Futurian War Digest, whole no. 15, June 1941
Page 8
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8 JJ FORTIER, Director Golden Gate Futurians, 1836 - 39 Ave, Oakland, Cal: [underlined] "gulp ' ' That's about all I had to say concerning the latest issue. Just to show you what it did to my iron-boud policy of never buying fmz, here is 50 cents (LeZ once did the same thing). The best suggestion I have to offer at the moment is the introduction of a back cover in the future. At the present time you have very few pages and could probably go some to do a back cover -- it would be a splendid place to present some of your terrible art-work. ' ' Yeh! That superb drawing by Paule adorns my wall with Petty, Barclay, Daugherty and the rest. O, there are stfotos and pics about the place, but they are high on the walls. The luscious beauts get the prime positions. ' ' Anyway, your cover was fine. What ho, but give us some more. Might I suggest spotting a little Wright, Hunt and knight not forgetting to mention the newcomer for DAWN, Frank Wakefield. (We'll be glad to consider submissions by fanartists.) [underlined] The contents was good again, but give close attention to this spot as it is one of your best features. ' ' Rah, rah, rah--litho! Don't worry about us 'cause you'll be getting a half-dozen offers in the very near future! Now to the meat: ' ' Thompson: rambling, Rajooz: prattle. Fortier: he decides to take your word for Burk after looking at two pages in the phone book. Rothman: now I'm F.A.P.A. too. Waite: had to wait to say hello. Connerly: yeh, me too. Chapman: contents page comes in handy figuring some of these signatures out. Kuttneroom:[underlined] well, two of the best authors are coming out here again. Perdue: ah; my dreamag at long last! Gallet: allo, mon ami. Sonosec: we're still waiting for a record to present at a meeting. (Has been dispatcht.) [underlined] ' ' Your sincere reader," "VOMOSWOTH' of Del Monte, Kangaroo Pt Rd, Sylvania, NSW, Australia, in a letter dated 5/4/41: [underlined] "Yesterday, I was the happiest fan this side of Sydney. For Olon F. Wiggins despatched me some stickers proclaiming the owner to be a member of the Colorado Fantasy Soc'y. I am, together with J. Michael Rosenblum, an overseas member of the organization sponsoring the denvention. And not only that, but I am the Official Denvention Representative in Australia. Boy! am I elated. It means a helluva lot to be to be considered worth membership in (at the moment) USA's most important organization. I only hope that it won't become stale like the Illini Fictioneers did after the Chicon was over. By the way, what IS the date of the dencon? (July 4-5-6) [underlined] ' ' As I half-predicted in my letter tiding the good news, they're isn't going to any Sydcon. No: fan-feuds didn't spoil it... fan-feuding is a rarity now in Sydney. We just feel things, but keep 'em out of print. Things are looking better for it, too. Well, external pressure forced me to retire from control of the Sydcon. Wm Veney became in charge of the works, and immediately announced that it was to be abandoned in lieu of a Sydney Conference. The idea is this: If 30 come, it's a Conference, is 130, it's a Convention. Veney only expects 20. ' ' Can you tell me why everybody seems to dislike Captain Future. Warner gave it as an excuse for writing a below-average editorial. Miske said something similar. Are the fans allowing Ed. Hamilton's past reputation to prejudice them? Someone once said: Hamilton is either very very good or very very bad, there is no medium. This is true. I've ready plenty of Hamilton-haks, but personally me thinks the Capn Future series are par excellence. And, byt the way, where and when "The Three Planeteers" appear. (Startling 40 Jan.)[underlined] I remember reading it somewheres, in a Standard I know, but the date and issue is lost in the mists of pseudoquasia. (That's a new one; the adjective is psutuquun; pronounced soot-oo-coon. Don't mind me: they called me The Metho-Madman back home.) I still say, however, that 'Doom Over Venus' is the first Captain Future story. Hamilton knows best, though, and he is Sergeant Saturn, isn't he? Or is it Weisinger (More likely the latter.) ' ' Tell Ray Bradbury I think he is a #%%)1/4 for declining to trade with me. In fact, I think he is a (row of stars.) He can still redeem himself though, by sending me the back nos he owes. ' ' Congratulations, 4e, on your 'Wells of Wisdom'--we diabetics are all genii..." Woise Den Der imagination is the way Walt Liebscher[hand-written] now of 1646 Juneway Terce, Chi, adreses The Voice[underlined]... "Rec'd latest ish of VOM with the cosmetic counter girl on the cover. ' ' Sorry to say this ish were not so intrestin but the myth of the beautiful insert more than made up for it. What do I mean - myth? Well a myth is a female moth--that one's so old it sphinx. ' ' Howard Funk and Deal De Jack were here tonight (5-8-41) & we had quite a talk about stuff & things. Guess Hamling is through with fandom. Howard seen him a couple of months ago on the street and he said he was fed up with fandom. Outside of that chance meeting, none of us have seen him since the Chicon. ' ' Here's how a fan's money goes. Send Acky & Morojo 30 shekels for 3 ishs VOM. Send Julie a buck for 24 ishs
