Le Zombie, v. 4, issue 12, whole no. 47, May-June 1942
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OLIVER KING SMITH CO. HOME STUDY BY MAIL ASSERTED SERVICES "We talked with the Holy Klono" (Yes we did, actually and Literally!) And as a result of that little talk a great power came into our life, It can come into yours thru our help! After 39 years of horrible failure we learned at home how to become a fifty dollar per week rocket Technician! Don't let John Jones get that brass-polisher's job ahead of you! A few months from now the admiral will be beaming with approval at your excellent work. (We taught him too.) Get that desired promotion to assistant tube-cleaner today! Find out how we train you at home for enormous pay in rocketry. Lend us 15 minutes a day and we'll make a new fan of you! We trade in old slans for new. Just a few weeks ago we were a 367 pound weakling. Look at us now! Gamble a stamp and get our free booklet on how to become a healthy animal for 15 minutes per day! What are the weird mysteries of Mu, Atlantis, and Missouri? Are there secret powers in you? Do you hold the key to success but can't locate the key ring? Birds have wings. You too can soar after reading our new sealed book, "How to be Happy with Dandruff". Learn the fascinating, profitable hobby of taxidermy at home! Learn to mount goons. Preserve the heads of fellow fans in your study! We can teach you how in two easy lessons. No chance of losing your own head! Tag along with secret service operator 28 1/2 as he trails the Boskonian spiesl See him capture the lovely female zwilniks armed only with a DeLameter and 125,000 words! You too can capture a zwilnik after you've completed our easy course of 101 new words. Make extra money and amaze your creditors by growing giant zwilniks in your cellar! False teeth as low as $116.75 —thirty days free trial— chomp on our china clippers for 30 days. Return them if not satisfied and we'll send another set just returned from our last satisfied customer. ( We also specialize in headstones, as low as $9.98 FOB. Send your hat size.) We offer innumerable courses in home training. The world is your oyster, you have but to pry it open. Let us furnish the ice pick. Check below the free booklets you wish sent to your door. Only $1.98 plus a few cents postage is all you pay— now. Or send cash with order and we will throw in a new book, ''Female Beauty of the Moon Art Museum"! Act! ( ) okay, send me the booklets ( ) spare me the agony ( ) I'm indifferent ( ) send them to my grandmother ( ) your subscription has expired
OLIVER KING SMITH CO. HOME STUDY BY MAIL ASSERTED SERVICES "We talked with the Holy Klono" (Yes we did, actually and Literally!) And as a result of that little talk a great power came into our life, It can come into yours thru our help! After 39 years of horrible failure we learned at home how to become a fifty dollar per week rocket Technician! Don't let John Jones get that brass-polisher's job ahead of you! A few months from now the admiral will be beaming with approval at your excellent work. (We taught him too.) Get that desired promotion to assistant tube-cleaner today! Find out how we train you at home for enormous pay in rocketry. Lend us 15 minutes a day and we'll make a new fan of you! We trade in old slans for new. Just a few weeks ago we were a 367 pound weakling. Look at us now! Gamble a stamp and get our free booklet on how to become a healthy animal for 15 minutes per day! What are the weird mysteries of Mu, Atlantis, and Missouri? Are there secret powers in you? Do you hold the key to success but can't locate the key ring? Birds have wings. You too can soar after reading our new sealed book, "How to be Happy with Dandruff". Learn the fascinating, profitable hobby of taxidermy at home! Learn to mount goons. Preserve the heads of fellow fans in your study! We can teach you how in two easy lessons. No chance of losing your own head! Tag along with secret service operator 28 1/2 as he trails the Boskonian spiesl See him capture the lovely female zwilniks armed only with a DeLameter and 125,000 words! You too can capture a zwilnik after you've completed our easy course of 101 new words. Make extra money and amaze your creditors by growing giant zwilniks in your cellar! False teeth as low as $116.75 —thirty days free trial— chomp on our china clippers for 30 days. Return them if not satisfied and we'll send another set just returned from our last satisfied customer. ( We also specialize in headstones, as low as $9.98 FOB. Send your hat size.) We offer innumerable courses in home training. The world is your oyster, you have but to pry it open. Let us furnish the ice pick. Check below the free booklets you wish sent to your door. Only $1.98 plus a few cents postage is all you pay— now. Or send cash with order and we will throw in a new book, ''Female Beauty of the Moon Art Museum"! Act! ( ) okay, send me the booklets ( ) spare me the agony ( ) I'm indifferent ( ) send them to my grandmother ( ) your subscription has expired
Hevelin Fanzines