Futurian War Digest, whole no. 15, June 1941
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 6 And Morojo fell in line. Does good English survive neither in Britain nor America? "Milt's analysis of Alan P is probably nearest to the truth of any of those put forward, but I think nearly all of them had something in the analyses offered. But where the psyche-analysts have really gone to town is on Miske. "The Gilbert Jenkins letter was about the most interesting in the issue. Example of whimsy carried nearly to the ultimate. By the way, there was another torture they could have stuck in before 'Don't throw me in the briar patch': 'Send me Spaceways with dark purple covers,'. "Gee, looks like I may have misjudged Ted Carnell. I'd pretty well pigeonholed him as an unofficial adjunct of the Propaganda Ministry, and then he comes out with 'I hope that you guys don't get involved in this mess'. "With those few and incoherent comments I'll consider the VoMs on hand disposed of." Washington Worry Wort #2, MILTY, comments - but briefly - on Apr Vom. From 1730 P NW, DC: [The previous statement is underlined.] "VoM is lovely, as usual, with not enough of Elmer. -- No doubts lots of people are laughing up their sleeves because Milty took Alan Roberts as seriously as he takes everything. Milty doesn't care, tho. It was still a good piece of writing. Got him reprinted in England, too. Nyah." "VOM DAY [underlined] I F I S E N D Y O U A N Y M OR E D I M E S T H A N T H I S" declares [underlined] Art Widner [underlined with the symbol '~'] "I SHALL B E F O R C E D TO C O M E T O T H E D E N V E N T I O N A S P I C T U R E D." [an image of a person with glasses or goggles is riding a bike leftwards] Dimes composed the wheels. A uniq way to pedal the metal! [The last two sentences are underlined] HARRY WARNER, the Hercules of Hagerstown, MD [the previous words are underlined] (Bryan Pl, 303): "Two issues of VOM, one of Wave-Length, and Hymn to Satan to hand. The last-names is the first thing of its sort I've seen, and I have two objections. First it should have been transposed down to E flat or D or thereabouts, because it would take someone with a voice like Bradbury's to hit that top A in the third-from-last measure. Second, it should bear the same relation to a real hymn as a Black Mass bears to the Catholic rites, and it doesn't. Maybe I'll try my luck at something similar some of these days. On the whole, though, it's very nicely done, and I'm extremely curious as to the composer. I know of no fan skilled enough in harmony to have done it except, ahem, me; that is, the grammar is good, in the notation, which is the real test of whether a professional musician or a dabbler did it. Too, it was very nicely mimeod--I presume it was mimoed, at least, although it looks almost like lithoing. (Twas the latter [everything in this parentheses is underlined with the symbol '~']) ' ' I won't go into detail on the Voices, exceptto express my conplete joy at your going monthly, and humble and from-the-heart hop that you can maintain such a schedule. (I frankly have my doubts, and if you start running short on material, I'm prefer a bi-monthly like the present VOM than a monthly somewhat resembling it.) Your speed-up of publication prevents me from giving you the bawling out for the small number of pages I've been meaning to bawl. ' ' Don't read Spanish, so until I get around to learning I won't be able to make any sense out of the Ackermanese Espagnol. Glad to see Vol's picture, which reminds me: why don't you devote your page of lithoing every now and then to fans' photos? I'm sure they'd be popular with the guys who pay the freight. Convention scenes and the like too would be nice, but they'd naturally be more detailed than portraits and probably wouldn't come off so well lithoed. ' ' Sieg heil!" DON "JUAN" of 2302 U St, LincolNebraska: [the previous statement is underlined] [there is an image right-alinged of a signature saying Thompson(?)] "A los ke hablan kon la vos de la Imaji-Nacion[accented 'o'], les saluto: [upsidedown '!' here]Biba el Idioma Espameriko! (Hey --- did you every try making an inverted exclamation point on an ordinary typer?) ([upsidedown '!'] Si, Senor [n has a tilde over it]--just now![all the words in this parentheses is underlined with the symbol '~']) But what's all this? Are los Mejikanos getting the jump on us? They already have a near-perfect system of orthography, and they are already trying to improve it. And what have we got? Elizabethan English