8 JJ FORTIER, Director Golden Gate Futurians, 1836 - 39 Ave, Oakland, Cal: [underlined] "gulp ' ' That's about all I had to say concerning the latest issue. Just to show you what it did to my iron-boud policy of never buying fmz, here is 50 cents (LeZ once did the same thing). The best suggestion I have to offer at the moment is the introduction of a back cover in the future. At the present time you have very few pages and could probably go some to do a back cover -- it would be a splendid place to present some of your terrible art-work. ' ' Yeh! That superb drawing by Paule adorns my wall with Petty, Barclay, Daugherty and the rest. O, there are stfotos and pics about the place, but they are high on the walls. The luscious beauts get the prime positions. ' ' Anyway, your cover was fine. What ho, but give us some more. Might I suggest spotting a little Wright, Hunt and knight not forgetting to mention the newcomer for DAWN, Frank Wakefield. (We'll be glad to consider submissions by fanartists.) [underlined] The contents was good again, but give close attention to this spot as it is one of your best features. ' ' Rah, rah, rah--litho! Don't worry about us 'cause you'll be getting a half-dozen offers in the very near future! Now to the meat: ' ' Thompson: rambling, Rajooz: prattle. Fortier: he decides to take your word for Burk after looking at two pages in the phone book. Rothman: now I'm F.A.P.A. too. Waite: had to wait to say hello. Connerly: yeh, me too. Chapman: contents page comes in handy figuring some of these signatures out. Kuttneroom:[underlined] well, two of the best authors are coming out here again. Perdue: ah; my dreamag at long last! Gallet: allo, mon ami. Sonosec: we're still waiting for a record to present at a meeting. (Has been dispatcht.) [underlined] ' ' Your sincere reader," "VOMOSWOTH' of Del Monte, Kangaroo Pt Rd, Sylvania, NSW, Australia, in a letter dated 5/4/41: [underlined] "Yesterday, I was the happiest fan this side of Sydney. For Olon F. Wiggins despatched me some stickers proclaiming the owner to be a member of the Colorado Fantasy Soc'y. I am, together with J. Michael Rosenblum, an overseas member of the organization sponsoring the denvention. And not only that, but I am the Official Denvention Representative in Australia. Boy! am I elated. It means a helluva lot to be to be considered worth membership in (at the moment) USA's most important organization. I only hope that it won't become stale like the Illini Fictioneers did after the Chicon was over. By the way, what IS the date of the dencon? (July 4-5-6) [underlined] ' ' As I half-predicted in my letter tiding the good news, they're isn't going to any Sydcon. No: fan-feuds didn't spoil it... fan-feuding is a rarity now in Sydney. We just feel things, but keep 'em out of print. Things are looking better for it, too. Well, external pressure forced me to retire from control of the Sydcon. Wm Veney became in charge of the works, and immediately announced that it was to be abandoned in lieu of a Sydney Conference. The idea is this: If 30 come, it's a Conference, is 130, it's a Convention. Veney only expects 20. ' ' Can you tell me why everybody seems to dislike Captain Future. Warner gave it as an excuse for writing a below-average editorial. Miske said something similar. Are the fans allowing Ed. Hamilton's past reputation to prejudice them? Someone once said: Hamilton is either very very good or very very bad, there is no medium. This is true. I've ready plenty of Hamilton-haks, but personally me thinks the Capn Future series are par excellence. And, byt the way, where and when "The Three Planeteers" appear. (Startling 40 Jan.)[underlined] I remember reading it somewheres, in a Standard I know, but the date and issue is lost in the mists of pseudoquasia. (That's a new one; the adjective is psutuquun; pronounced soot-oo-coon. Don't mind me: they called me The Metho-Madman back home.) I still say, however, that 'Doom Over Venus' is the first Captain Future story. Hamilton knows best, though, and he is Sergeant Saturn, isn't he? Or is it Weisinger (More likely the latter.) ' ' Tell Ray Bradbury I think he is a #%%)1/4 for declining to trade with me. In fact, I think he is a (row of stars.) He can still redeem himself though, by sending me the back nos he owes. ' ' Congratulations, 4e, on your 'Wells of Wisdom'--we diabetics are all genii..." Woise Den Der imagination is the way Walt Liebscher[hand-written] now of 1646 Juneway Terce, Chi, adreses The Voice[underlined]... "Rec'd latest ish of VOM with the cosmetic counter girl on the cover. ' ' Sorry to say this ish were not so intrestin but the myth of the beautiful insert more than made up for it. What do I mean - myth? Well a myth is a female moth--that one's so old it sphinx. ' ' Howard Funk and Deal De Jack were here tonight (5-8-41) & we had quite a talk about stuff & things. Guess Hamling is through with fandom. Howard seen him a couple of months ago on the street and he said he was fed up with fandom. Outside of that chance meeting, none of us have seen him since the Chicon. ' ' Here's how a fan's money goes. Send Acky & Morojo 30 shekels for 3 ishs VOM. Send Julie a buck for 24 ishs
Hevelin Fanzines