Futurian War Digest, whole no. 15, June 1941
Page 9
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 9 FFF (Fantasy Fiction Field, the wkly illustrated news sheet, 1702 Dahill Rd, Bklyn, NY: more valuable to the fan even than Vom[underlined].). Send in a buck to Famous Fantastic Mysteries for a sub and the Finlay reproductions. Buy stamps for letters etc., etc., etc., and me trying to save for the Denvention. Oh well I've got 80 bucks stacked away so far and expect to have about $125 by then. By the way I'm going to try and visit Pike's Peak and the Royal Gorge while I'm in the vicinity of Denver, I wonder if any other fans are going to do the same. ' ' Was talking to Don Wilcox the other night and learned something interesting. His story 'The Lost Race Comes Back' in Amazing Ann Issue so Palmer rewrote the ending and he was the one that brought in that army of apes in the end and that's what made the story seem to end so abruptly." "Hi there," greets[underlined] "No. One Iowa Fan" HARRY SCHMARJE of 318 Stewart Rd, Muscatine, as he treats of the Mar ish[underlined]. "Such an intelligent-looking 2 yr old on the cover. -- Gad, Ackerman, U haven't changed much since then. ' 'I can't c y U r th no. l fan. Y not retire and take a modest no. 10? ' ' Haf 2 hand it 2 U tho, yor fan mag is terrific. Especially wen it contains letrs by such masters as Widner and certain others. ' ' I won't C U N Denver cause I can't go. So U fans'll haf 2 struggle along witout me. ' ' If any fan gets near Muscatine, just drop in. I'll be glad ta meetcha. ' ' Just recvd that exquisite fanzine, Fanfare[underlined]. U r a sucker if U don't get it. Only 10¢. (Bx 122, Bryantville, Mass.[underlined]) --Gad, those drawings on p.7 are about the wackiest I hav seen in months. Art has a cute way of signing his name. ' ' There is a lot of stuff, corny and otherwise, in yor fanzine, so if U find a dime in this order, don't be surprised. Yhos," "Fantascientomicallysours," is the way RAJOCZ of 312 E Elm St, Scranton, Pa, sign a letter to the[underlined] "Dear Duo": "Do you know of anyone, outside of the Freehafer and Yerke, who wants to get rid of some stfan and stfilm pictures. I started collecting pictures about six months ago, and now am really going to do so. I shan't stop untill I have at least 75 different pictures. (Perdue & others, seeing this--Robins--probly'll acomodate U[underlined].) ' ' You seem to doubt the existence of Iam Rushinoff. Well, he's a real person. He was born in this country during 1921. Since 1925 to 1940, he lived in Russia. At present he is attending a local college. His parents are friends of mine, so when he came to Scranton he visited us and I met him. For a while he will stay at our house. I have interested him a little in stf. His first name may seem funny, but he insists that it is Iam and not Ian or Ivan as I think it to be. His birth certificate has 'Iam', but I believe that to be a mistake. His last name was hard to read, but you ought to see his last name. You wouldn't know where to start pronouncing what. If you want to see his last name let me know and I shall let you see it." Dom J Rushinoff[hand-written] (same adres as foregoing): "I have been reading all of Ray's fanags since that letter was written to you and so have a few things to say. ' ' I am not averse to your sending me a dummy of VoM in care of Ray. Could you tell me when I can expect it, that is what issue's dummy may I expect to receive? (A recent dum-dum dispatcht Ray[underlined].) ' ' I am...en-closing twenty-five cents for one issue of the few hundred you have left of 'Monsters of the Moon'. ' ' By the way, what do the initials 'T.B.' stand for in Yerke's name? (Theodore Bruce) ' ' In closing I shall say that it is silly for you to object to your readers sending in letters with even margins. Just think you could advertise even edges and have the readers do all most all of the hard work for you. I'll also have you know that I am not a figment of Ray's imagination or a pseudonym for him. ' ' Your true[underlined] friend," Eric C Williams[hand-written]. - ENGLAND[underlined]: (17 Mar 41) "This is my seventh week in doing and I am now on my first weeks training as a signalman, i.e. morse code merchant and wireless operator. All my previous weeks have been spent learning how to throw a rifle up from the ground on to the shoulder and how to bang my feet down when called to attention or halted. Apparently as quite a side line I have been shown how to fire a rifle and allowed to blaze away 20 rounds on the ranges. Then I have been tested to the full on a number of route marches and have wondered how it could be that a quarter of an inch of leather was worn away on my boots and only an eighth of an inch of my tender toes. They have taught me in quite an unnecessarily loud voice how to fix and un-
