spacebar was batted. Like the Sat Eve Post which is on sale Tuesdays, & Friday ['Friday' is underlined] which apears Wednesday; the Shangri-LARecord--"recorded the 3d Sunday of every month"--was made the Tues & Weds eves following. Dau & Ack, attempting to outwinchell oneanother, woundup hoarse, trust their tonsils can take it shoud series prove popular. So as not to give this "publication" too much publicity & risk a lot of orders, we only'll whisper ['whisper' is underlined] price: 15c. 6476 Met Sta. COVER TO COINCIDE WITH "COSTUME" / Portrait of a world-famous superman will be seen on Convention issue of Vom & Fja plans to come to the Maskerade in a corresponding mask. Morojo also may be imaginatively maskt. Incidently, re distribution of our July ish: We wish our subscribers attentding the Devention woud buy ['buy' is underlined] a copy there & let their subs automaticly be extended one ish. Nothing compulsory, but we'd appreciate it. Thanx. & so--we'll just say we noe the capital As are abominable this ish & the "editorial" trifikly crowded. Chide us at Denver. C U 4-5-6 JULY! ~4e & Mrj~
Hevelin Fanzines