Le Zombie, v. 4, issue 12, whole no. 47, May-June 1942
Page 7
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WAR DEPT American fans now in the Services help us keep this list up-to-date! Donn Brazier (air) Bill Brudy (air) Douglas Blakely (army) Lynn Bridges (army) Dan Buford (army) Alan Class (army) Chas. Chandler (army) Cyril Eggum (army) Ralph Hamilton (army) Jerry Keeley (air) Nick Kenealy (army) ouis Kuslan (army) Lew Martin (navy) Chris Mulrain (air) Sully Roberds (army) Fred Shroyer (air) George Tullis (navy) Hyman Tiger (army) Dan Wade (army) (?) John L. Millard (Can.) OBSERVATION DEPT: We received tha other day a copy of Joe Fortier's California Mercury #13, which puzzled us no end. Hardly a month previous, in the March FAPA mailing, Joe announced his retirement from fandom. Yet here he is again. We thot perhaps this Mercury #13 was something of an April Fool joke, for we found many items therein to cause us to wax merry. Such as Lou Goldstone had seriously gone in for devil worship; his Fantasia was mearing collapse; Tucker was elected top fan and other amusing fantasies. We'd like to point out, however, one statement that we believe to be an error, and is too serious a matter for joking -- so we know Joe is serious about it. He states that Nick Kenealy is the first fan to see action abroad, now being in Australia. Joe (and many others) probably aren't aware of the fact that Chicago's George Tullis belonged to the Coast Guard as early as the time of the 1940 Chicon; and has been at sea now well over a year. We have occasional letters from him that are shrounded in mystery and censorship (as to their point of origin)... our last letter, in fact, was mailed from so distant a point, and took so long to reach us, that George used the letter to tell me what his ---- Thanksgiving dinner was! Along about the 4th of July he'll get our answer and learn how many Easter eggs we found the other Sunday. CRYSTAL BALL DEPT: It's about time for the summer fanzine slump to set in. We've noticed a good many new ones announced this Spring but we'll lay a few bets that the summer heat will fry many of them no yet out of the hecto pan. Time was, back in the (quote) good old days (unquot) when you could set your watch on the rise and fall of fanzines. Now, dangit, these pesky new fans running about won't let us sleep. ANGEL DEPT: EEEvans expects to make an announcement in the June FAPA mailing that will be of eyebrow-raising interest to all who possess a mimeograph. In order to provide for an outlet and further the talen ts of the brand-new fan, just beginning hins fan-writing or drawing "carcer", EEE offers to angel a new fanzine to the tune of five bucks per issue. The fanzine is to carry nothing but the efforts of brand-new & promising writers and artists , together with constructive crtiticism of the offerings by more "advanced" fans. The mag is to be about the size of LeZ and is to be published and mailed within the 5$ limit. We glee. RUMOR KILLING DEPT: And we're not kidding this time. There is no thruth to the rumors, heard from several sources, that EEEvans is "half owner and boss" of LeZ, nor does he control it in any way. If ownership is calculated on a cold monetary basis... heck. he owns it all, just about. But that is not the case.
WAR DEPT American fans now in the Services help us keep this list up-to-date! Donn Brazier (air) Bill Brudy (air) Douglas Blakely (army) Lynn Bridges (army) Dan Buford (army) Alan Class (army) Chas. Chandler (army) Cyril Eggum (army) Ralph Hamilton (army) Jerry Keeley (air) Nick Kenealy (army) ouis Kuslan (army) Lew Martin (navy) Chris Mulrain (air) Sully Roberds (army) Fred Shroyer (air) George Tullis (navy) Hyman Tiger (army) Dan Wade (army) (?) John L. Millard (Can.) OBSERVATION DEPT: We received tha other day a copy of Joe Fortier's California Mercury #13, which puzzled us no end. Hardly a month previous, in the March FAPA mailing, Joe announced his retirement from fandom. Yet here he is again. We thot perhaps this Mercury #13 was something of an April Fool joke, for we found many items therein to cause us to wax merry. Such as Lou Goldstone had seriously gone in for devil worship; his Fantasia was mearing collapse; Tucker was elected top fan and other amusing fantasies. We'd like to point out, however, one statement that we believe to be an error, and is too serious a matter for joking -- so we know Joe is serious about it. He states that Nick Kenealy is the first fan to see action abroad, now being in Australia. Joe (and many others) probably aren't aware of the fact that Chicago's George Tullis belonged to the Coast Guard as early as the time of the 1940 Chicon; and has been at sea now well over a year. We have occasional letters from him that are shrounded in mystery and censorship (as to their point of origin)... our last letter, in fact, was mailed from so distant a point, and took so long to reach us, that George used the letter to tell me what his ---- Thanksgiving dinner was! Along about the 4th of July he'll get our answer and learn how many Easter eggs we found the other Sunday. CRYSTAL BALL DEPT: It's about time for the summer fanzine slump to set in. We've noticed a good many new ones announced this Spring but we'll lay a few bets that the summer heat will fry many of them no yet out of the hecto pan. Time was, back in the (quote) good old days (unquot) when you could set your watch on the rise and fall of fanzines. Now, dangit, these pesky new fans running about won't let us sleep. ANGEL DEPT: EEEvans expects to make an announcement in the June FAPA mailing that will be of eyebrow-raising interest to all who possess a mimeograph. In order to provide for an outlet and further the talen ts of the brand-new fan, just beginning hins fan-writing or drawing "carcer", EEE offers to angel a new fanzine to the tune of five bucks per issue. The fanzine is to carry nothing but the efforts of brand-new & promising writers and artists , together with constructive crtiticism of the offerings by more "advanced" fans. The mag is to be about the size of LeZ and is to be published and mailed within the 5$ limit. We glee. RUMOR KILLING DEPT: And we're not kidding this time. There is no thruth to the rumors, heard from several sources, that EEEvans is "half owner and boss" of LeZ, nor does he control it in any way. If ownership is calculated on a cold monetary basis... heck. he owns it all, just about. But that is not the case.
Hevelin Fanzines