Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 4, Summer 1945
Page 9
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 9 '' Here you have a choice of methods: insert your self praise in a genteel, subtle manner or come right out and shout, 'I'm a genius!' The latter method if more direct and has it's good points, but a strict adherence to the former will surround you with a saintly aura of modesty. '' Obviously, the next step is to get the article printed. If you publish a fan magazine your problem is solved, and if you don't (Kar Sitvas, my Venusian advisor, thinks I'm crazy to put this in, but there must be at least one fan who doesn't edit a fan publication) you can always bribe some unsuspecting editor to accept it. Take a twenty-five year subscription to his magazine, if necessary, but get the thing into print. '' Now sit down and write six or seven articles--each of these to be a rehash of the first. Make that phrase, 'I'm a genius!' ring in your reader's ears; don't let him lose sight of it for even one moment. (In the event that this portion of the lesson is a bit hazy, see a copy of 'Mein Kampf' by one A. Hitler for a more detailed description of the fine points of propaganda.) '' At long last your task is finished. And does fandom now accept you at your word--does it truly believe that you are a genius? Of course not! But you do. And since you're a genius and are naturally the most brilliant person you know, your opinion is indisputable. '' A note of warning: this course is not recommended if you happen to be twins, for the plural of genius is genii. This is bound to remind you of genie (not with the light brown hair), which is merely another way of spelling jinni. And who wants to be one of those things, particularly after reading L. Ron Hubbard's description of them?" (Ole Massa Hubbard...did Ron to the cupboard...for a dress, so matter how teenie. When he got there...the cupboard was bare...& so--we guess--was Jeannie!) [Illustration of a devil's head with ED on the left and CHAMBERLAIN on the right.] Joe J-40 Director the Golden Gate Futurians, from 1836 -- 39 Ave, Oakland, Cal, on 28 Mar gave us a 2-pg report on last Vom. Sorry we have to resort to a little snipping, 2j, but'll try not to drop anything vital along the way. "Whow! Forry, you sure were some kid all right. That'll remain one of my favorite covers for some time. '' I really got a riotous roar out of the contents page this time, and, stating my conclusion first, this issue I believe is the best that you have ever published -- definitely! Heh-heh-heh...W. T. Bell's picture looks like the impression Lew and I have of Tom Wright. Did I thank you for my dummy of the glamours gal issue? It may not be as neat as Tom so loudly laments, but it sure is colorful -- just as messy as one of the Merky dum-dums. And I still chortle with glee at good old Bob. Yeh, and lamp that mug Schmarjo; didja read that letter of his in the latest Spaceways? (#19) Hah, this kids a reg'lar Cap Foocher advocate, I betcha. '' Prophot of FooFoo, hunh? Loss of GhuGhu, eh? Tossup of PooPoo, hanh? Well, just take a tip from your old Faucet of WooWoo, Mr. Arty Witty: I thoroughly agree with you. Fooled you, didn't I, Art? Ya see, I'm restraining from any plugs whatsoever, unless it happens to be breathless news (they'd be baited plugs, eh Forry). But before I forget it: TWIN CITIES STAGE NEXT-CON! OAKLAND IN 1942! FRISCO IN 1942!
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 9 '' Here you have a choice of methods: insert your self praise in a genteel, subtle manner or come right out and shout, 'I'm a genius!' The latter method if more direct and has it's good points, but a strict adherence to the former will surround you with a saintly aura of modesty. '' Obviously, the next step is to get the article printed. If you publish a fan magazine your problem is solved, and if you don't (Kar Sitvas, my Venusian advisor, thinks I'm crazy to put this in, but there must be at least one fan who doesn't edit a fan publication) you can always bribe some unsuspecting editor to accept it. Take a twenty-five year subscription to his magazine, if necessary, but get the thing into print. '' Now sit down and write six or seven articles--each of these to be a rehash of the first. Make that phrase, 'I'm a genius!' ring in your reader's ears; don't let him lose sight of it for even one moment. (In the event that this portion of the lesson is a bit hazy, see a copy of 'Mein Kampf' by one A. Hitler for a more detailed description of the fine points of propaganda.) '' At long last your task is finished. And does fandom now accept you at your word--does it truly believe that you are a genius? Of course not! But you do. And since you're a genius and are naturally the most brilliant person you know, your opinion is indisputable. '' A note of warning: this course is not recommended if you happen to be twins, for the plural of genius is genii. This is bound to remind you of genie (not with the light brown hair), which is merely another way of spelling jinni. And who wants to be one of those things, particularly after reading L. Ron Hubbard's description of them?" (Ole Massa Hubbard...did Ron to the cupboard...for a dress, so matter how teenie. When he got there...the cupboard was bare...& so--we guess--was Jeannie!) [Illustration of a devil's head with ED on the left and CHAMBERLAIN on the right.] Joe J-40 Director the Golden Gate Futurians, from 1836 -- 39 Ave, Oakland, Cal, on 28 Mar gave us a 2-pg report on last Vom. Sorry we have to resort to a little snipping, 2j, but'll try not to drop anything vital along the way. "Whow! Forry, you sure were some kid all right. That'll remain one of my favorite covers for some time. '' I really got a riotous roar out of the contents page this time, and, stating my conclusion first, this issue I believe is the best that you have ever published -- definitely! Heh-heh-heh...W. T. Bell's picture looks like the impression Lew and I have of Tom Wright. Did I thank you for my dummy of the glamours gal issue? It may not be as neat as Tom so loudly laments, but it sure is colorful -- just as messy as one of the Merky dum-dums. And I still chortle with glee at good old Bob. Yeh, and lamp that mug Schmarjo; didja read that letter of his in the latest Spaceways? (#19) Hah, this kids a reg'lar Cap Foocher advocate, I betcha. '' Prophot of FooFoo, hunh? Loss of GhuGhu, eh? Tossup of PooPoo, hanh? Well, just take a tip from your old Faucet of WooWoo, Mr. Arty Witty: I thoroughly agree with you. Fooled you, didn't I, Art? Ya see, I'm restraining from any plugs whatsoever, unless it happens to be breathless news (they'd be baited plugs, eh Forry). But before I forget it: TWIN CITIES STAGE NEXT-CON! OAKLAND IN 1942! FRISCO IN 1942!
Hevelin Fanzines