Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 4, Summer 1945
Page 5
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 5 Vomoswoth of Australia --"Del Monte", Kangaroo Pt Rd, Sylvania, NSWales, wails "As Joe Gilbert once said, the Voice comes out long after letters are written thus mucking up everything in general and what I say in particular. Yesterday, when I read my letter in the Dec. Voice, I couldn't believe that since the day I wrote it, I've spent two & a-half months in hospital, been discharged, resumed work, put out one issue of Cosmos, got another ready for stapling, disbanded the SFSC and planned a Sydcon. Yes: The First Sydney Science Fiction Convention, modelled on the Ny- and Chicons, will take place on Easter Sunday. Or rather, by the time this letter appears in VoM it will (a) be over (b) be called off (c) still being planned. Let us hope tis a or c.... Well, thirty suburban fans are expected to attend + the Newcastle, Brisbane & Melbourne groups + a couple dozen casuals and just-interested + those in adverts + those who walk by and decide to come + anyone else. We know there will be around fifty fans, anyway, and the rest just come to make itup financially so you can see we're going to get a good kick-off for our first Con" Louis Kuslan Champion of "Equal Rights for Chimpanzees...even you!" & a Conn-man of 170 Wn Ave, W Haven: "Soon... I must wend my way schoolward and forget science-fiction as well as I am able . Or, should I say relegate s-f to its smallest possible niche in my scheme of things. You know, without the slightest doubt, how little time there is for the multitudinous activities of the active fan in an institution which demands so much of the student as does a college, wherein each professor believes himselve to be the lone assigner of reams and reams of homework. No matter how much I desire to write a few letters--a few? Nay, only one-- there is always that bogey, that hated despoiler of time, homework---and, perforce, the correspondence must be left unanswered and, truth to tell, unremembered for all too long. And so you know why there is such a burst of activity by LuKus in the summer and the various other short---all too fleeting---respites from school. But enough of this unimportant talk, and on to the important business of the day. " From all indications, the philatelists issue of VOM failed to arrive ---Gertrude says she never saw it, and in 'haunting' thru the fanzines (to copy LRC) I didn't come across the issue. Wouldst send a copy, deducting, of course, from the LuGerKus subscription? We should be infinitely pleased--we should be I say, but since VOM is what it is, such talk,fol-de-rol that it is, is unnecessary. We will be pleased. I have decided that fifty percent--not the better half, to be sure,---of our collective mind will like VOM #10. " Ray Bradbury can't frighten me! The last time Slith came a-visiting the Kuslan abode, George, our infallible monster sniffer-destroyer, sent him scurrying for the safety of Fu-Fa. But, upon further thought, there was no reason to send Slith to West Haven. There is, I remember, a subscription to that estimable publication to our credit (never discredit, thank you) still in existence. At least there was unless that master monster Bradbury embezzeled it from himself. (It's entirely possible. Brad's alterego Doug Rogers recently told us Ray sold all his back issues to Ron Reynolds, only to realize that the market on his mag thus had been cornerd by an own seudonym of his!) -- Poor Milty! My heart bleeds for you, especially since I agree with 'the MIT wizard' concerning the identity of Alan, the Undaunted. Dear, dear...I didn't realize that anyone in this enlightened era of ours felt that science-fiction was good literature. " 'Dixie Duo Gilbert & Jenkins': 'Will no one tell me what he sings?-- Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow For old, unhappy, far-off things, And battles long ago.' "I must say that Ted Carnell's letter interests me greatly. His description of army life is so enticing that I would fain join the 'corpse'. However, if ROTC drill is a sample of soldiering, I most certainly don't mean loafing, I prefer civil life. " Yours for FooFoo and Righteousness," CLARISSA MAC/DOUGALL, alias Miela Koso "Voila! Here's a buck I pried loose from Doc's wallet --he said 'Well, Honey, as long as you're spending my money, why not get yourself a subscription to "Voice of Imagi-Nation!'? So here it is. (The Buck, I mean.) " The cover on the New Year's issue was really a Blinger! Congratulations! " A pretty tough cold has made it almost impossible to talk (can you imagine ME unable to talk!?) so while