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 9 FFF (Fantasy Fiction Field, the wkly illustrated news sheet, 1702 Dahill Rd, Bklyn, NY: more valuable to the fan even than Vom[underlined].). Send in a buck to Famous Fantastic Mysteries for a sub and the Finlay reproductions. Buy stamps for letters etc., etc., etc., and me trying to save for the Denvention. Oh well I've got 80 bucks stacked away so far and expect to have about $125 by then. By the way I'm going to try and visit Pike's Peak and the Royal Gorge while I'm in the vicinity of Denver, I wonder if any other fans are going to do the same. ' ' Was talking to Don Wilcox the other night and learned something interesting. His story 'The Lost Race Comes Back' in Amazing Ann Issue so Palmer rewrote the ending and he was the one that brought in that army of apes in the end and that's what made the story seem to end so abruptly." "Hi there," greets[underlined] "No. One Iowa Fan" HARRY SCHMARJE of 318 Stewart Rd, Muscatine, as he treats of the Mar ish[underlined]. "Such an intelligent-looking 2 yr old on the cover. -- Gad, Ackerman, U haven't changed much since then. ' 'I can't c y U r th no. l fan. Y not retire and take a modest no. 10? ' ' Haf 2 hand it 2 U tho, yor fan mag is terrific. Especially wen it contains letrs by such masters as Widner and certain others. ' ' I won't C U N Denver cause I can't go. So U fans'll haf 2 struggle along witout me. ' ' If any fan gets near Muscatine, just drop in. I'll be glad ta meetcha. ' ' Just recvd that exquisite fanzine, Fanfare[underlined]. U r a sucker if U don't get it. Only 10¢. (Bx 122, Bryantville, Mass.[underlined]) --Gad, those drawings on p.7 are about the wackiest I hav seen in months. Art has a cute way of signing his name. ' ' There is a lot of stuff, corny and otherwise, in yor fanzine, so if U find a dime in this order, don't be surprised. Yhos," "Fantascientomicallysours," is the way RAJOCZ of 312 E Elm St, Scranton, Pa, sign a letter to the[underlined] "Dear Duo": "Do you know of anyone, outside of the Freehafer and Yerke, who wants to get rid of some stfan and stfilm pictures. I started collecting pictures about six months ago, and now am really going to do so. I shan't stop untill I have at least 75 different pictures. (Perdue & others, seeing this--Robins--probly'll acomodate U[underlined].) ' ' You seem to doubt the existence of Iam Rushinoff. Well, he's a real person. He was born in this country during 1921. Since 1925 to 1940, he lived in Russia. At present he is attending a local college. His parents are friends of mine, so when he came to Scranton he visited us and I met him. For a while he will stay at our house. I have interested him a little in stf. His first name may seem funny, but he insists that it is Iam and not Ian or Ivan as I think it to be. His birth certificate has 'Iam', but I believe that to be a mistake. His last name was hard to read, but you ought to see his last name. You wouldn't know where to start pronouncing what. If you want to see his last name let me know and I shall let you see it." Dom J Rushinoff[hand-written] (same adres as foregoing): "I have been reading all of Ray's fanags since that letter was written to you and so have a few things to say. ' ' I am not averse to your sending me a dummy of VoM in care of Ray. Could you tell me when I can expect it, that is what issue's dummy may I expect to receive? (A recent dum-dum dispatcht Ray[underlined].) ' ' I am...en-closing twenty-five cents for one issue of the few hundred you have left of 'Monsters of the Moon'. ' ' By the way, what do the initials 'T.B.' stand for in Yerke's name? (Theodore Bruce) ' ' In closing I shall say that it is silly for you to object to your readers sending in letters with even margins. Just think you could advertise even edges and have the readers do all most all of the hard work for you. I'll also have you know that I am not a figment of Ray's imagination or a pseudonym for him. ' ' Your true[underlined] friend," Eric C Williams[hand-written]. - ENGLAND[underlined]: (17 Mar 41) "This is my seventh week in doing and I am now on my first weeks training as a signalman, i.e. morse code merchant and wireless operator. All my previous weeks have been spent learning how to throw a rifle up from the ground on to the shoulder and how to bang my feet down when called to attention or halted. Apparently as quite a side line I have been shown how to fire a rifle and allowed to blaze away 20 rounds on the ranges. Then I have been tested to the full on a number of route marches and have wondered how it could be that a quarter of an inch of leather was worn away on my boots and only an eighth of an inch of my tender toes. They have taught me in quite an unnecessarily loud voice how to fix and un-
Hevelin Fanzines