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 6 And Morojo fell in line. Does good English survive neither in Britain nor America? "Milt's analysis of Alan P is probably nearest to the truth of any of those put forward, but I think nearly all of them had something in the analyses offered. But where the psyche-analysts have really gone to town is on Miske. "The Gilbert Jenkins letter was about the most interesting in the issue. Example of whimsy carried nearly to the ultimate. By the way, there was another torture they could have stuck in before 'Don't throw me in the briar patch': 'Send me Spaceways with dark purple covers,'. "Gee, looks like I may have misjudged Ted Carnell. I'd pretty well pigeonholed him as an unofficial adjunct of the Propaganda Ministry, and then he comes out with 'I hope that you guys don't get involved in this mess'. "With those few and incoherent comments I'll consider the VoMs on hand disposed of." Washington Worry Wort #2, MILTY, comments - but briefly - on Apr Vom. From 1730 P NW, DC: [The previous statement is underlined.] "VoM is lovely, as usual, with not enough of Elmer. -- No doubts lots of people are laughing up their sleeves because Milty took Alan Roberts as seriously as he takes everything. Milty doesn't care, tho. It was still a good piece of writing. Got him reprinted in England, too. Nyah." "VOM DAY [underlined] I F I S E N D Y O U A N Y M OR E D I M E S T H A N T H I S" declares [underlined] Art Widner [underlined with the symbol '~'] "I SHALL B E F O R C E D TO C O M E T O T H E D E N V E N T I O N A S P I C T U R E D." [an image of a person with glasses or goggles is riding a bike leftwards] Dimes composed the wheels. A uniq way to pedal the metal! [The last two sentences are underlined] HARRY WARNER, the Hercules of Hagerstown, MD [the previous words are underlined] (Bryan Pl, 303): "Two issues of VOM, one of Wave-Length, and Hymn to Satan to hand. The last-names is the first thing of its sort I've seen, and I have two objections. First it should have been transposed down to E flat or D or thereabouts, because it would take someone with a voice like Bradbury's to hit that top A in the third-from-last measure. Second, it should bear the same relation to a real hymn as a Black Mass bears to the Catholic rites, and it doesn't. Maybe I'll try my luck at something similar some of these days. On the whole, though, it's very nicely done, and I'm extremely curious as to the composer. I know of no fan skilled enough in harmony to have done it except, ahem, me; that is, the grammar is good, in the notation, which is the real test of whether a professional musician or a dabbler did it. Too, it was very nicely mimeod--I presume it was mimoed, at least, although it looks almost like lithoing. (Twas the latter [everything in this parentheses is underlined with the symbol '~']) ' ' I won't go into detail on the Voices, exceptto express my conplete joy at your going monthly, and humble and from-the-heart hop that you can maintain such a schedule. (I frankly have my doubts, and if you start running short on material, I'm prefer a bi-monthly like the present VOM than a monthly somewhat resembling it.) Your speed-up of publication prevents me from giving you the bawling out for the small number of pages I've been meaning to bawl. ' ' Don't read Spanish, so until I get around to learning I won't be able to make any sense out of the Ackermanese Espagnol. Glad to see Vol's picture, which reminds me: why don't you devote your page of lithoing every now and then to fans' photos? I'm sure they'd be popular with the guys who pay the freight. Convention scenes and the like too would be nice, but they'd naturally be more detailed than portraits and probably wouldn't come off so well lithoed. ' ' Sieg heil!" DON "JUAN" of 2302 U St, LincolNebraska: [the previous statement is underlined] [there is an image right-alinged of a signature saying Thompson(?)] "A los ke hablan kon la vos de la Imaji-Nacion[accented 'o'], les saluto: [upsidedown '!' here]Biba el Idioma Espameriko! (Hey --- did you every try making an inverted exclamation point on an ordinary typer?) ([upsidedown '!'] Si, Senor [n has a tilde over it]--just now![all the words in this parentheses is underlined with the symbol '~']) But what's all this? Are los Mejikanos getting the jump on us? They already have a near-perfect system of orthography, and they are already trying to improve it. And what have we got? Elizabethan English
Hevelin Fanzines