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 5 Vomoswoth of Australia --"Del Monte", Kangaroo Pt Rd, Sylvania, NSWales, wails "As Joe Gilbert once said, the Voice comes out long after letters are written thus mucking up everything in general and what I say in particular. Yesterday, when I read my letter in the Dec. Voice, I couldn't believe that since the day I wrote it, I've spent two & a-half months in hospital, been discharged, resumed work, put out one issue of Cosmos, got another ready for stapling, disbanded the SFSC and planned a Sydcon. Yes: The First Sydney Science Fiction Convention, modelled on the Ny- and Chicons, will take place on Easter Sunday. Or rather, by the time this letter appears in VoM it will (a) be over (b) be called off (c) still being planned. Let us hope tis a or c.... Well, thirty suburban fans are expected to attend + the Newcastle, Brisbane & Melbourne groups + a couple dozen casuals and just-interested + those in adverts + those who walk by and decide to come + anyone else. We know there will be around fifty fans, anyway, and the rest just come to make itup financially so you can see we're going to get a good kick-off for our first Con" Louis Kuslan Champion of "Equal Rights for Chimpanzees...even you!" & a Conn-man of 170 Wn Ave, W Haven: "Soon... I must wend my way schoolward and forget science-fiction as well as I am able . Or, should I say relegate s-f to its smallest possible niche in my scheme of things. You know, without the slightest doubt, how little time there is for the multitudinous activities of the active fan in an institution which demands so much of the student as does a college, wherein each professor believes himselve to be the lone assigner of reams and reams of homework. No matter how much I desire to write a few letters--a few? Nay, only one-- there is always that bogey, that hated despoiler of time, homework---and, perforce, the correspondence must be left unanswered and, truth to tell, unremembered for all too long. And so you know why there is such a burst of activity by LuKus in the summer and the various other short---all too fleeting---respites from school. But enough of this unimportant talk, and on to the important business of the day. " From all indications, the philatelists issue of VOM failed to arrive ---Gertrude says she never saw it, and in 'haunting' thru the fanzines (to copy LRC) I didn't come across the issue. Wouldst send a copy, deducting, of course, from the LuGerKus subscription? We should be infinitely pleased--we should be I say, but since VOM is what it is, such talk,fol-de-rol that it is, is unnecessary. We will be pleased. I have decided that fifty percent--not the better half, to be sure,---of our collective mind will like VOM #10. " Ray Bradbury can't frighten me! The last time Slith came a-visiting the Kuslan abode, George, our infallible monster sniffer-destroyer, sent him scurrying for the safety of Fu-Fa. But, upon further thought, there was no reason to send Slith to West Haven. There is, I remember, a subscription to that estimable publication to our credit (never discredit, thank you) still in existence. At least there was unless that master monster Bradbury embezzeled it from himself. (It's entirely possible. Brad's alterego Doug Rogers recently told us Ray sold all his back issues to Ron Reynolds, only to realize that the market on his mag thus had been cornerd by an own seudonym of his!) -- Poor Milty! My heart bleeds for you, especially since I agree with 'the MIT wizard' concerning the identity of Alan, the Undaunted. Dear, dear...I didn't realize that anyone in this enlightened era of ours felt that science-fiction was good literature. " 'Dixie Duo Gilbert & Jenkins': 'Will no one tell me what he sings?-- Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow For old, unhappy, far-off things, And battles long ago.' "I must say that Ted Carnell's letter interests me greatly. His description of army life is so enticing that I would fain join the 'corpse'. However, if ROTC drill is a sample of soldiering, I most certainly don't mean loafing, I prefer civil life. " Yours for FooFoo and Righteousness," CLARISSA MAC/DOUGALL, alias Miela Koso "Voila! Here's a buck I pried loose from Doc's wallet --he said 'Well, Honey, as long as you're spending my money, why not get yourself a subscription to "Voice of Imagi-Nation!'? So here it is. (The Buck, I mean.) " The cover on the New Year's issue was really a Blinger! Congratulations! " A pretty tough cold has made it almost impossible to talk (can you imagine ME unable to talk!?) so while
Hevelin Fanzines