Futurian War Digest, whole no. 15, June 1941
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A S T R A P U B L I C A T I O N S FMZ DIGEST[centered top] The only fm that digests and reproduces the best literary and art work in the fan field. Monthly 5¢ , 6 for 25¢ Large size 8 pages up SPECULA[hanging left] "The Best in Stfan Fiction" Stories, articles and poems by fandom's outstanding writers. Bi-monthly 10¢ , 3 for 25¢ Small size 68 pages Scorpio[hanging right] For the weird story fan. Fiction articles and poems re the darker side of the universe. Tri-yearly 10¢, 3 for 25¢ Small size 26 pages SPECTRA[hanging left] The only fm to feature novel-length fan stories. Some short items complete the magazine. Quarterly 10¢ , 3 for 25¢ Small size 50 pages hectod SUN TRAILS[hanging right] Analyses, humor, vituperation, artwork. ASTRA'S human interest magazine for all the stfans. Semi-annual 5¢ , no subs Large size 12 pages up THE FANNUAL[centered bottom] A complete index of all fmz ever issued since 1931. In two volumes, 1931-35 & 1936-40, and annually thereafter. In preparation. Price undecided. The following ASTRA BOOKS are available, with others in preparation: "The BOOK OF DZYAN"[hanging left] Complete text,with notes, of this obscure volume. 10¢ "AFTER ARMAGEDDON AND OTHERS"[hanging right] Prose-poetry by Fywert Kinge. Six poems and preface. 10¢ All the above are edited and published by ARTHUR LOUIS JOQUEL, II 1426 West 38th Street Los Angeles, California
A S T R A P U B L I C A T I O N S FMZ DIGEST[centered top] The only fm that digests and reproduces the best literary and art work in the fan field. Monthly 5¢ , 6 for 25¢ Large size 8 pages up SPECULA[hanging left] "The Best in Stfan Fiction" Stories, articles and poems by fandom's outstanding writers. Bi-monthly 10¢ , 3 for 25¢ Small size 68 pages Scorpio[hanging right] For the weird story fan. Fiction articles and poems re the darker side of the universe. Tri-yearly 10¢, 3 for 25¢ Small size 26 pages SPECTRA[hanging left] The only fm to feature novel-length fan stories. Some short items complete the magazine. Quarterly 10¢ , 3 for 25¢ Small size 50 pages hectod SUN TRAILS[hanging right] Analyses, humor, vituperation, artwork. ASTRA'S human interest magazine for all the stfans. Semi-annual 5¢ , no subs Large size 12 pages up THE FANNUAL[centered bottom] A complete index of all fmz ever issued since 1931. In two volumes, 1931-35 & 1936-40, and annually thereafter. In preparation. Price undecided. The following ASTRA BOOKS are available, with others in preparation: "The BOOK OF DZYAN"[hanging left] Complete text,with notes, of this obscure volume. 10¢ "AFTER ARMAGEDDON AND OTHERS"[hanging right] Prose-poetry by Fywert Kinge. Six poems and preface. 10¢ All the above are edited and published by ARTHUR LOUIS JOQUEL, II 1426 West 38th Street Los Angeles, California
Hevelin Fanzines