Le Zombie, v. 4, issue 12, whole no. 47, May-June 1942
Page 10
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10 EBEY (George):" I liked the fotos on the cover. Let's see if Alger bears up under a close inspection. I take it he used a plaster cast for the moon. The rocket flares suspiciously resemble those long plumes the weaker sex disfigure their hats with. Could be a magnesium flare, tho. As for the spaceship itself, some silver paper would seem to be the most logical thing to use. The female Tucker appears to be the only human looking fan I've seen. I'm a sucker for little pieces like The Boston Bean Bake. Don't ask me why. The departments are all readable if nothing else. On second thought they were rather humorous. On third thought they were extremely funny. On fourth thought I rolled on the floor in hysteria as I read them. D.B. Thompson's colyum got rather dull and prissy after the blast at the Fortean societies and their laughable hooshwah. The ???? dep't elicited a hearty giggle. How do those wack-heads manage to drift into fandom? (If you print this please don't make the obvious crack) "I'd Rather Be You" was baffling. Heigh-ho, I suppose 'twas meant for the older fans. One can imagine them chuckling feebly through their long white whiskers as they point out some obscure witticism to other wrinkle pusses. Oh, before I close, thanks for protesting against the VoMaidens. The blatant, caricatures they call "nudes" (they being the L.A. group) certainly bear no resemblance to female anatomy. Down wit 'em, say I. Sudden thought: why not stick a third staple in the middle of LeZ? Second sudden thought: O, I see. 'Twouldn't fit in the small envelope. P.S. So you think the typing in this letter is lousy, do you? Look over the latest LeZ and see where I picked up these bad habits." -Oakland, Calif. LeZ sez: We have the mostest fun watching people make hay-making guesses on Alger's photos. Sorry chums, but the rocket ship was not an old feather duster, nor something of silver paper. The fire was neither plumes or other trickery. You're right, Ebey, it was a magnesium flare. But we're still awaiting the correct guess to the whole picture. The moon is neither a rubber ball or a plaster cast. It is actually the Moon. Our moon. Check it against any textbook. Now, dangit, will youse admit that Alger really went to Mars and got these pictures? SCHWARTZ (A.L.) "Dear Sir, you rat: You wrecked those two articles I passed off on you. They would have gone over big in Universe Stories, but I decided to give them to you and U spoiled them. Look: Madle didn't take a train to the South Station. It was Jones. Madle couldn't have been on the train cause he was on a bus. You wrecked my Fandomap article by delaying it untill some of the addresses had been changed. Specifically: Al Lopez now lives at 29 Maverick sq., Boston, and is no longer R-R. Syl Brown is (was) no longer Riff-Raff, and he has moved down the Cape (Cod). Widner now lives at 25 Arnold st., Quicy, Mass. I don't live on Washington avenue. I live on Washington street! (Wassa matter, were you thinking of Trudy?) ((No, dreaming of her!)) There are two more Swishers who are members of the Strangers- Twins. There are two more fanzines publishing here. (The Rougues Gallery and and untitled FAPAzine, published by me." - Dorchester, Mazz. LeZ sez: We admit the Madle-Jones bungle is our fault, but darned if we accept responsibility for those address-changes or Swisher's twins!
10 EBEY (George):" I liked the fotos on the cover. Let's see if Alger bears up under a close inspection. I take it he used a plaster cast for the moon. The rocket flares suspiciously resemble those long plumes the weaker sex disfigure their hats with. Could be a magnesium flare, tho. As for the spaceship itself, some silver paper would seem to be the most logical thing to use. The female Tucker appears to be the only human looking fan I've seen. I'm a sucker for little pieces like The Boston Bean Bake. Don't ask me why. The departments are all readable if nothing else. On second thought they were rather humorous. On third thought they were extremely funny. On fourth thought I rolled on the floor in hysteria as I read them. D.B. Thompson's colyum got rather dull and prissy after the blast at the Fortean societies and their laughable hooshwah. The ???? dep't elicited a hearty giggle. How do those wack-heads manage to drift into fandom? (If you print this please don't make the obvious crack) "I'd Rather Be You" was baffling. Heigh-ho, I suppose 'twas meant for the older fans. One can imagine them chuckling feebly through their long white whiskers as they point out some obscure witticism to other wrinkle pusses. Oh, before I close, thanks for protesting against the VoMaidens. The blatant, caricatures they call "nudes" (they being the L.A. group) certainly bear no resemblance to female anatomy. Down wit 'em, say I. Sudden thought: why not stick a third staple in the middle of LeZ? Second sudden thought: O, I see. 'Twouldn't fit in the small envelope. P.S. So you think the typing in this letter is lousy, do you? Look over the latest LeZ and see where I picked up these bad habits." -Oakland, Calif. LeZ sez: We have the mostest fun watching people make hay-making guesses on Alger's photos. Sorry chums, but the rocket ship was not an old feather duster, nor something of silver paper. The fire was neither plumes or other trickery. You're right, Ebey, it was a magnesium flare. But we're still awaiting the correct guess to the whole picture. The moon is neither a rubber ball or a plaster cast. It is actually the Moon. Our moon. Check it against any textbook. Now, dangit, will youse admit that Alger really went to Mars and got these pictures? SCHWARTZ (A.L.) "Dear Sir, you rat: You wrecked those two articles I passed off on you. They would have gone over big in Universe Stories, but I decided to give them to you and U spoiled them. Look: Madle didn't take a train to the South Station. It was Jones. Madle couldn't have been on the train cause he was on a bus. You wrecked my Fandomap article by delaying it untill some of the addresses had been changed. Specifically: Al Lopez now lives at 29 Maverick sq., Boston, and is no longer R-R. Syl Brown is (was) no longer Riff-Raff, and he has moved down the Cape (Cod). Widner now lives at 25 Arnold st., Quicy, Mass. I don't live on Washington avenue. I live on Washington street! (Wassa matter, were you thinking of Trudy?) ((No, dreaming of her!)) There are two more Swishers who are members of the Strangers- Twins. There are two more fanzines publishing here. (The Rougues Gallery and and untitled FAPAzine, published by me." - Dorchester, Mazz. LeZ sez: We admit the Madle-Jones bungle is our fault, but darned if we accept responsibility for those address-changes or Swisher's twins!
Hevelin Fanzines