Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 10, December 1940
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While pondering the great enjoyability of your recent issues, there came to my mind a forceful thought, no way new in itself, but which has to do with your unique publication. Letter writing is an art in itself, distinctly apart and different from any other form of writing. The first thing to consider, naturally, is legibility. To convey thoughts and thought pictures clearly demands a clear, uninpeded medium. I know that your publication is noted for its reproduction of letters exactly as they are written, and for that you are certainly to be commended. It is this ability to reproduce thoughts and indications or inflections of thoughts which is so very outstanding and extraordinary. Naturally, it is difficult, to transfer hand-written words to typed words, but of course any letters that are typewritten are always, and in every case, printed exactly as received by your excellent publication. ...Trusting that you will continue this very talented device i am extending my subscription to LASFL products as per enclosed. Yours photostatically, "Jrv"
While pondering the great enjoyability of your recent issues, there came to my mind a forceful thought, no way new in itself, but which has to do with your unique publication. Letter writing is an art in itself, distinctly apart and different from any other form of writing. The first thing to consider, naturally, is legibility. To convey thoughts and thought pictures clearly demands a clear, uninpeded medium. I know that your publication is noted for its reproduction of letters exactly as they are written, and for that you are certainly to be commended. It is this ability to reproduce thoughts and indications or inflections of thoughts which is so very outstanding and extraordinary. Naturally, it is difficult, to transfer hand-written words to typed words, but of course any letters that are typewritten are always, and in every case, printed exactly as received by your excellent publication. ...Trusting that you will continue this very talented device i am extending my subscription to LASFL products as per enclosed. Yours photostatically, "Jrv"
Hevelin Fanzines