Futurian War Digest, whole no. 15, June 1941
Page 6
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6 and Ackermanese! Woe are we! "Seriously though, this new Mexican spelling is rather curiuos. The substitution of k[underlined] for hard c[underlined] and for qu[underlined], j[underlined] for soft g[underlined], g[underlined] for gu[underlined], and the elimination of v[underlined] may all be considered forward steps. Replacing ll[underlined] by y[underlined] fits American Spanish very well, as does the use of s[underlined] for z[underlined] and soft c[underlined]. But these latter wouldn't apply to Castillian Spanish at all. But why the tilde r['tilde r' is underlined]? That looks like a backward step. Why not eliminate the tilde n['tilde n' is underlined], replacing it by ny[underlined]; it even certainly isn't a simple consonantal sound. Well, it is no worry of mine--and even Esperanto, the native language of the LASFSers, isn't perfect, even if Ye Coeds do[underlined] day it is~ (we do not[underlined] day Esperanto estas perfecta. It's darnear, tho![everything in this parentheses besides what is already states as underlined is underlined with the symbol '~']) "The letters from England still maintain interest at a high pitch, especially Carnell's. Greatly suprised to see Gallet's letter; the British letters are at least censored only by Britishers, with a little annoyance from German raiders after they leave England; but Gallent has to dodge the enemy within the gates of Paris. Persistent fellow! "To Bob Tucker, applause for the most entertaining mess of typer hodge-podge to show up in any fanzine. 'overload, overlard[each letter has a diagonal strike through]' --- some fun! But, if he keeps his own accounts the same way he figured yours --- well, no wonder he's having difficulties. "To 1/2 forjay, thanks for them kind woids. And as for beating you to a pros -- well, by the time you are as old as I am, you will probably have made a lot of sales, if you really want to do it. "Just received a copy of PROFAN No. 1, from Hobart, Tasmania. (17, Audley St. 6c, 3/15c.[everything in these parentheses is underlined with the symbol '~']) It was addressed to 3136 Q St. and the P. O. boys read Tuck's script Q[underlined] as an A[underlined], at first. The P. P. boys are really persistent, though, 'cause I finally got the fanzine, mailed twenty days ago in Hobart. (In my case, I mistook the miniature rocket after the title for an e[underlined], thinking the title to be PROFANE![previous words in parentheses are underlined with the symbol '~'] --[strange symbol here]) "Oh, yeah, the VOM cover! Es de un calor rojisimo![first 'i' is accented]Esperando que Uds. estan['a' is accetned] el mismo, yo estoy Yours Sincerely," WALTER J DAUGHERTY, the High Lllama or 3 'el' lama (fire, chief!) of Shangri-LA, dasht in thother day, cryd[previous statement except that in parentheses is underlined] "Grab a typewriter, 4sJ--I got a very, very unusual coincidence to tell you about for the Voice", & this is what he dictated: [from "&' to 'dictated' the words are underlined] "Dear Co-eds: For the past three years at the Palomar (hot dance stop that burnd down[everything in parentheses is underlined with symbol '~']) I have been acquainted with a gentleman whom I call Morris. I knew him only by that name. Our conversations were on dancing, not science fiction. But to forget this three years here for a moment, let us jump to the evening of May the 3rd. Stepping into a magazine shop at the corner of 8th and Vermont, I reached for a copy of Science Fiction, I was rather amazed when my old friend Morris stepped up and designated himself as the clerk and much to my amazement started in on a very excellent sales talk on Science Fiction and Planet Stories and Astounding, personally recommending to me stories by Heinlein and Leigh Brackett. A point which I forget to mention is that Morris always reminded me a great deal of someone I had seen before. I then stepped over to the counter, laid my magazines down, and opened Science Fiction to the part where there was a short paragraph about Shangri-LA. the city and the magazine. Morris glanced at it, and said, 'Yes, that's the first thing I looked at when I opened the magazine. I have always been interested in anything pertaining to Shangri-la. You see, Walt, I don't think you ever heard my last name, but to clarify things, I might say my cousin is [underline]Sam Jaffe, the High Lama of Shrangri-la[/u].' " [underline]MILTY ROTHMAN, the live-wire of DC[/u] (if corn carryd a voltage, that one woud electrocute!) [underline] rote from 1730 P NW, 8 May 41[/u]: "Dearest Morojo and 4e: Every once in a hwile Milty requires taking down a peg or so, and there is usually somebody around to do it. So we are very grateful to you two for preventing Milty from making more of a dope of himself than he really is. As a matter of fact, Milty's much vaunted guzzling has been largely wishful thinking -- restricted precisely tothose few abortive efforts described in Milty's Mag. So, 4e and Morojo, it will make you very happy to know that Milty has not touched anything more wicked than Coca Cola for the past month. and that it was John Becker, the louse, who drank the rest of Milty's precious bottle of port ([underlined with '~']And a very good (s)port U've been about it, Milty. Now we respect U all the more; will treat U to a mylhicornicopia at the Devention![/u] --[underlined]FandM[/u]) -- Milty [underlined]will[/u] see you at the Denvention after all. He has gotten completely sick and tired of school and says to hell with it all, whats the use of being a superman if I can't learn calculus without attending summer school? So he got himself a reservation
