Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 10, December 1940
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ISH 10 DEC 40 COVER: B. Frank., now--orange U Surprised? Editorial: Little [Slan?], What now? JJ Fortier:[Underlined] Wanted--One Angel: ..............4 Gerry de la Ree Jr:[All underlined] Go Westwood, Young Fan...........4 Ray J Sienkiewicz [Underlined] (&Co): How about a World Weird Convention--the NECRONOMI-CON? 5 Harry Warner Jr:[Underlined] Stretching things a bit...............5 Vol Molesworth:[Underlined] Vitons?[Underlined] ...............6 Ted Carnell:[Underlined] War in the Air--predicted by Wells......6 Norman Epstein: [Underlined] Dashing [diaboliCalifornian?] (speedevil).......7 Arthur Louis Joquel 2d:[Underlined] Arsonist! .......................7 O'Brien-Singleton-Erman:[Underlined] rest in Pieces.............8 Art Widner Jr:[Underlined] 13? Hey, aint that unlucky? We're mot only stitious, we're superstitious! .8 Chas D Hornig:[Underlined] Founds Woman's Conscription Movement, calls it "Draft Eve"! ...............9 Brackett:[Underlined] Now I Leigh [Underlined] me Down to Dream......................9 Walt Leibscher: [Underlined] Never sausage a pun as that ' un.......10 ComeTremaine:[Underlined] Woud U call the first instal. of a 2-pt tale by Bond a half-Nelson? ....................10 Elmer Perdue: Aw, who's a-fraud! ..........10 J `rv` Haggard:[Underlined] Nope, taint done with mirrors........11 Lupé Amador:[Underlined] Wit Shall It Be?...........12 Flash! 27 OCT--SOMEWHERE IN ENGLAND: "ALIVE AND WELL--CARNELL"[All Underlined] Publisht bimonthly at Bx 6475 Metropolitan Station, Los Angeles Cal, by Forrest J Ackerman & Morojo. 10c copy, 60c yr. Advertisements on arrangement.
ISH 10 DEC 40 COVER: B. Frank., now--orange U Surprised? Editorial: Little [Slan?], What now? JJ Fortier:[Underlined] Wanted--One Angel: ..............4 Gerry de la Ree Jr:[All underlined] Go Westwood, Young Fan...........4 Ray J Sienkiewicz [Underlined] (&Co): How about a World Weird Convention--the NECRONOMI-CON? 5 Harry Warner Jr:[Underlined] Stretching things a bit...............5 Vol Molesworth:[Underlined] Vitons?[Underlined] ...............6 Ted Carnell:[Underlined] War in the Air--predicted by Wells......6 Norman Epstein: [Underlined] Dashing [diaboliCalifornian?] (speedevil).......7 Arthur Louis Joquel 2d:[Underlined] Arsonist! .......................7 O'Brien-Singleton-Erman:[Underlined] rest in Pieces.............8 Art Widner Jr:[Underlined] 13? Hey, aint that unlucky? We're mot only stitious, we're superstitious! .8 Chas D Hornig:[Underlined] Founds Woman's Conscription Movement, calls it "Draft Eve"! ...............9 Brackett:[Underlined] Now I Leigh [Underlined] me Down to Dream......................9 Walt Leibscher: [Underlined] Never sausage a pun as that ' un.......10 ComeTremaine:[Underlined] Woud U call the first instal. of a 2-pt tale by Bond a half-Nelson? ....................10 Elmer Perdue: Aw, who's a-fraud! ..........10 J `rv` Haggard:[Underlined] Nope, taint done with mirrors........11 Lupé Amador:[Underlined] Wit Shall It Be?...........12 Flash! 27 OCT--SOMEWHERE IN ENGLAND: "ALIVE AND WELL--CARNELL"[All Underlined] Publisht bimonthly at Bx 6475 Metropolitan Station, Los Angeles Cal, by Forrest J Ackerman & Morojo. 10c copy, 60c yr. Advertisements on arrangement.
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