Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 4, Summer 1945
Page 6
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6 I'm 'nursing' it along, it's fun to read comments and letters from other fans which you've published in your mag. " Duty calls, so back to College I must go. " Clear Ether!" Harry Jenkins 2400 Santee Ave, Columbia, So Car, Treasurer of the Dixie Fantasy Federation & Staff Artist of the Southern Star: "Comes the time in, an evil day, in almost every fan's live when he finds it necessary to announce just such harsh words. That day has arrived in mine. It is hoped that my readers, friends, and admirers lament and our enemies and c critics rejoice; we even wish our critics a hearty guffaw over our plight . " Most revered, adored, admired, aspired, tired., lired, fired, hired, etc. and stuff!! Mister Forrest Jay-burks Ackerman, one and only (thank god!) top (?) fan of fandom, to say it in the vernacular, to descend to utterly despicable and hatable level of every day lingo: "HERE'S A DIME FOR THE NEXT VOM!!!! "Oh yes, before I take leave of your hallowed presence, may I quote the famous author XXXXX (guess who?) in saying that "NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD FANS TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE the Southern Star The South's Own Fan Mag 3911 Park St. Columbia, S.C. "Well, here comes Gilbert to steal back his typewriter, so with an arm locked int he arm of my keeper, I shall take leave of you to converse with HER! "Yours very PEN-cerely, THE GREAT JENKINS!" [[illustration text is illegible]] Claude Deglen[[?]] of Newcastle, Ind, fan who was Chi-contacted by your co-eds: "Dear friends of the Chicon, Dankon! Very, very much; for ...VOM. Gee! Was I surprised? And delighted! "After I returned to Newcastle I helped form a club, and at least 2 of us are coming to Denver. I am looking forward to meeting all the swell guys and gals there, again. " On to Rome--oops! Denver. On to Mars! Down with the hordes of Ghu-ghu. Hail Foo! Fite 2 make the world safe for science-fiction. We will not expect any peace dictated by Ghu! We are united solidly behind a common effort. Fooism shall not perish from the Earth! " (Inclosed is a dime, please send me a VOM.) " Incidentally, could you tell me who is the originator of Foo? Would that be Jack Speer? What's his address? (Pogo is the Hi Priestess of All FOO & Gakspiro-de-Foo Her Royal Gen'l, whose adres is 3416 Northampton NW, Wn/DC) -- Your Beauty and the Bugle cover was a good idea. Well done. Sets the mag off for a mile! She must be Miss Stf. of 1941. Well, all for now. Goodluck to you co-eds, and to VOM. " Yours until Amazing has trimmed edges and the World's safe for Foo-Foo. " ~You can print this if you want to. If not, toss it right out in the pacific. HA-HA." ELMER C PERDUE, ordering some back nos. of Novacious pubs on "Jan. 10, F41", "10% Discount to slans, starbegots, &/or odjons? Let's go into that a little more fully. "Slan, yes. Why the ding-dong did you think I let my hair grow long, if not to avoid the danger of an accidental snippage by a careless barber of the highly sensitive tendrils? "Starbegotten, no. Mother never was on the stage. I, personally, was on it for a short while, but that's not begotten. "Odd Johns--this takes a little figuring. Remember, how one of the Asiatic members of the colony had two thumbs on each hand? Well, I've only two thumbs on one hand-- which makes me 1/2 Odd John. "Average between 1, 0, and 1/2 is equal to 1/2." Philip A. Schumann Editor Centaur, "A Woeful PUblication", 2767 N 41, Milwaukee, Wisc. whisks into our pgs with: "Ahhh, VoM. What did Brazier mean by not letting me know about VoM be4 I had to see 4 myself? It is xlnt.
6 I'm 'nursing' it along, it's fun to read comments and letters from other fans which you've published in your mag. " Duty calls, so back to College I must go. " Clear Ether!" Harry Jenkins 2400 Santee Ave, Columbia, So Car, Treasurer of the Dixie Fantasy Federation & Staff Artist of the Southern Star: "Comes the time in, an evil day, in almost every fan's live when he finds it necessary to announce just such harsh words. That day has arrived in mine. It is hoped that my readers, friends, and admirers lament and our enemies and c critics rejoice; we even wish our critics a hearty guffaw over our plight . " Most revered, adored, admired, aspired, tired., lired, fired, hired, etc. and stuff!! Mister Forrest Jay-burks Ackerman, one and only (thank god!) top (?) fan of fandom, to say it in the vernacular, to descend to utterly despicable and hatable level of every day lingo: "HERE'S A DIME FOR THE NEXT VOM!!!! "Oh yes, before I take leave of your hallowed presence, may I quote the famous author XXXXX (guess who?) in saying that "NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD FANS TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE the Southern Star The South's Own Fan Mag 3911 Park St. Columbia, S.C. "Well, here comes Gilbert to steal back his typewriter, so with an arm locked int he arm of my keeper, I shall take leave of you to converse with HER! "Yours very PEN-cerely, THE GREAT JENKINS!" [[illustration text is illegible]] Claude Deglen[[?]] of Newcastle, Ind, fan who was Chi-contacted by your co-eds: "Dear friends of the Chicon, Dankon! Very, very much; for ...VOM. Gee! Was I surprised? And delighted! "After I returned to Newcastle I helped form a club, and at least 2 of us are coming to Denver. I am looking forward to meeting all the swell guys and gals there, again. " On to Rome--oops! Denver. On to Mars! Down with the hordes of Ghu-ghu. Hail Foo! Fite 2 make the world safe for science-fiction. We will not expect any peace dictated by Ghu! We are united solidly behind a common effort. Fooism shall not perish from the Earth! " (Inclosed is a dime, please send me a VOM.) " Incidentally, could you tell me who is the originator of Foo? Would that be Jack Speer? What's his address? (Pogo is the Hi Priestess of All FOO & Gakspiro-de-Foo Her Royal Gen'l, whose adres is 3416 Northampton NW, Wn/DC) -- Your Beauty and the Bugle cover was a good idea. Well done. Sets the mag off for a mile! She must be Miss Stf. of 1941. Well, all for now. Goodluck to you co-eds, and to VOM. " Yours until Amazing has trimmed edges and the World's safe for Foo-Foo. " ~You can print this if you want to. If not, toss it right out in the pacific. HA-HA." ELMER C PERDUE, ordering some back nos. of Novacious pubs on "Jan. 10, F41", "10% Discount to slans, starbegots, &/or odjons? Let's go into that a little more fully. "Slan, yes. Why the ding-dong did you think I let my hair grow long, if not to avoid the danger of an accidental snippage by a careless barber of the highly sensitive tendrils? "Starbegotten, no. Mother never was on the stage. I, personally, was on it for a short while, but that's not begotten. "Odd Johns--this takes a little figuring. Remember, how one of the Asiatic members of the colony had two thumbs on each hand? Well, I've only two thumbs on one hand-- which makes me 1/2 Odd John. "Average between 1, 0, and 1/2 is equal to 1/2." Philip A. Schumann Editor Centaur, "A Woeful PUblication", 2767 N 41, Milwaukee, Wisc. whisks into our pgs with: "Ahhh, VoM. What did Brazier mean by not letting me know about VoM be4 I had to see 4 myself? It is xlnt.
Hevelin Fanzines