Le Zombie, v. 4, issue 12, whole no. 47, May-June 1942
Page 9
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LEZ LETTERS SCHMARJE (Harris M.): "Not to be outdone by your established question-asker, Raym Washington, I wish to know what in the name of ten thousand copies of Starlit Fantasy are slans? Are slans just plain fans, or something on the order of D. B. Thompson, that Gilbert-like Southerner? Has the question ever risen, what do fans do immediatly on finishing a fanzine? Please don't all shout in unison that they rush to the typewriter or pens with green ink), having received sufficient inspiration to either: (a) tell the editor where he gets off, or (b) his mag reminds them of (( --censored!-- )) or TWS in its better days. Honestly, I was almost suprirised to see the columns by A. L. Schwartz and D.B. Thompson in LeZ -- excuse me, but I was under the iimpression that you wrote the whole mag; however, the "D.B. Thompson" name has me someslightly suspicious. How can we be assured that it is not one of your pseudonyms?" --Muscatine, Iowa. LeZ sez: Are you trying to kid us? Slans made their appearance in the Sept. 1940 Astounding. Grab yourself a copy and meet them. And we still believe we found a slan in the toliet telephone exchange. As to being sure who Thompson is -- why not send "Thompson" a bomb. If he blows up, he's real. If we blow up, he's obviously a fake. --Editor MOFFATT (Leonard J.) "What's this? An old worn out feather duster and a half of a well-chewed rubber ball? Oh-no-no, 'tis a rocket rounding the moon. Well, this trick photo is far from being as convincing as the one of the Martian sandscape. The other two photos? Ahhh! Tuck, you lucky man! Al, you lucky man! Whoa-there Moffatt. Get a grip on yore-self. After all, you're still determined to remain single. ((Moffatt, you lucky man! -editor)) Concerning the coming LeZ Lovliez -- why not call 'em La Zombies? In fact, I'd like to see a future ish of LeZ done entirely by femme fans. (Of course, you would edit the stuff and write your usual editorial and perhaps an article on femme fans by Pong -- but the rest'll be by Jane, Ruja-blu, Trudy, Morjo, etc.) Name for that ish would be La Zombie, 'The Ghoils Ghazette'." -Ellwood City, Penna. JENKINS (Harry): "Schwartz wrong in Boskone account entirely. -- Madie was in the Speer car with Rustebar, Juffus, Trudy, Gilbert, Eastman and I. So, last part of his account is erroneous. Will write in detail later on, but Bonfire and the Fannual are monopolizing all my time now. Aye, and Jenkins is writing 100% of the time now. Sports, western, detectives, slick short-shorts, stfs, weird, and almost any other thing you can think of." - Columbia, S.C. LeZ sez: When you begin writing for Cap'n Billy's Whiz Bang chum, we will be the first to proclaim you a finished author. But here at last is someone who knows Schwartz exists and is not a Tucker fake. You see, Schmarje, this Jenkins guy met the demon face to face in Boston some months ago. Meanwhile, let us assure one and all that stuff in these pages credited to anyone was written by that one. Only material written by ourself and Evans is (sometimes) published anonymously; the rule being that our writings are easily recognized by the style, subject, and the "pong" techique used. - editor.
LEZ LETTERS SCHMARJE (Harris M.): "Not to be outdone by your established question-asker, Raym Washington, I wish to know what in the name of ten thousand copies of Starlit Fantasy are slans? Are slans just plain fans, or something on the order of D. B. Thompson, that Gilbert-like Southerner? Has the question ever risen, what do fans do immediatly on finishing a fanzine? Please don't all shout in unison that they rush to the typewriter or pens with green ink), having received sufficient inspiration to either: (a) tell the editor where he gets off, or (b) his mag reminds them of (( --censored!-- )) or TWS in its better days. Honestly, I was almost suprirised to see the columns by A. L. Schwartz and D.B. Thompson in LeZ -- excuse me, but I was under the iimpression that you wrote the whole mag; however, the "D.B. Thompson" name has me someslightly suspicious. How can we be assured that it is not one of your pseudonyms?" --Muscatine, Iowa. LeZ sez: Are you trying to kid us? Slans made their appearance in the Sept. 1940 Astounding. Grab yourself a copy and meet them. And we still believe we found a slan in the toliet telephone exchange. As to being sure who Thompson is -- why not send "Thompson" a bomb. If he blows up, he's real. If we blow up, he's obviously a fake. --Editor MOFFATT (Leonard J.) "What's this? An old worn out feather duster and a half of a well-chewed rubber ball? Oh-no-no, 'tis a rocket rounding the moon. Well, this trick photo is far from being as convincing as the one of the Martian sandscape. The other two photos? Ahhh! Tuck, you lucky man! Al, you lucky man! Whoa-there Moffatt. Get a grip on yore-self. After all, you're still determined to remain single. ((Moffatt, you lucky man! -editor)) Concerning the coming LeZ Lovliez -- why not call 'em La Zombies? In fact, I'd like to see a future ish of LeZ done entirely by femme fans. (Of course, you would edit the stuff and write your usual editorial and perhaps an article on femme fans by Pong -- but the rest'll be by Jane, Ruja-blu, Trudy, Morjo, etc.) Name for that ish would be La Zombie, 'The Ghoils Ghazette'." -Ellwood City, Penna. JENKINS (Harry): "Schwartz wrong in Boskone account entirely. -- Madie was in the Speer car with Rustebar, Juffus, Trudy, Gilbert, Eastman and I. So, last part of his account is erroneous. Will write in detail later on, but Bonfire and the Fannual are monopolizing all my time now. Aye, and Jenkins is writing 100% of the time now. Sports, western, detectives, slick short-shorts, stfs, weird, and almost any other thing you can think of." - Columbia, S.C. LeZ sez: When you begin writing for Cap'n Billy's Whiz Bang chum, we will be the first to proclaim you a finished author. But here at last is someone who knows Schwartz exists and is not a Tucker fake. You see, Schmarje, this Jenkins guy met the demon face to face in Boston some months ago. Meanwhile, let us assure one and all that stuff in these pages credited to anyone was written by that one. Only material written by ourself and Evans is (sometimes) published anonymously; the rule being that our writings are easily recognized by the style, subject, and the "pong" techique used. - editor.
Hevelin Fanzines