6 and Ackermanese! Woe are we! "Seriously though, this new Mexican spelling is rather curiuos. The substitution of k[underlined] for hard c[underlined] and for qu[underlined], j[underlined] for soft g[underlined], g[underlined] for gu[underlined], and the elimination of v[underlined] may all be considered forward steps. Replacing ll[underlined] by y[underlined] fits American Spanish very well, as does the use of s[underlined] for z[underlined] and soft c[underlined]. But these latter wouldn't apply to Castillian Spanish at all. But why the tilde r['tilde r' is underlined]? That looks like a backward step. Why not eliminate the tilde n['tilde n' is underlined], replacing it by ny[underlined]; it even certainly isn't a simple consonantal sound. Well, it is no worry of mine--and even Esperanto, the native language of the LASFSers, isn't perfect, even if Ye Coeds do[underlined] day it is~ (we do not[underlined] day Esperanto estas perfecta. It's darnear, tho![everything in this parentheses besides what is already states as underlined is underlined with the symbol '~']) "The letters from England still maintain interest at a high pitch, especially Carnell's. Greatly suprised to see Gallet's letter; the British letters are at least censored only by Britishers, with a little annoyance from German raiders after they leave England; but Gallent has to dodge the enemy within the gates of Paris. Persistent fellow! "To Bob Tucker, applause for the most entertaining mess of typer hodge-podge to show up in any fanzine. 'overload, overlard[each letter has a diagonal strike through]' --- some fun! But, if he keeps his own accounts the same way he figured yours --- well, no wonder he's having difficulties. "To 1/2 forjay, thanks for them kind woids. And as for beating you to a pros -- well, by the time you are as old as I am, you will probably have made a lot of sales, if you really want to do it. "Just received a copy of PROFAN No. 1, from Hobart, Tasmania. (17, Audley St. 6c, 3/15c.[everything in these parentheses is underlined with the symbol '~']) It was addressed to 3136 Q St. and the P. O. boys read Tuck's script Q[underlined] as an A[underlined], at first. The P. P. boys are really persistent, though, 'cause I finally got the fanzine, mailed twenty days ago in Hobart. (In my case, I mistook the miniature rocket after the title for an e[underlined], thinking the title to be PROFANE![previous words in parentheses are underlined with the symbol '~'] --[strange symbol here]) "Oh, yeah, the VOM cover! Es de un calor rojisimo![first 'i' is accented]Esperando que Uds. estan['a' is accetned] el mismo, yo estoy Yours Sincerely," WALTER J DAUGHERTY, the High Lllama or 3 'el' lama (fire, chief!) of Shangri-LA, dasht in thother day, cryd[previous statement except that in parentheses is underlined] "Grab a typewriter, 4sJ--I got a very, very unusual coincidence to tell you about for the Voice", & this is what he dictated: [from "&' to 'dictated' the words are underlined] "Dear Co-eds: For the past three years at the Palomar (hot dance stop that burnd down[everything in parentheses is underlined with symbol '~']) I have been acquainted with a gentleman whom I call Morris. I knew him only by that name. Our conversations were on dancing, not science fiction. But to forget this three years here for a moment, let us jump to the evening of May the 3rd. Stepping into a magazine shop at the corner of 8th and Vermont, I reached for a copy of Science Fiction, I was rather amazed when my old friend Morris stepped up and designated himself as the clerk and much to my amazement started in on a very excellent sales talk on Science Fiction and Planet Stories and Astounding, personally recommending to me stories by Heinlein and Leigh Brackett. A point which I forget to mention is that Morris always reminded me a great deal of someone I had seen before. I then stepped over to the counter, laid my magazines down, and opened Science Fiction to the part where there was a short paragraph about Shangri-LA. the city and the magazine. Morris glanced at it, and said, 'Yes, that's the first thing I looked at when I opened the magazine. I have always been interested in anything pertaining to Shangri-la. You see, Walt, I don't think you ever heard my last name, but to clarify things, I might say my cousin is [underline]Sam Jaffe, the High Lama of Shrangri-la[/u].' " [underline]MILTY ROTHMAN, the live-wire of DC[/u] (if corn carryd a voltage, that one woud electrocute!) [underline] rote from 1730 P NW, 8 May 41[/u]: "Dearest Morojo and 4e: Every once in a hwile Milty requires taking down a peg or so, and there is usually somebody around to do it. So we are very grateful to you two for preventing Milty from making more of a dope of himself than he really is. As a matter of fact, Milty's much vaunted guzzling has been largely wishful thinking -- restricted precisely tothose few abortive efforts described in Milty's Mag. So, 4e and Morojo, it will make you very happy to know that Milty has not touched anything more wicked than Coca Cola for the past month. and that it was John Becker, the louse, who drank the rest of Milty's precious bottle of port ([underlined with '~']And a very good (s)port U've been about it, Milty. Now we respect U all the more; will treat U to a mylhicornicopia at the Devention![/u] --[underlined]FandM[/u]) -- Milty [underlined]will[/u] see you at the Denvention after all. He has gotten completely sick and tired of school and says to hell with it all, whats the use of being a superman if I can't learn calculus without attending summer school? So he got himself a reservation
Hevelin Fanzines